ND winning the title certainly helps

, but I think there's a bit more to the pitch that MM and Niele have been making to Haley Jones and her parents.
"Archbishop Mitty High School is the Catholic, coeducational, college preparatory school of the Diocese of San Jose," begins its mission statement. "The School embraces the Catholic educational mission of developing community, teaching the message of the Gospels, and promoting service, peace, and justice. Through its rigorous academic program, the School prepares students for college and for responsible leadership in a global society."
Muffet is a product of Catholic education and from what I read Ms. Jones is a diligent, responsible student. Her visit to ND in late September (during a Stanford football weekend, ironically) will be interesting to see if Ms. Jones connects with a campus like ND, which promotes many of the same philosophies that Mitty does, or if she's ready to go in another direction while continuing her schooling and athletic career.
Stay tuned.