Now is the time for Blumenthal to declare war | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Now is the time for Blumenthal to declare war

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Sep 3, 2011
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Blumenthal should sit down with a senator from a few key states in the next few days and tell her to deliver the following message to the respective BCS commissioners:

1) Either UConn is in the ACC in 3 months, or he will burn college football to the ground.
2) He will get whatever subcommittee chairmanship he need to continue hearings on the anti-competitive BCS.
3) He will badger Obama's anti-trust division to investigate the anti-competitive BCS. This means that criminal penalties attach if there is found to be anti-competitive behavior.
4) He will start an investigation into the tax status of the BCS.

And when some smartass reporter asks Blumenthal if he has something more important to do, Blumenthal can honestly answer "no". Murphy can help him.

There is no reason to play nice any more. There is no reason to "wait for next time", because this was next time and it didn't happen. This is time for extortion and blackmail by our state's most powerful elected officials. Give them 3 months, then burn the entire sport to the ground.

Blumenthal saved the Big East's BCS bid 9 years ago, it is time for him to save UConn today.

I absolutely agree with you on this. Taking this in stride, is based on the same thinking that Paul Pasqualoni needs another year and that fallacy that winning takes care of everything (if that was the case, Boise State would already be in a major conference).

This needs to be pursued if it ends up with college football being destroyed. UConn has done everything needed to have been included at the grown up table. Nevermind taking your ball and going home. . . . . I'm for destroying the playing field and outlawing the sport and anything else that punishes those behind this. Greed, Greed and More Greed. Sportsmanship, a healthy outlet for students, etc . . . all BS.
Nov 28, 2012
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Couldn't agree more. Orrin Hatch is the model that needs to be followed. And besides if the old relic from Pennsylvania could tie up Congress with steriod issues (who cares if Raphael Palmeiro was juicing?), this is way more important. This touches on Antitrust issues.
Well I'm sure UConn can produce all the emails and documentation of its efforts over the last 30 years to get UMass, and New Hampshire, and Vermont, and Maine etc etc into the BE when the BE was a power 6 conference. This idea that the Government is going to ride in and force the ACC or B1G or whoever to take UConn is the dumbest concept since Custer said "Ehhh there can't be THAT many Indians up there, we'll be fine." If you want to close down your athletic department and then just sue out of spite, ok sure, enjoy. But if you actually want to have athletics, you'll need someone to agree to play with you. Not only will you burn conference bridges, you'll torch the idea of any power conference team ever playing you OOC in any sport ever as you and Dick would be trying to kill off ALL of their golden geese. Have the patience and intelligence enough to recognize that so long as the ACC survives, and there are 5 solid tables at which to have a seat, UConn will eventually have a seat at one of them. UNLESS, they do something stupid like call up the giant Dick and have him break out his bridge burning gas can... again.
Sep 3, 2011
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Well I'm sure UConn can produce all the emails and documentation of its efforts over the last 30 years to get UMass, and New Hampshire, and Vermont, and Maine etc etc into the BE when the BE was a power 6 conference. This idea that the Government is going to ride in and force the ACC or B1G or whoever to take UConn is the dumbest concept since Custer said "Ehhh there can't be THAT many Indians up there, we'll be fine." If you want to close down your athletic department and then just sue out of spite, ok sure, enjoy. But if you actually want to have athletics, you'll need someone to agree to play with you. Not only will you burn conference bridges, you'll torch the idea of any power conference team ever playing you OOC in any sport ever as you and Dick would be trying to kill off ALL of their golden geese. Have the patience and intelligence enough to recognize that so long as the ACC survives, and there are 5 solid tables at which to have a seat, UConn will eventually have a seat at one of them. UNLESS, they do something stupid like call up the giant Dick and have him break out his bridge burning gas can... again.

Umass (until this season), UNH, Vermont and Maine never took steps to upgrade to D1. Never invested, never were part of a major conference.
Nov 28, 2012
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"This needs to be pursued if it ends up with college football being destroyed. Nevermind taking your ball and going home. . . . . I'm for destroying the playing field and outlawing the sport and anything else that punishes those behind this."
Geee no irrational bitterness here. Screw doing whats good for UConn, lets just Destroy those who have annoyed me for the moment, even if it destroys all UConn athletics along with it YAY!!! And I'm sure the power brokers and Senators from ALL the other states with schools you want to take down will join in your noble efforts to shoot everyone in the collective head. Sure its not only something that means a lot to all their voters, but would mean destroying a multi-billion dollar industry during a near depression. But I'm sure they'll all decide UConn was wronged and fall on their swords willingly ensuring no backlash results for UConn or the state whatsover.

"UConn has done everything needed to have been included at the grown up table."
Again, so long as UConn can produce all the evidence of its continued effort over the decades to include all the non-BCS schools at the power 6 table during the BE hayday it wont appear to be a hypocritical whine-athon. On the off chance they can't show that though, it may get looked at as a tantrum from people you don't ever want to be associated with and turn the perseption around the country of UConn from a deserving program who should be next in line to a bunch of Dicks thats more trouble than their worth.
Nov 28, 2012
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Umass (until this season), UNH, Vermont and Maine never took steps to upgrade to D1. Never invested, never were part of a major conference.
Ahh ok... so I'm sure UConn fought HARD to get Temple back into a power conference all these years. And there must be stacks of documentation of UConn's battle to restablish SMU and Houston as power players. And with all the effort Memphis and East Carolina have made over the years I'm positive UConn was their shining champion crying "All those who wish a seat of power MUST be given one!" to all who would listen. Right? In fact I'm sure if I go back to all your old posts here, you yourself have sworn over and over that not only UConn, but all your new BE bretheren who also want seats at the table must ALL be taken as well or out of solidarity UConn MUST turn any B1G or ACC offer down! Right?


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Normal is trolling, so this is my last response:

I don't care if college football doesn't exist anymore in 5 years unless UConn has an opportunity to compete at the highest level. If the BCS says UConn is on the outside, tough luck, than I say burn the whole sport to the ground.
Nov 28, 2012
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Normal is trolling, so this is my last response:

I don't care if college football doesn't exist anymore in 5 years unless UConn has an opportunity to compete at the highest level. If the BCS says UConn is on the outside, tough luck, than I say burn the whole sport to the ground.
Right... you want to destroy your school's athletics and a large chunk of your state's economy in a futile attempt to take down all college athletics instead of just waiting for your seat at the table... and I'm trolling. lol. I guess if a restraunt gets your order wrong instead of sending it back you just burn the place down, with yourself still inside.
Nov 19, 2011
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Where are all these fine CT politicians the last 48 hours? Malloy too busy stuttering? Blumenthal too busy looking in the mirror? Lieberman looking to start another middle east war before he retires?
Sep 3, 2011
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Normal is trolling, so this is my last response:

I don't care if college football doesn't exist anymore in 5 years unless UConn has an opportunity to compete at the highest level. If the BCS says UConn is on the outside, tough luck, than I say burn the whole sport to the ground.

Agreed. UConn should never have been put in this place. This exclusionary practice needs to be imploded.
Aug 24, 2011
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Where are all these fine CT politicians the last 48 hours? Malloy too busy stuttering? Blumenthal too busy looking in the mirror? Lieberman looking to start another middle east war before he retires?

Would someone explain to me why anyone thinks that making fun of a physical disability is funny, fair or appropriate?
Sep 3, 2011
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Right... you want to destroy your school's athletics and a large chunk of your state's economy in a futile attempt to take down all college athletics instead of just waiting for your seat at the table... and I'm trolling. lol. I guess if a restraunt gets your order wrong instead of sending it back you just burn the place down, with yourself still inside.

Really? We don't have - and we aren't getting - a seat at the table. They (the ACC, the BiG 10, etc) have not only exclude UConn football but undone all that the basketball programs have accomplished with there predatory practice. They have done this to UConn. UConn has done nothing wrong and a whole lot right in the past 10-15 years. They did this to UConn. Greedy conferences, greedy television networks, the whole dog-eat-done thing. So yeah, I'd rather there be no college sports than to see UConn on the outside looking in.
Nov 28, 2012
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Really? We don't have - and we aren't getting - a seat at the table. They (the ACC, the BiG 10, etc) have not only exclude UConn football but undone all that the basketball programs have accomplished with there predatory practice. They have done this to UConn. UConn has done nothing wrong and a whole lot right in the past 10-15 years. They did this to UConn. Greedy conferences, greedy television networks, the whole dog-eat-done thing. So yeah, I'd rather there be no college sports than to see UConn on the outside looking in.
Lets set the whole "should you" thing aside a moment. Lets focus simply on "could you". Do you REALLY believe there is the slightest chance that you and Dick could take down all of college athletics? Do you really not think all those other states and power brokers would defend themselves at the expense of Conn and UConn? Its futile, suicidal, and very very counterproductive.
Sep 3, 2011
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Lets set the whole "should you" thing aside a moment. Lets focus simply on "could you". Do you REALLY believe there is the slightest chance that you and Dick could take down all of college athletics? Do you really not think all those other states and power brokers would defend themselves at the expense of Conn and UConn? Its futile, suicidal, and very very counterproductive.

Of course not. That's not the end game. It's real simple . . . get cooler heads to make this all go away. Find UConn a rightful home (either ACC, BiG 10 or Big 12) and settle the matter once and for all. Like world politics . . . throw money at the problem. College football doesn't need anyone looking to disrupt the golden goose (think Orrin Hatch in Utah). Far better to absorb UConn, and shut us the ---- up. So playing nice got us nowhere, so now maybe we find ways to throw a wrench into the entire party. But in the end . . . I'd much rather thank one of these conferences for inviting us and pledge our loyalty to them.
Nov 28, 2012
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Of course not. That's not the end game. It's real simple . . . get cooler heads to make this all go away. Find UConn a rightful home (either ACC, BiG 10 or Big 12) and settle the matter once and for all. Like world politics . . . throw money at the problem. College football doesn't need anyone looking to disrupt the golden goose (think Orrin Hatch in Utah). Far better to absorb UConn, and shut us the ---- up. So playing nice got us nowhere, so now maybe we find ways to throw a wrench into the entire party. But in the end . . . I'd much rather thank one of these conferences for inviting us and pledge our loyalty to them.
LOL... sorry but you aren't going to strong arm the B1G or ACC or whoever into taking you into their conference. The only thing you'd accomplish is guarenteeing that when the next spot opens up... and if we know ANYTHING about realignment its that its by no means done.... that you will have burned every bridge you need to get that spot. Was Dick able to strong arm BC and Miami into staying, or did that just burn bridges that would have gotten you into the ACC by now? So now the plan is to repeat that stance on a larger scale with every power conference? Good plan.
Sep 3, 2011
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LOL... sorry but you aren't going to strong arm the B1G or ACC or whoever into taking you into their conference. The only thing you'd accomplish is guarenteeing that when the next spot opens up... and if we know ANYTHING about realignment its that its by no means done.... that you will have burned every bridge you need to get that spot. Was Dick able to strong arm BC and Miami into staying, or did that just burn bridges that would have gotten you into the ACC by now? So now the plan is to repeat that stance on a larger scale with every power conference? Good plan.

The move towards Oligopolistic Conferences has gotten totally out of hand and preditory practices have absolutely destroyed the Big East.
Sep 3, 2011
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LOL... sorry but you aren't going to strong arm the B1G or ACC or whoever into taking you into their conference. The only thing you'd accomplish is guarenteeing that when the next spot opens up... and if we know ANYTHING about realignment its that its by no means done.... that you will have burned every bridge you need to get that spot. Was Dick able to strong arm BC and Miami into staying, or did that just burn bridges that would have gotten you into the ACC by now? So now the plan is to repeat that stance on a larger scale with every power conference? Good plan.

Again, maybe at the Federal level or even the judicial level, somebody can convince these conferences to make room and "silence the lambs". Make the problem go away.
Nov 28, 2012
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The move towards Oligopolistic Conferences has gotten totally out of hand and preditory practices have absolutely destroyed the Big East.
Yup... and theres exactly two things you can do about it. Jack, and . Sorry, real your options are maintain or improve your athletics and wait for your turn, which will come. Or throw a hissy fit and guarentee you're forever on the outside looking in.
Nov 28, 2012
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Again, maybe at the Federal level or even the judicial level, somebody can convince these conferences to make room and "silence the lambs". Make the problem go away.
They can make the prob go away but just turning UConn into Vermont. Or worse, not that I think you could get nearly this far, lets say you REALLY tick off the power confs... instead of rolling over they have their Federal connections, which far outnumber yours, find reason to start to cut off UConn's federal money. At best such a plan earns you a spot in the MAAC forever. At worse they make an example of UConn athletics and the school.
Aug 28, 2011
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Blumenthal should sit down with a senator from a few key states in the next few days and tell her to deliver the following message to the respective BCS commissioners:

1) Either UConn is in the ACC in 3 months, or he will burn college football to the ground.
2) He will get whatever subcommittee chairmanship he need to continue hearings on the anti-competitive BCS.
3) He will badger Obama's anti-trust division to investigate the anti-competitive BCS. This means that criminal penalties attach if there is found to be anti-competitive behavior.
4) He will start an investigation into the tax status of the BCS.

And when some smartass reporter asks Blumenthal if he has something more important to do, Blumenthal can honestly answer "no". Murphy can help him.

There is no reason to play nice any more. There is no reason to "wait for next time", because this was next time and it didn't happen. This is time for extortion and blackmail by our state's most powerful elected officials. Give them 3 months, then burn the entire sport to the ground.

Blumenthal saved the Big East's BCS bid 9 years ago, it is time for him to save UConn today.

Excuse me, but the Senators and Representatives have MUCH MORE IMPORTANT things to do than worry about sports!! We have something called the FISCAL CLIFF that the MARXIST in the White House is not worried about and neither is any other morons (the RINOS and the MARXIST DEMS) in DC cares about.

Let DOOMENTHAL worry about the IMPORTANT STUFF... like raising our taxes!! :)
Aug 24, 2011
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When the Southwest conference split up in the 90s, most people said "Bummer." I don't think too many folks were that concerned that TCU, Houston, SMU, and Rice were sent to the minor leagues. It was kind of, "well, the strong schools survived; the weak ones couldn't." I think most folks will feel the same way this time. And they will say "if you're really a gem, you'll make your way back, as TCU has done."
Aug 28, 2011
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Dick needs to do two things at this juncture.

1) Sit the **** down.
2) Shut the **** up.

We lost. We may as well lose with some dignity.

Lose with dignity? WTF does that mean? This isn't a volleyball game, this is the entire university hanging in the balance. There is only winning and losing. Dignity has nothing to do with it.

Nelson, the University is NOT hanging in the balance!! What, do you think MIT and University of Chicago aren't GREAT UNIVERSITIES because they don't have major sports?? If UConn cancelled FOOTBALL and other sports tomorrow, the university will still be a great UNIVERSITY to go get a degree...
Aug 24, 2011
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Dick needs to do two things at this juncture.

1) Sit the **** down.
2) Shut the **** up.

We lost. We may as well lose with some dignity.

Nelson, the University is NOT hanging in the balance!! What, do you think MIT and University of Chicago aren't GREAT UNIVERSITIES because they don't have major sports?? If UConn cancelled FOOTBALL and other sports tomorrow, the university will still be a great UNIVERSITY to go get a degree...

It's not that simple. The University of Connecticut has not been, historically, a great university. The state didn't care about it enough to provide it with the funding necessary to be a great university, and out of state students who needed to provide bodies to make it a great university didn't know that it wasn't north of the Pacific Northwest. Those aren't opinions -- those are facts.

If we no longer play big time sports, will state financial support and out of state applications stay strong or dry up? People can have different opinions on that. But the question of whether the UConn that is a strong state university can survive a lack of big time sports is personally fair.

Now will people here stop making me defend Nelson. It's getting old.
Aug 28, 2011
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Now will people here stop making me defend Nelson. It's getting old.
LOL, sorry BL, for making you defend Nelson!! :)
Aug 27, 2011
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Blumenthal should sit down with a senator from a few key states in the next few days and tell her to deliver the following message to the respective BCS commissioners:

1) Either UConn is in the ACC in 3 months, or he will burn college football to the ground.
2) He will get whatever subcommittee chairmanship he need to continue hearings on the anti-competitive BCS.
3) He will badger Obama's anti-trust division to investigate the anti-competitive BCS. This means that criminal penalties attach if there is found to be anti-competitive behavior.
4) He will start an investigation into the tax status of the BCS.

And when some smartass reporter asks Blumenthal if he has something more important to do, Blumenthal can honestly answer "no". Murphy can help him.

There is no reason to play nice any more. There is no reason to "wait for next time", because this was next time and it didn't happen. This is time for extortion and blackmail by our state's most powerful elected officials. Give them 3 months, then burn the entire sport to the ground.

Blumenthal saved the Big East's BCS bid 9 years ago, it is time for him to save UConn today.

You have AGAIN outdone yourself for stupid posts. Now 4 in three weeks.

Are you auditioning for stupidest posts in America.

We don't need more people against us. Shotgun weddings are not the order. Tell the Junior Senator to go back and actually do something down there in Washington. Cut taxes or something. Have him stay the hell of out this. He caused enough trouble.
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