Brenda just recently ”upped” her schedule by adding SC, other than that her other quality games were mandated by the variouts Big10 challenges. Cori has NOT scheduled tough for her OOC, just look back in Massey which does show back until 2017. Here is her pathetic 2020 schedule that you can scroll up or back by year at the top.
Massey Ratings - University of California, Los Angeles Bruins
Kelly did an ok job when he had Sabrina but now… who’s Lisa (Gonzaga?) and Aaron? Pat is deceased and Holly is unemployed so they no longer count. As far as the “booby prize”, got a mirror at your house?

So by my count it is Geno, Dawn (but she also has some really weak opponent), Jeff, Lisa who regularly plays PAC 12 schools but no one else of note. Tara not as strong as you would think (again with some really weak opponents) so maybe 4 on a regular basis. Hopefully Brenda keeps this up and adds to it and maybe Tara decides to add a few former PAC12 opponents to her OOC.