However they are different, Nadav, Giffey, and Karaban make fundamental plays that lead to winning.
Nadav had the major deep shots that gave us the key back to back home wins vs Syracuse and Georgetown at the HCC that has always stayed with me as the key marker that we were a program to be reckoned with. His passing lane anticipation I still haven't seen from any player over the past 30 years. Most guys with a lot of steals get them with quickness. Nadav was all IQ. Karaban does many things better than Nadav but not that. I think my very first post on Karaban I may have mentioned or compared him to Giffey as a senior. That's because Giffey came in at 6'6/6'5 with a game comparable to Jamaal Coombs-McDaniel. He literally grew while he was at UConn. Freshman Giffey to freshman Karaban isn't useful.
If you watch the Karaban highlight video around post #10 in this thread, you are actually watching what you would see in person on every occasion I have seen him, (about 6x live). He impacts every possession he is in the game. Sometimes it is subtle by disallowing an entry pass an entire possession, and often it is in the highlight reel. Hawkins seems to glide and pick his spots, Karaban influences every offensive and defensive possession somehow. He doesn't make everything, but I never saw him go cold or miss bunnies. Just read what analysts have said that is posted in this thread. The kid is effective.
Don't overthink techniques, form, etc. The winning and the personal numbers are there game after game against the best competition there is. Yeah rah rah staff. Give me a K...