ACC wants UConn if ND comes too | Page 2 | The Boneyard

ACC wants UConn if ND comes too

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Aug 27, 2011
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Penn State is interested in RU to the ten. The ten has fully vetted RU, decided not to take them last year. They are holding out for ND (duh) and Texas. But RU has its bags packed, sitting by telephone.
Aug 27, 2011
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It isn't UConn or Herbst that has destabilized the Big East. Perhaps Oliver Luck should go public again about the SEC. Or the RU contingent should speak out loud about what a mutual great fit it is between them and the Big 10. If Herbst personally told every president in the Big East, that UConn was staying, that would not keep ANY one of them from leaving themselves if ANY other BCS league came calling, including the Big 12. You think the Big East football schools are excited about the service academies and East Carolina? Every one is just buying time, and why I think they are going to play tough with PItt and SU regarding the 27 month exit notice.
Thank you.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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It isn't UConn or Herbst that has destabilized the Big East. Perhaps Oliver Luck should go public again about the SEC. Or the RU contingent should speak out loud about what a mutual great fit it is between them and the Big 10. If Herbst personally told every president in the Big East, that UConn was staying, that would not keep ANY one of them from leaving themselves if ANY other BCS league came calling, including the Big 12. You think the Big East football schools are excited about the service academies and East Carolina? Every one is just buying time, and why I think they are going to play tough with PItt and SU regarding the 27 month exit notice.

I think if the Big East can get a decent contract from Comcast, which I think it will if it sticks together, the Presidents would absolutely stick together. The reason everyone has their bags packed is because no one trusts each other. Sorting that out would calm a lot of fears and enable the Big East to rebuild. Stoking those fears in the prayer that a scumbag like Swofford comes to our rescue when every action of the man is to work towards our destruction, is the height of stupidity.


We are UConn!! 6 >>>1!
Aug 24, 2011
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It isn't UConn or Herbst that has destabilized the Big East. Perhaps Oliver Luck should go public again about the SEC. Or the RU contingent should speak out loud about what a mutual great fit it is between them and the Big 10. If Herbst personally told every president in the Big East, that UConn was staying, that would not keep ANY one of them from leaving themselves if ANY other BCS league came calling, including the Big 12. You think the Big East football schools are excited about the service academies and East Carolina? Every one is just buying time, and why I think they are going to play tough with PItt and SU regarding the 27 month exit notice.
Aug 29, 2011
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Swofford's golden egg would be to get ND and then have Penn St switch to the ACC. If and when ND decides that they are interested in the ACC, the first call will not be to UConn, but to Penn St. That is a given. Swofford will keep UConn and Rutgers on a string for as long as it takes to burn through all other options. The only thing that will force him to move would be the SEC taking an ACC team, or the B1G making offers to Rutgers and UConn. There is no reason for Swofford to make a move now unless he fears a B1G preemptive move.

Always thought the B1G could take Missouri, UConn and Rutgers to go to 14 and that would leave them a 15 and 16 spot open for an ND/BC package. ND could then play in NYC and Boston every other year.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think if the Big East can get a decent contract from Comcast, which I think it will if it sticks together, the Presidents would absolutely stick together. The reason everyone has their bags packed is because no one trusts each other. Sorting that out would calm a lot of fears and enable the Big East to rebuild. Stoking those fears in the prayer that a scumbag like Swofford comes to our rescue when every action of the man is to work towards our destruction, is the height of stupidity.
Problem is, those promises should have been made before Pitt/SU left. Instead you had luck ranting about the SEC and prior to that you had RU with their Big 10 pipe dream. You also had the BBall schools attempting to block any football expansion that didn't have Nova in it. Too much discord when things were good, now that things are bad you expect everyone to hold hands ans sing kumbaya? For better or worse, I think you are going to see the Big East return to a pure basketball league in the not too distant future. With what is left in the Big East, no matter who you add, there is no gaurantee that you will have the BCS bid going forward, if that happens what' the point?
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't agree. The ACC made it's move because they believed the Big 12 was breaking up. They offered two clubs that were primed to jump. I believe the ACC is interested in UConn too, but weren't offering because they don't want make an offer for one school without offering another, ie: with ND or more likely RU.

Had the ACC known that that the Big 12 was going to stay together I don't think they would have felt compelled to offer Pitt and the Cuse right now. Had the Big 12 collapsed, it would have been a race to snap up the desired schools with an eye to expanding the geographic footprint. Pitt and SU were deemed to be considered as viable options for the B1G, so they went first. The only reason UConn is left standing is because it's only natural partner (besides ND, I guess) is Rutgers which isn't as highly desired.

A strong, vibrant Big East is a pipe dream. The football schools have been behind the eight ball because they have tried to hang with the non football schools. It has been a mistake and will continue to be a mistake going forward. UConn has options. No, we can't write our own ticket but the only reason we aren't already snapped up is because we don't have a strong partner that we are paired with.

Nice summary Funster! A couple points I'd add are that Pitt was supposedly the Big 12's first pick to replace TAM. Sowith the ACC knowing that Pitt could be off the board very quickly, they made them a prioity.

Additionally, the desire of the ACC seems clear as well, to expand into the northeast. Pitt and Syracuse meet that goal, UConn and Rutgers as well (assuming ND rejects the ACC overture, which is highly likely IMO). This would sew up the NY metro area and should help strengthen a declining BC program by bringing regional rivalries back. Though they may have jumped the gun, the ACC did not want to be in a position of weakness, by waiting for someone else to move first. Unfortunately, the BE commissioner did not have such a plan in place.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Problem is, those promises should have been made before Pitt/SU left. Instead you had luck ranting about the SEC and prior to that you had RU with their Big 10 pipe dream. You also had the BBall schools attempting to block any football expansion that didn't have Nova in it. Too much discord when things were good, now that things are bad you expect everyone to hold hands ans sing kumbaya? For better or worse, I think you are going to see the Big East return to a pure basketball league in the not too distant future. With what is left in the Big East, no matter who you add, there is no gaurantee that you will have the BCS bid going forward, if that happens what' the point?

Luck screwed up, I will not dispute that. I think he started it. I disagree on the hoops schools having any impact. The football schools could have split any time they wanted with no penalty, so any criticism of the hoops schools is a false argument. Villanova was rejected for admission to the football league. What else would you want? A double secret rejection? Why would the league add anyone other than TCU, who could have had other choices, a year before negotiations on a TV deal?

Are you arguing that losing Pitt and Syracuse will cost us a BCS bid? Do you realize that our BCS formulas are actually much stronger without Syracuse and with TCU?

Pitt and Syracuse screwed everyone. I don't buy the "blame the victim" arguments.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Nice summary Funster! A couple points I'd add are that Pitt was supposedly the Big 12's first pick to replace TAM. Sowith the ACC knowing that Pitt could be off the board very quickly, they made them a prioity.

Additionally, the desire of the ACC seems clear as well, to expand into the northeast. Pitt and Syracuse meet that goal, UConn and Rutgers as well (assuming ND rejects the ACC overture, which is highly likely IMO). This would sew up the NY metro area and should help strengthen a declining BC program by bringing regional rivalries back. Though they may have jumped the gun, the ACC did not want to be in a position of weakness, by waiting for someone else to move first. Unfortunately, the BE commissioner did not have such a plan in place.

The ACC is never adding UConn and Rutgers. But hey, let's keep the dream alive.
Aug 27, 2011
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Are you arguing that losing Pitt and Syracuse will cost us a BCS bid? Do you realize that our BCS formulas are actually much stronger without Syracuse and with TCU?

This is the absolute correct analysis regarding the BCS formula. The league, with a few additions (that I understand nobody likes) will be stronger from a formula standpoint with newcomers ECU and UCF than it would be with Pitt and Syracuse. So, properly structured, a new league, with the help of some political pressure, keeps the AQ. That should be the goal. This allows football to continue to improve. And if you ever want to advance up the ladder, football has to improve. Without an AQ, football degenerates around here. Maybe not at UCF or TCU, but around here (up North) it will.
Aug 26, 2011
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That is the key argument. The football schools SHOULD have split. It is sad that a leader did mot emerge among the Football school presidents and rallied them together. There were whispers about a 12 and twenty model. There were also rumors that the bball schools didn't want this. The hybrid league was destined to fail and now it has. Don't know how you can continue to believe that TCU will ever play a game in the big east.
Aug 24, 2011
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A few points.

1. Yes, Waylon, people do want a double secret rejection of 'Nova, along with the Catholic schools publicy admitting that they are an embarassment to institutions of learning and basketball and apologize. Short of that, many here will see the failure of the league to get them to do that as failure.

2. Waylon -- look, you may be right that we won't get an ACC invite. But you are starting to be the TDH of that point. There is more than enough smoke, and circumstantial evidence, that us going to the ACC is a real possibility that it's personally rational for people to be discussing this. If you're right, you can brag about it later. But stop with the Debbie Downer crap -- it's not adding anything.

3. Having said that, we can not afford to place all our eggs in one basket. We need to be working to rebuild the Big East the best it can be rebuilt, even knowing that it's a question of when it falls apart, not if, to buy us time if an invite isn't coming.

4. This idea to spin the football schools off to pressure ND is absurd. Let me get this straight -- Cincy and USF, which need the Big East to survivie in the best form possible (which is going to include the Catholics for hoops) should give up the basketball alliance so that we can help pressure ND so that we can then abandon our partners? That would be far worse than what SU or Pitt did. But our partners aren't dumb enough to be letting us drive this bus anyway because, no matter what Herbst might say, they know there is a good chance we're history soon. (Of course, if they took Waylon's statements as gospel this would be easier).
Aug 27, 2011
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That is the key argument. The football schools SHOULD have split. It is sad that a leader did mot emerge among the Football school presidents and rallied them together. There were whispers about a 12 and twenty model. There were also rumors that the bball schools didn't want this. The hybrid league was destined to fail and now it has. Don't know how you can continue to believe that TCU will ever play a game in the big east.

Yep, yep, yep, and no. Texas is not in favor of TCU in their conference.
Aug 24, 2011
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Yep, yep, yep, and no. Texas is not in favor of TCU in their conference.

If TCU wasn't invited earlier, I don't see what has changed.

More importantly, unless the Big XII consists of idiots the last thing they want to do is destablize the Big EAst. That leads to the ACC moving to 16, which will lead to the Pac Ten following suit. If I'm the Big XII, I'm leaving the Big East alone. The XII already concluded they don't care about a championship game. So first choice is BYU, and second is probably Houston or Air Force.
Aug 27, 2011
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Don't agree BL. Cincy and USF are looking to jump also. It does not help them long term to stick with the onlies. It helps them short term, certainly. As you say, the outcome is "when" and not "if." Very true. So what do Cincy and USF have to gain by pretending?


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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Penn State is interested in RU to the ten. The ten has fully vetted RU, decided not to take them last year. They are holding out for ND (duh) and Texas. But RU has its bags packed, sitting by telephone.
Living in PA about 40 minutes from campus I can tell you that last year UConn had more support than Rutgers at PSU including JoePA according to most all of the lcoal scuttlebutt.
Aug 27, 2011
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OK. My point was PSU would like to move a little closer to the conference center. And it is not in favor of the ACC taking Uconn and RU and turning the whole area into ACC country. Which the ACC could do. The problem for FSU is that RU and Uconn are complete dilutions. Watered down beer. Lot's of moving pieces.
Aug 26, 2011
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What has changed in regards to TCU and the Big 12 is that A&M, is not going to be in it and Missouri might not be in it. Don't discount TCU staying in the MWC as well.

This hybrid league has not worked. The football side has been raided twice in eight years. What more evidence do you need?
Aug 24, 2011
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What has changed in regards to TCU and the Big 12 is that A&M, is not going to be in it and Missouri might not be in it. Don't discount TCU staying in the MWC as well.

This hybrid league has not worked. The football side has been raided twice in eight years. What more evidence do you need?

The fact that the Big East has been raided twice is simply not proof that the hybrid conference did not work. What is your control group? It is just as plausible a conclusion that we've been raided twice because we had the weakest market position and worst TV deal (what a shock that they go together) of all the BCS conferences.

If you care about logic and intellectual honestly, note that the Big East has successfully raided both CUSA and the Market West, neither of which were hybrids (but each of which had less market power).
Aug 26, 2011
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The fact that the Big East has been raided twice is simply not proof that the hybrid conference did not work. What is your control group? It is just as plausible a conclusion that we've been raided twice because we had the weakest market position and worst TV deal (what a shock that they go together) of all the BCS conferences.

If you care about logic and intellectual honestly, note that the Big East has successfully raided both CUSA and the Market West, neither of which were hybrids (but each of which had less market power).

That depends on what you mean by Hybrid. CUSA had basketball only members. Depaul and Marquette as a matter of fact.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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A few points.

1. Yes, Waylon, people do want a double secret rejection of 'Nova, along with the Catholic schools publicy admitting that they are an embarassment to institutions of learning and basketball and apologize. Short of that, many here will see the failure of the league to get them to do that as failure.

2. Waylon -- look, you may be right that we won't get an ACC invite. But you are starting to be the TDH of that point. There is more than enough smoke, and circumstantial evidence, that us going to the ACC is a real possibility that it's personally rational for people to be discussing this. If you're right, you can brag about it later. But stop with the Debbie Downer crap -- it's not adding anything.

3. Having said that, we can not afford to place all our eggs in one basket. We need to be working to rebuild the Big East the best it can be rebuilt, even knowing that it's a question of when it falls apart, not if, to buy us time if an invite isn't coming.

4. This idea to spin the football schools off to pressure ND is absurd. Let me get this straight -- Cincy and USF, which need the Big East to survivie in the best form possible (which is going to include the Catholics for hoops) should give up the basketball alliance so that we can help pressure ND so that we can then abandon our partners? That would be far worse than what SU or Pitt did. But our partners aren't dumb enough to be letting us drive this bus anyway because, no matter what Herbst might say, they know there is a good chance we're history soon. (Of course, if they took Waylon's statements as gospel this would be easier).

2) It is not being Debbie Downer. Debbie Downer is dumping all over the Big East because we lost two mediocre football programs. The Big East is our league, and if there is any prayer of ever getting into the ACC, it is dependent on making the Big East a regional power and UConn a very strong athletic program. That won't happen unless we shore up the league.

3) It doesn't have to be a question of when. This can be a very strong league.
Aug 26, 2011
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If Louisville, USF, WVU, Cincy, TCU and us stay together, I think we can be fine for a while. But we're taking an ACC invite if it ever comes.
Sep 3, 2011
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If Louisville, USF, WVU, Cincy, TCU and us stay together, I think we can be fine for a while. But we're taking an ACC invite if it ever comes.

I believe Big East schools will be asked to sign away its media rights like the Big 12 did for a certain period of time. So UConn (and the other schools) will probably be asked to sign a 3-5 year commitment to the league.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I believe Big East schools will be asked to sign away its media rights like the Big 12 did for a certain period of time. So UConn (and the other schools) will probably be asked to sign a 3-5 year commitment to the league.

I think that is a great strategy. And that restriction would continue no matter what league you were in, so if Louisville bails and joins the Big 12, they would owe the Big East their first 3-4 years of media rights, roughly $60 million.
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