ACC | Page 32 | The Boneyard


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predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I'll send $5 to the first person who can actually make sense out of whatever the duck* Dan is talking about now.

$5 to make sense out of that?!? Seriously? Why don't you offer me $3 to solve the national debt, or perhaps a buck-fifty to bring peace to the Middle East, because both would be exponentially easier...


Aug 24, 2011
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I'll send $5 to the first person who can actually make sense out of whatever the duck* Dan is talking about now. I'll throw in an additional $5 if Dan agrees to undergo a lobotomy or shock therapy or both.

i'll do the shock therapy


Aug 24, 2011
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maybe i might just delete this thread if some 1 offers me a bribe


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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maybe i might just delete this thread if some 1 offers me a bribe

However tempting this offer sounds, some things can't be erased from one's memory...


Aug 24, 2011
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i think its time i delete every single post of mine accept for the op in this thread. otherwise i feel that i'm bothering fishys well being.
Aug 24, 2011
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1) I don't see this being 3 games for long, and it may start at 7 games. If you are a network, and there is a playoff of some form out there, every other bowl game's value drops dramatically. Who wants to watch the Capital One Bowl when there is a playoff? Everything else just became the NIT. The interest in bowls was dropping already, it will crater now. Sponsors will evaporate, the whole gig is up if there is a playoff. I bet many of the mid-range bowls fold up shop over night. Why bother?.

Your logic puzzles me sometimes. You know, right, that rather than just go away the NIT was actually sold to the NCAA a few years ago? You know that there are two relatively new sub-NIT tournaments?

A playoff absolutely devalues all bowls. But makes them go away? Why?


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Just saw a quote from delaney that the Rose Bowl is not going to stand in the way of a playoff. Must be a lot of favors and/or dollars being thrown around to keep those guys quiet. This is some Yalta conference level negotiating going on.

(because it's inevitable that someone else is going to make this joke I'll do it first - UConn to the Yalta Conference!)


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't think the rest of the bowls will change at all. Maybe the venues if the Rose and Cotton bid upstream.

The major conferences will still have a bowl alignment providing their best available teams. These lesser bowls will pay much less than the current BCS but be based on similar criteria--9 guaranteed slots and .

The BiG #2 and PAC #2 will matchup.
The SEC #2 and B12 #2.
The SEC #3 and ACC #1
The B1G #3 and BE #1 or ND.
B12 #3 and PAC#3 or wildcard

The rest are ESPN's vanity bowl series.


Aug 24, 2011
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8 team playoff with the big 5 getting auto bids
15 other bowl games for the next best 30 teams

why not?
Feb 10, 2012
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I don't believe those schools would abandom ship unless they knew for certain the Big12 was dead. It's easy for us to speculate...
I just don't think those schools would have left with the possibility of the Big12 surviving. If it was the Big10 calling instead of the Big East, probably.
Teams don't move down the pecking order of conferences unless they are out of options. until Texas and OK said they were officially out, they had options. Doesn't matter of Marinatto gave them a 1 hour window.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Rumors out there on FSU and WVU message boards that the ACC is taking ESPN to arbitration in a bid to get $18MM/school. Anyone think the Big East is still #1 on ESPN's s*** list?

Edit: WVU "insider" on scout also saying that FSU wants Clemson, Miami and GTech to come with them.
Aug 26, 2011
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Rumors out there on FSU and WVU message boards that the ACC is taking ESPN to arbitration in a bid to get $18MM/school. Anyone think the Big East is still #1 on ESPN's s*** list?

Edit: WVU "insider" on scout also saying that FSU wants Clemson, Miami and GTech to come with them.

I find the Miami and GTech rumor suspect. I'm not sure Tech really cares much about sports and Miami is a small private with an empty stadium. I am beginning to think Miami will slip further and further.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I find the Miami and GTech rumor suspect. I'm not sure Tech really cares much about sports and Miami is a small private with an empty stadium. I am beginning to think Miami will slip further and further.

Agree on both counts, but if FSU and Clemson are walking out the door anyway, GTech and Miami's options get real ugly, real fast. I think both want to remain major conference schools but aren't committed to being top programs. Tagging along with FSU is the right move in that situation.

I suspect FSU and Clemson's motives are a) both recruit Georgia and south Florida, b) both want regional rivals, and c) give the SEC the finger for their "gentlemen's agreement" never to invite schools from Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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Agree on both counts, but if FSU and Clemson are walking out the door anyway, GTech and Miami's options get real ugly, real fast. I think both want to remain major conference schools but aren't committed to being top programs. Tagging along with FSU is the right move in that situation.

I suspect FSU and Clemson's motives are a) both recruit Georgia and south Florida, b) both want regional rivals, and c) give the SEC the finger for their "gentlemen's agreement" never to invite schools from Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina.

The FSU, Clemson, G Tech rumors are the standard "add 3 states to the B12" Footprint argument. That's where Lousville has their best chance as a 14th in that scenario. At that point the North Carolina teams are gone eventually as well as V Tech and Miami as they pimp and preen for the SEC to take 2 leaving the other 2 to fall into the B12.
Sep 20, 2011
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I would love to think that the writing is on the wall regarding the ACC. They are in the danger zone due to the attractiveness of their members and the undervaluation of their TV contract. There is really nothing they can do. If they are taking ESPN to arbitration that is a bad sign for them. They more than likely can't win the fight either. ESPN will argue they are giving them a fair increase relative to the value of their current contract and that the other recently signed conference contracts have little to do with how much the ACC should be compensated. There is absolutely no reason why FSU, Clemson, GTech, and Miami would not jump ship right now. The money is simply too good. There is also no reason why the B12 would be interested in Louisville or BYU if they can pry away those 4 ACC teams.

If this happens the SEC and B!G will certainly move in for the kill picking off UNC, NC State, Maryland, Virginia, and VTech. I could see the B!G taking UNC, Maryland, Virginia, and Duke to keep that old gang together and move into the mid-atlantic region in a big way. NC State and VTech would be headed to the SEC and WF and BC would be SOL. Cuse and Pitt would more than likely never leave the Big East. However doubtful this scenario seems, the money that those schools are leaving on the table by remaining in the ACC could just be too much to overcome.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Rumors, which seem to be coming from multiple "insider" sources, that Swofford has jacked his demand to $315MM (or at least a very big number) a year for the ACC. The league is at $155 million right now, albeit with 12 members.

This says to me that his nuts are in a vise and he is going to lose some teams if he doesn't shoot for the stars. This may explain why the ACC is planning on going to arbitration, because the ACC deal will be worth more than the ACC and Big East deals would have been worth combined if ESPN had simply negotiated with the Big East in good faith. At $80MM per year each, Pitt and Syracuse could turn into the two most expensive expansion additions in college history.

Or ESPN could just gut the ACC. What do you think they will do?


Aug 24, 2011
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Rumors, which seem to be coming from multiple "insider" sources, that Swofford has jacked his demand to $315MM (or at least a very big number) a year for the ACC. The league is at $155 million right now, albeit with 12 members.

This says to me that his nuts are in a vise and he is going to lose some teams if he doesn't shoot for the stars. This may explain why the ACC is planning on going to arbitration, because the ACC deal will be worth more than the ACC and Big East deals would have been worth combined if ESPN had simply negotiated with the Big East in good faith. At $80MM per year each, Pitt and Syracuse could turn into the two most expensive expansion additions in college history.

Or ESPN could just gut the ACC. What do you think they will do?

I think they will gut the ACC.
Sep 26, 2011
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Rumors, which seem to be coming from multiple "insider" sources, that Swofford has jacked his demand to $315MM (or at least a very big number) a year for the ACC. The league is at $155 million right now, albeit with 12 members.

This says to me that his nuts are in a vise and he is going to lose some teams if he doesn't shoot for the stars. This may explain why the ACC is planning on going to arbitration, because the ACC deal will be worth more than the ACC and Big East deals would have been worth combined if ESPN had simply negotiated with the Big East in good faith. At $80MM per year each, Pitt and Syracuse could turn into the two most expensive expansion additions in college history.

Or ESPN could just gut the ACC. What do you think they will do?

I think the ACC's best chance is to scare ESPN out of arbitration. ESPN won't be afraid of losing in arbitration (the reason baseball teams are afraid to mediate with players). They'll be afraid of what they'll have to do in order to win in arbitration. They will have to destroy the ACC, arguing that the basketball is two teams and a bunch of Washington Generals, and football is slightly better than Texas high school level (but without the fans). They wind up devaluing their own product. Then it gets devalued further when a few (or more) of the teams leave. Also, if the ACC gets desperate, they could pull out the "but you told us to destroy the Big East and you'd make it worth our while" argument.

I fully admit that I haven't looked at the ACC's contract. I don't know if their arbitration clause has a confidentiality provision, which might temper some of ESPN's problems with a more public arbitration. Then again, the sunshine laws for the state schools involved might cancel out the benefit of a confidentiality clause anyway. I guess I'm only really responding so I can say I posted in this thread.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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The benchmark on the ACC deal is probably $210MM annually (14 schools x $15MM/school which ESPN already appears to have agreed to as part of the raid of the Big East). ESPN could take Clemson and FSU at $22.5 each (est.) and put them in the Big 12, and reduce the ACC contract by at least $30MM for the two lost teams, for a net cost to ESPN of $15MM per year, some of which will be picked up by Fox. In return, ESPN will increase the value of Clemson and FSU by giving them better matchups on a weekly basis.

Or ESPN could pay the ACC another $105MM a year. The difference, $90MM, would be an incremental ANNUAL cost, so the total cost over the contract would be an incremental $900 million to ESPN. Is ESPN really feeling that generous?

The only way ESPN budges is if they still want the rest of the ACC and decide that FSU and Clemson are more valuable to ESPN within the ACC than they are in the Big 12. Is all that worth $900MM?
Aug 29, 2011
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I think that the ACC leadership is very nervous, that the Big East may land a deal come 2013, with a competiting network to ESPN, that is better than what ESPN has in place for the ACC.

Crazy huh? i've been called crazy before. But it just might happen.

THe big east gets to meet with ESPN for contract renewal negotiations starting in September 2012, right after we give UMass their introduction to big boy football, and if nothing is done by November I believe, the Big East becomes a free agent.
Feb 10, 2012
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I think Umass has played the 'big boys'
I think that the ACC leadership is very nervous, that the Big East may land a deal come 2013, with a competiting network to ESPN, that is better than what ESPN has in place for the ACC.

Crazy huh? i've been called crazy before. But it just might happen.

THe big east gets to meet with ESPN for contract renewal negotiations starting in September 2012, right after we give UMass their introduction to big boy football, and if nothing is done by November I believe, the Big East becomes a free agent.
I think Umass has played the big boys... They were very competitive with Michigan a few years back.
We should win that game, but I think it could be closer than people think. we're almost in a no win situation for that game. We lose it's a disaster. We win big and people will say 'well it's Umass' first season at this level'... We win a close game and people will say 'wow, Uconn isn't very good, barely beating Umass in it's first season at D1)...

And that's people on this board...


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think that the ACC leadership is very nervous, that the Big East may land a deal come 2013, with a competiting network to ESPN, that is better than what ESPN has in place for the ACC.

Crazy huh? i've been called crazy before. But it just might happen.

Crazy? Yes. But never for writing so few words :)


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think the ACC's best chance is to scare ESPN out of arbitration..

I'm sure the ACC has media consultants arguing otherwise.
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