An Appeal to Posters - Players’names | Page 2 | The Boneyard

An Appeal to Posters - Players’names

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O sol nascerá amanhã.
Dec 21, 2017
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There is a simple middle ground, common in legal, business, and academic writing: For the first use, give the full name and initials, and subsequently use the initials.

Example: Mickey Mantle (MM) was a great slugger. MM and Roger Maris clubbed almost as many homers as…


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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I'm with @Zinethar on this. I use initials for two reasons: I post on a phone and it goes faster and, more importantly, I don't remember the spelling of a lot of the names and fear the wrath of the spelling police.
Put the players names in your dictionary. THere are only 11 of them, it won‘t take long
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A potential star is born from the dust over time
Aug 25, 2013
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I have enough problem finding my keys and my coffee i layed down somewhere, then trying to figure out who is Caroline Doty,CD2,Crystal Dangerfield or Caroline Ducharme abbreviated!!
Nov 22, 2017
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I have enough problem finding my keys and my coffee i layed down somewhere, then trying to figure out who is Caroline Doty,CD2,Crystal Dangerfield or Caroline Ducharme abbreviated!!
Actually C D= Chris Dailey, C D 2 is Caroline Doty, C D 3=Crystal Dangerfield,, and C D 4= Caroline Ducharme. Just For your information (FYI).

Actually trying to type this I discovered that apparently somewhere there now is a translater that changes the last 2 of these to the full name when typed. Boy would that eliminate all the issues!


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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I know a lot of the abbreviations, going to be 76, but as @veryolddog points out, there are a lot I have no idea what they are saying.
I completely understand your position. My take on this is if you are going to take the time to compose a comment, take an extra moment or two to spell out the names of people referenced in your post. You want everyone that reads your post to completely understand the point you are trying to make. I agree with veryolddog in that we should not assume that others know who or what you're referring to when you use initials.

I read a post here a few months back that referred to players on another team. The poster used initials in reference to the players. I had no idea who the poster was referring to. He/she missed me because I lost interest in the comment because I didn't know who was being referred to.

I’m conscious of not using initials or abbreviations in my posts, and pledge to remain vigilant in that regard.

I want readers to be able to completely understand my comments whether they agree with them or not. We must remember that we are getting new people to the vineyard everyday. I want them to be able to understand my comment. They will if I don't use initials or abreviations.

Veryolddog, I for one will try to comply with your request. It's not an unreasonable one. I’m not quite as old as you, but I’m in the neighborhood. I feel you. :) And an early happy 80th birthday greeting to you.
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That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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As a decidedly older dog I tend to type on a computer rather than a phone because I take forever on those things and it tends to change my beautifully crafted words to something entirely different. I'm guilty of using abbreviation for players names because I generally have no idea how to spell some of them and get called out here when I (or my phone correction) type it wrong. I'll do my best.
Zinethar, you’ve got a witness. I type 80% of my comments on my phone as I’m doing now. I have “Grammarly” installed on my phone. It changes words I type more often than I like. I could remove it, but it does come in handy as I was not an English major in college. I’m extremely careful now to carefully proof read my comments before I press send.
Sep 12, 2011
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This has come up in the past... My response ...
My only suggestion would be to print the initials list Nan provided at the beginning of the season.
The narrative has changed, from Nan people are wasting more time typing out their reasons for using initials than it would take to just type out the name.
Not attacking anyone here but the times have changed too fast. Communication technology and social media has far surpassed the education provided to those who grew up in the days of manual typewriters. ( I being one )

@veryolddog You got it from me at least first or last names from here on out. Thank you for your service to our country and may you enjoy many more UConn games / victories.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I have enough problem finding my keys and my coffee i layed down somewhere, then trying to figure out who is Caroline Doty,CD2,Crystal Dangerfield or Caroline Ducharme abbreviated!!
If they’re talking about the current team it’s a fair bet it’s Caroline DuCharme.

You’re welcome.


Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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I have no problem trying. I actually use only 2 commonly - DT and CD (the Rutgers grad). It is because - and I hate admitting this - but I don't offhand necessarily spell their last names correctly and the initials seemed in common use - but, like the many others that I don't abbreviate, I can look it up each time.
Dec 4, 2020
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Look,....I am 79 and going to be 80 in a few months. A lot of folks in my age group especially me do not understand the abreviations, initials of players names, the special initials of expressions, nor can I remember all of this from thread to thread. My gereration, during and post WWII, remembers the 50's, 60's and 70's music, events, and players of the time. We are just not up on our knowledge of celebreties, and special arrangement of letters. Frankly, as an illustration, Frank Sinatra was the greatest singer of all time in my opinion.

I would greatly appreciate it if you would say what you mean in plain English, in your introductions of the post and in the first paragraph of the post. I would also appreciate that if you are going to use an initial that you spell it out and place the initial after the spell out for both a name and an expression. Do not ASSume that others know what you are talking about with your use of an abbreviation. I would also appreciate that that the monitors would endorse this request.

A short story: I spent 2 consecutie years in Viet Nam. No tv, no newspapers, no outside information except for a letter from a dear one. I was in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) just short of the North Viet Nam border. When I returned to the United States of America (USA), I could not believe the changes and new information that had taken place. Everything was new. That is how your generational conversations and abbreviations seem to me and others like me.

thanks for your help.
Sorry but will all due respect, do you not think you should then take your on advice?? WWII, TV?? what do you mean by ASSume??? Also Viet Nam does not exist.

I think you are probably a very intelligent person who could, inside 3 minutes learn all the abbreviations and nicknames. How do you keep what Geno when he constantly refers to D, CD, E, Lou, J, Liv, among many others?

You could keep a little cheat sheet also, but I suspect after 5 minutes, you will not need it anymore. I do that sometimes as well, not on this board but elsewhere. I can make one for you as well but it might be interesting for you to know the nicknames and abbreviations. For example, a few years ago, it took me a few seconds to figure out who E and a bit longer on who J was when Geno was giving an interview. But I was happy to figure it out...

Also and most importantly, thank you for your service and happy early 80th birthday.
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Apr 11, 2020
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OK (is that an abbreviation?), I had to google it.



Humanity Hiker
Oct 1, 2011
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My naming convention always has been as follows. I use the full last names in most cases. I use last names to treat the players as athletes in traditional fashion, Mantle not Mickey, etc.

The exceptions occur with hyphenated names, where I will use acronyms like ONO or KML.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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I think you are probably a very intelligent person who could, inside 3 minutes learn all the abbreviations and nicknames. How do you keep what Geno when he constantly refers to D, CD, E, Lou, J, Liv, among many others?

You could keep a little cheat sheet also, but I suspect after 5 minutes, you will not need it anymore. I do that sometimes as well, not on this board but elsewhere. I can make one for you as well but it might be interesting for you to know the nicknames and abbreviations. For example, a few years ago, it took me a few seconds to figure out who E and a bit longer on who J was when Geno was giving an interview. But I was happy to figure it out...
I am guessing that you’re nowhere near 80 or even 60 if you can make those statements. As you age, your brain slows down and it’s not unusual to struggle to remember names or common words. The ability to learn decreases with age, too. See this link. Memory Problems: What is Normal Aging and What is Not?

How about ratcheting back the snark and make an attempt to understand @veryolddog ’s problem? How about a little compassion, too? I’d get angrier with your apparent lack of concern for people except that you will find out exactly what I’m talking about some day and I take no joy in it. It’s mortifying to scramble to remember friends’ names or the name of a restaurant we went to just last week. Having people tell us to just spend 3 minutes to memorize facts is rather cold.
Aug 26, 2011
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I understand where you are coming from @veryolddog but the use of non words, IMO, is due to the popularity of texting. It appears that when texting, people say as much as they can using as few letters as possible, possibly due to data charges (in the olde days). But here on the Boneyard, there doesn't seem to be a character limit on posts, so that should not be a reason to use abbreviations, made up "names" and so on. And if there is a limit and your post reaches it, you probably should have stopped typing 5 minutes ago.
is there a way for the site to auto convert the acronyms to names?
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