Orlovsky was raised by his father for the big moment. Except the scene was not as developed as it is now.Saw a picture the other day on Twitter. He has gotten a good amount taller. Hopefully this isn't a Marinovich situation where Darin burns out - playing at least at the FCS level seems realistic.
Orlovsky was raised by his father for the big moment. Except the scene was not as developed as it is now.
Saw a picture the other day on Twitter. He has gotten a good amount taller. Hopefully this isn't a Marinovich situation where Darin burns out - playing at least at the FCS level seems realistic.
I would have wanted a fire hydrant to start ahead of Whitmer.Great. In 6 years, we're going to hear Pal complain that he isn't getting a chance to start.
Pretty small for a QB....think this kid is destined for FCS or a position change.
Greenwich hasn't been that good since the Port Chester kids stopped going there. This 100% happened under AlbonizioI doubt he lied about his residency...he drove a car to school that had NY plates...how he was able to go there I have no idea...I do know that Coach Al lives near Port Chester HS (he was the HC at Port Chester before going to Greenwich...and came in 2nd for the PC job after he left Greenwich, only because his plan was to coach a few years and hand it over to the guy who actually ended up with the job) and used to frequent PC youth football. How he got kids to go to Greenwich HS I have no clue....I have been told that there was always a tuition trail.