OT: Brady out for 4 and Pats lose a first round pick. Nm | Page 5 | The Boneyard

OT: Brady out for 4 and Pats lose a first round pick. Nm

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Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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The Patriots may not be innocent, but the possibility absolutely exists that the Wells Report frames a guilty man.
Aug 26, 2011
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Brady orchestrated the whole fiasco. The equipment guys did as he instructed.
Aug 28, 2011
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If you want to have an opinion on this whole thing you have to read all 60 pages of the wellsreportcontext.com .
if you dont' then please never ever have an opinion on this again. PERIOD.
It absolutely DESTROYS in detail every single argument the NFL has and makes the investigators and the NFL look like absolute fools.

even the absolute most biased fan ever against the patriots has to walk away from reading the report saying that the entire investigation was bullshit.
Aug 28, 2011
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The lengths to which some Patriots fans are going to rationalize the team's rebuttal to all of this is what is truly absurd. What I'm reading from Pats fans here and elsewhere is what I'd expect to hear from someone in middle school, not fully functioning adults. It's blatantly obvious that it happened and Brady knew. At this point, just go all in on the "the punishment doesn't fit the crime" argument because that's pretty much the only one left that doesn't have all non-Patriots fans rolling their eyes.

once you have read the patriots rebuttle, then please refute the points they made with well thought out counter arguments. I will be hear waiting to read them.
Aug 28, 2011
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Perhaps true, except it is actually consistent with the other reference in which he said, "Deflate and give somebody that jacket." Wells said that is a "possible suggestion to deflate footballs." Seriously? Deflate a football and give up your jacket. How does that make sense Ted? Anyone?

By contrast, "Lose weight and give somebody your over-sized jacket" actually makes sense.

Wells entire case is really based on that one "deflator" comment made in May of last year. It will take more than that to win a lawsuit.

wow. we have a poster that actually read the report instead of the one page ESPN article. it's a miracle
Aug 30, 2011
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once you have read the patriots rebuttle, then please refute the points they made with well thought out counter arguments. I will be hear waiting to read them.
All you need to realize that it happened and he knew were the text messages. And to be perfectly honest, I'm not going to give out a reasoned explanation because their "rebuttle" to those is absolutely laughable and reeks of BS. It actually made them look significantly more guilty by reaching to the lengths that they did to try to explain away what were pretty obvious references. I actually have trouble believing that any of you Patriots fans deep down believe that none of this is true and they were completely on the up and up.
Aug 30, 2011
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This reminds me of Penn State fans after their scandal. Everyone outside of Penn State realized that JoePa and the school administration were at least partially at fault. All the Penn State fans convinced themselves of absolutely anything they could in an attempt to clear his name.

Which is not at all to say that the transgressions are even remotely equivalent, just the actions of the supporters.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I have been a Dolphins fan since the late 60's, do I don't really care about the Pats. It mostly BS, but I'll be interested in seeing what happens to Brady's numbers once he returns from the suspension. He'll have to play with regulation balls, like it or not.

If he is close to his career average, fine. If not, I'll smile every time I see an asterisk on his stat sheet.
...because he performed so poorly in the second half of Colts game....


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I've read the report and the Patriots rebuttal makes them look even more ridiculous than they did before.
Disagree John. The Pats' rebuttal eviscerates the original reports. I'm starting to see some media commentators refer to the Wells report as "sketchy." That's not a good sign for those hoping the sanctions to remain in place.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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This reminds me of Penn State fans after their scandal. Everyone outside of Penn State realized that JoePa and the school administration were at least partially at fault. All the Penn State fans convinced themselves of absolutely anything they could in an attempt to clear his name.

Which is not at all to say that the transgressions are even remotely equivalent, just the actions of the supporters.
Interesting analogy. Just curious, what happened with the PSU sanctions?
Aug 28, 2011
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I've read the report and the Patriots rebuttal makes them look even more ridiculous than they did before.

explain to me which parts were ridiculous using quotes from the report. Other than that nothing you say has any meaning.
Aug 28, 2011
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All you need to realize that it happened and he knew were the text messages. And to be perfectly honest, I'm not going to give out a reasoned explanation because their "rebuttle" to those is absolutely laughable and reeks of BS. It actually made them look significantly more guilty by reaching to the lengths that they did to try to explain away what were pretty obvious references. I actually have trouble believing that any of you Patriots fans deep down believe that none of this is true and they were completely on the up and up.

No. you won't give me a reasoned explanation because you are a lazy troll.


Never not member
Sep 30, 2013
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The Patriots may not be innocent, but the possibility absolutely exists that the Wells Report frames a guilty man.

Best response yet.
Sep 16, 2011
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wow. we have a poster that actually read the report instead of the one page ESPN article. it's a m
I'm not going to take the time to spell everything out to a dullard like you, it was already pointed out to you how absurd the Patriots claiming McNally calls himself the Deflator when he's trying to lose weight. If you're dumb enough to believe that nonsense, there is no sense in trying to explain anything to you.
Aug 28, 2011
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Brady should have went the Andy Petite route. Apologize. You are still a cheater, like Petite, but you at least come clean.
Aug 28, 2011
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I'm not going to take the time to spell everything out to a dullard like you, it was already pointed out to you how absurd the Patriots claiming McNally calls himself the Deflator when he's trying to lose weight. If you're dumb enough to believe that nonsense, there is no sense in trying to explain anything to you.

aka you are a lazy troll. You are really making yourself look bad (or worse) with responses like this. If you had read the report like you claim, then it would take very little time to respond to the points you disagree with.

It's very easy to read the report. I'm fine with a civil argument from educated people. However, without the knowledge in the patriots report there is no point in listening to you because you are clueless on this topic.
Aug 30, 2011
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No. you won't give me a reasoned explanation because you are a lazy troll.
The arguments have been explained as nauseam in this thread. That's why nobody is bothering to explain the same thing over and over to you. But go right ahead and repeat that patriots fan line of "they're a troll/hater". If you buy the absurd "context" they gave for those texts, then there's really no point in trying to convince you.
Aug 26, 2011
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...because he performed so poorly in the second half of Colts game....

I'm amazed at how many people seem fixated on how he played, what his stats were, etc. To me this seems to be more about his, or any other quarterback's comfort level. Take a football out of the box, throw it around. Most of you would probably like to deflate it a little, some of you wouldn't. The things that stand out to me are the facts that he didn't need to deflate footballs to play at a high level and the ridiculous manner in which the Pats conducted themselves. Screaming about what Brady had to "endure" and demanding apologies, etc. In my opinion, it turned what should have been a molehill into a mountain. This shouldn't have been a 4 game suspension based on the offense and I think that the Pats just plain made it worse on themselves.
Aug 28, 2011
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The arguments have been explained as nauseam in this thread. That's why nobody is bothering to explain the same thing over and over to you. But go right ahead and repeat that patriots fan line of "they're a troll/hater". If you buy the absurd "context" they gave for those texts, then there's really no point in trying to convince you.

Actually no one has explained anything with all of the information laid on the table. All I'm asking is for quotes from the article to be refuted using the actual text from the article the patriots posted.

If it's so obvious what the patriots are saying is bullshit, then it should be very easy to put together an argument against them.

Here's where the investigation starts and ends. The head ref said he used a certain gauge to measure the pressure of the balls before the game. the measurements of the balls with that same gauge at halftime showed an average drop in PSI by 1, which is exactly what physics shows should happen to the ball. There's only any argument about this whatsoever because the NFL decided to believe everything that ref said EXCEPT said he was wrong and he used the other gauge before the game. However, they had no evidence he used the other gauge.
Aug 28, 2011
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'“Deflate” was a term they used to refer to losing weight.'

Please read the report before trying to make an argument. You clearly just read a one page article and have ZERO context.

it was a term used once in May 2014 text message. It had no relevance to football in any way. It wasn't relevant to the investigation. If you read the report you would know that when the pats official was interviewed none of the 4 lawyers asked him about that text because it was irrevelant in all 4 of their minds. After the NFL realized they had no case, they went back and tried to make it into something that it wasn't. Period.

Here's an actual quote:

"The Wells investigators had this text long before their interviews with Mr. McNally and Mr. Jastremski. Had they asked Mr. McNally or Mr. Jastremski about this text when they interviewed each for a full day using four lawyers, they would have learned this."

next question.
Aug 26, 2011
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If you want to post with other like-minded people who believe the Pat's line of BS, maybe you should post over on the Boston College board.
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