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Coaching Search Tweets & More

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Jan 31, 2013
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My Top Assistants I think we should pursue as Head Coach

1) Bob Diaco ND Defensive Coordinator
2) Derek Mason Stanford Defensive Coordinator
3) Phil Montgomery, Baylor Offensive Coordinator
4) Shawn Watson, Louisville Offensive Coordinator ( I herd his name a few times back in September, but nothing since)
Aug 26, 2011
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Man some of you can't get yourself onto a ledge fast enough. You must be fun when you go through hard times.
Aug 26, 2011
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Man some of you can't get yourself onto a ledge fast enough. You must be fun when you do through hard times.

Gonna go out on a limb and agree with you. Too many drama queens in here right now.
Aug 27, 2011
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people are crazy here.
the commentary is hilarious. it's as if people think they are directly involved in the hiring conversations, simply because someone tweets. as if everything that is tweeted is factual.
lets speculate more about why narduzzi turned down an offer we think he may have gotten from an interview with think may have taken place.

I think, as a freshman head coach, Narduzzi would only have been eligible to park in W Lot. That had to be the deal breaker
Aug 26, 2011
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Narduzzi isn't in a hurry. We are. He just had maybe the greatest win in his career on an enormous stage and maybe hasn't come down entirely from that. Likes his job and his team and needs to be bowled over right now. Not where Ward is coming from dealing with a guy who's not sure but wants to be asked anyway.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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upstater said:
Narduzzi's people want to wait and UConn doesn't want to wait. It's not over assistant's pay.

Move on.

If it were me, I'd go after Diaco or Herman, and then if that didn't work, hire Weist.

I would believe this, not any of the other reasonings.
Aug 30, 2011
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people are crazy here.
the commentary is hilarious. it's as if people think they are directly involved in the hiring conversations, simply because someone tweets. as if everything that is tweeted is factual.
lets speculate more about why narduzzi turned down an offer we think he may have gotten from an interview with think may have taken place.

well you are reading it so pot meet kettle.
Aug 29, 2011
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Does anybody think that Narduzzi didn't impress in the interview, never got an offer and his agent is leaking info to save face. I can't see Warde leaking info for any reason.
has to be or we have the single most incompetent, disfunctional athletic department in the history of sports. As someone said before, under no circumstances would this make UConn look good if we released this. I have to believe we walked form this guy, possibly over money, possibly over money and the Rose Bowl thing. Probably over a number of things. But not over the Rose Bowl alone or the pay scale of assistants.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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has to be or we have the single most incompetent, disfunctional athletic department in the history of sports. As someone said before, under no circumstances would this make UConn look good if we released this. I have to believe we walked form this guy, possibly over money, possibly over money and the Rose Bowl thing. Probably over a number of things. But not over the Rose Bowl alone or the pay scale of assistants.
Right, because no school in the history of football ever got turned down by their first choice hire. Ever.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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1 - There is no way in hell WM says no to his best candidate because of the Rose Bowl. Many assistants have moved on under similar circumstances. This idea is just some moron speculating and sending out to the entire world.

2 - From what I understand, the sole reason we beleive that it was a UConn leak was because of a twitter handle with UConn in it. I could be wrong but I don't believe that twitter has tight enough security to prevent non UConn people from putting UConn in their handle.

3 - One thing that we can claim to have more than sufficient evidence of is that WM believes in following a process to its fullest (if I had this trait I would be far enough along in my career where I would have been one of those SH was soliciting for football donations the past few months). It is every bit as likely that Narduzzi wanted an immediate offer that Warde was not willing to give (as he had more interviews to conduct) and that is what caused the breakdown as it is that Narduzzi wanted to wait after receiving an offer.

4 - Most important in this is that we do not know every name on the list, where WM ranked each prior to the interviews, where they will be ranked after the interviews and who WM ultimately believes is the best candidate. As difficult as it may be, we will need to be patient for a few more days (give or take).
Feb 10, 2012
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well you are reading it so pot meet kettle.
I'm reading because in between the whining, I am waiting for someone to break real news like who the next coach is.
Let's be real. reading these posts is one thing. trying to reason why narduzzi turned down an offer that may not have happened is another.
Jul 25, 2012
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Lembo = poison just want this on record should Warde hire him.

Could be a great coach. Could be a great person. But if he couldn't win the Southern Conference or the MAC, how is he going to win whatever conference we will be in in 3 years. Just because we are UCONN isn't going to get it done.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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If this were true we would have heard from Warde saying that NO OFFERS have been made.

If WM made a statement rebuffing every twitter statement he wouldn't have time to conduct any interviews.
Sep 18, 2011
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Nobody turns down a potential $2 mill/yr job for a $400k/yr job unless he has another job coming very soon.

Bill Sussman

My Name isn't really Bill
Nov 21, 2011
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1 - There is no way in hell WM says no to his best candidate because of the Rose Bowl. Many assistants have moved on under similar circumstances. This idea is just some moron speculating and sending out to the entire world.

2 - From what I understand, the sole reason we beleive that it was a UConn leak was because of a twitter handle with UConn in it. I could be wrong but I don't believe that twitter has tight enough security to prevent non UConn people from putting UConn in their handle.

3 - One thing that we can claim to have more than sufficient evidence of is that WM believes in following a process to its fullest (if I had this trait I would be far enough along in my career where I would have been one of those SH was soliciting for football donations the past few months). It is every bit as likely that Narduzzi wanted an immediate offer that Warde was not willing to give (as he had more interviews to conduct) and that is what caused the breakdown as it is that Narduzzi wanted to wait after receiving an offer.

4 - Most important in this is that we do not know every name on the list, where WM ranked each prior to the interviews, where they will be ranked after the interviews and who WM ultimately believes is the best candidate. As difficult as it may be, we will need to be patient for a few more days (give or take).

This is why we think its a UConn Leak:

Sources inside the UCONN athletic department told Spartan Nation that, “Pat (Narduzzi) met with Warde Manuel (UCONN AD) on Monday in Atlanta. He was very impressive. After he (Narduzzi) won the Broyles award on Tuesday, Manuel again contacted and asked Narduzzi and Donna (his wife) to meet him at a law office in Atlanta. Subsequently Pat was offered a five year deal on Tuesday night and earlier this morning turned the job down.”
Aug 27, 2011
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There is no panic, just lost opportunity. I still think TJ is a very fine option and would be happy to see it. We don't need a half interested guy here.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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In theory you're correct. But, don't underestimate the effect of 24x7 social media. Warde just like every other public figure is sustained at the pleasure of public support. You'd be nuts not to take the general views of the fan base into consideration. A bad hire lights a firestorm. Picking the wrong guy out of the box just provides the kindling. It has more impact than you suspect or wish existed.
As far as Warde is concerned, there are many reasons to believe he is not up to the job. The decisions he has made are reactive, cautious and slow. The rebranding was a giant fail. The AAC is an abortion and the UConn sport brand has tanked. I don't see any big vision, primer mover here. Im glad to be very very wrong.

Your should have ended your post after the 4th word.;)

Rebranding and conference affiliation are above Warde Manuel's pay grade. He hired a competent hockey coach and he handled the Ollie situation as well as can be expected. By all accounts Calhoun was expected back. Did you expect Manuel to launch a nationwide search three weeks before Midnight Madness? So he didn't Fire Former "Coach" Pasqualoni at the end of last season. So what? He had a perfectly reasonable rationale for it. You may not agree. I may not agree, but it doesn't mean he was wrong. As far as big vision...Does the Janitor at Pratt call me up every time he replaces a broken tile in the hall way? I own stock in UTC He works for me. No he doesn't. My point is that there is more going on behind the scenes that we fans have no idea about. Manuel is under zero obligation to directly report to you. Let him do his job.
Aug 29, 2011
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Right, because no school in the history of football ever got turned down by their first choice hire. Ever.
Of course they have, but they don't make the announcement via a leak for a reason nobody believes and that makes them look cheap and dumb. Good Grief!
Aug 29, 2011
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Yes!!! More unsourced, non-verifiable info and links. God damnit, I need to get a bet in on this thing hitting 50k views by 5 pm. where is that whaler, I need to lock in some odds.

I got good info guys, once again, that cold weather attire is a big deal in this decision making process. No sleeves allowed. Father Guido Narducci turned down a multiyear 7 figure job because he couldn't commit to short sleeves when it's 20 degrees out.

#Sleeveless #UCONN


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Waquoit said:
Unsure if he made it condition of taking job like #UConn but heard from more than 1 person Pat Narduzzi wanted to coach in Rose Bowl

This makes me feel better. That way we can say we moved on from him, he didn't break up with us.

I'd believe this too, and be thankful he's out. Seriously, choosing bowl game over the opportunity to run your own program. Kudos to WM for not caving if that's what happened.
Jul 25, 2012
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Yes!!! More unsourced, non-verifiable info and links. God damnit, I need to get a bet in on this thing hitting 50k views by 5 pm. where is that whaler, I need to lock in some odds.

I got good info guys, once again, that cold weather attire is a big deal in this decision making process. No sleeves allowed. Father Guido Narducci turned down a multiyear 7 figure job because he couldn't commit to short sleeves when it's 20 degrees out.

#Sleeveless #UCONN

You hit the sauce a little early this afternoon?
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