Bouknight arrested? | Page 7 | The Boneyard

Bouknight arrested?

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Apr 16, 2020
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Seems like a tactful response , given the circumstances.

Wonder how JC would have framed it after a conversation with Bouknight?
Oct 7, 2011
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Man - this is just so disappointing to read about. He clearly doesn't believe his actions have consequences. 4 reckless citations in 12-months?! it's a miracle no one has been hurt or worse.

God Bless him - I hope he gets the treatment that he needs to live a fulfilled life, regardless of whether or not that's in the NBA
Bottom line, he's a punk. Let's face it. If this was happening to some from Cuse or Duke we'd be rubbing their noses in it. He was a punk when he was here and he is a punk now. Has not grown up at all and is throwing away an opportunity that literally less than half of 1% of all athletes get. Seriously hope he gets some help before he kills someone, least of all himself.
Aug 26, 2011
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Have we heard yet if he actually drove anywhere?
He didn't. He slept in his car in a parking garage after leaving the bar.
If I remember correctly it doesn’t make a difference in North Carolina if he was found in the front seat under the influence and the vehicle was running.


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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a perk of being the number one draft pick, methinks.
Charge dropped against Paolo Banchero tied to teammate's DWI stop

'Authorities said Savarino was driving a Jeep registered to Banchero while Banchero was riding in the back seat. Banchero – drafted last month by the Orlando Magic – was cited for aiding and abetting impaired driving.'

riding in the back seat? prolly just snoozing it off, also methinks, cuz, you know, why wasn't he driving his car, hmmmm? 'hey bro! u drive, i can't even see my shoes!'
i never heard of 'aiding and abetting impaired driving' before.
i learn sumthing new every day, like, only saints should drive or be passengers in the Carolinas. i ain't no saint, and learning this, they'd prolly throw the bouk at me for driving as slow as i do, even being unimpaired, unless quaffing a bag of micky d burgers aforehand counts. then, id be in big trouble. yesiree.


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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If I remember correctly it doesn’t make a difference in North Carolina if he was found in the front seat under the influence and the vehicle was running.
as i understand it, in Connecticut u can be dui'd if ur parked, motor off, sleeping, yet with keys in the ignition. mebbe not if ur in your own driveway. i had a good pal once, Robert, 'had' becuz they found him dead in the New Haven train station restroom, dead from an od. Robert was a good fellow like most, quick to lend a hand and be helpful whenever possible. one day, we learned that he was dui'd by the Madison popo, as they found him by the side of a road, car not running, sleeping, with his keys in the ignition. Robert drank a lot yet never drove wasted, and was close pals with that burton guy up north and his snowboard inventions. seems that Rob was a test pilot for that. Robert served in Yugoslavia during that war, and along with his platoon mates, freaked, when at night, someone in the crowd threw what proved to be fireworks, and they all went off firing in every direction.
now, that's moral demons not easily forgotten.
in light of the totality of his contributions to this world, he also was one of the best tree climbers cleaning up real danger in people's yards, i would think that the popo would have spent a moment to find out more aboot him, US soldier putting his life on the line for us, and mebbe, just mebbe, yelled at him as they drove him to his home in Madison. nope.
mostly clean record at that time, some minor nonimpactful or hurtful infractions to anyone but himself, they instead went hard, and further added salt to his wounds, sending him into a tailspin.
sad, and now he dead. no one's fault but his own, but still sad.
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Nov 18, 2012
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Know of an acquaintance who had been drinking attempted to drive pulled to side of road to sleep it. Cops came at some point knocked on his window he woke up grabbed an unopened liter of liquor from the back seat and chugged the whole bottle before unlocking the vehicle. Keys were in the back seat. Cops weren’t able to charge him with dui because they couldn’t prove he had been drinking prior to watching him chug the bottle

He never drove again after having a drink cause that incident scared him and he knew he was a target in town
Aug 29, 2011
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The whole looking back and saying he needed another year in college assumes he would have more nurturing and oversight in college which would lead to modifying his behaviors than he ended up getting his first year in the pros. I don't know if that is true or a certainty.
He didn’t need another year of college. He needed to have been benched for the first 2 months of his first season for driving without a license likely driving drunk running from the cops and most probably stealing a car. Hurley sat him for 3 games, 2 of which were cupcakes. Didn’t do him any favors letting him get off with a slap on the wrist. He needed and deserved a kick in the butt! No way of telling for sure but maybe if he had cooled his heels in Storrs while the team travelled to Charleston and MSG he’d have gotten the message.
Apr 16, 2020
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Repeated similar behavior not a good predictor for leniency from the judicial system especially in the South.


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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He didn’t need another year of college. He needed to have been benched for the first 2 months of his first season for driving without a license likely driving drunk running from the cops and most probably stealing a car. Hurley sat him for 3 games, 2 of which were cupcakes. Didn’t do him any favors letting him get off with a slap on the wrist. He needed and deserved a kick in the butt! No way of telling for sure but maybe if he had cooled his heels in Storrs while the team travelled to Charleston and MSG he’d have gotten the message.
where'd his leg go? did u chop that off too?
Aug 5, 2017
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Being arrested at the start of his freshman year, tossed from the game at Gampel last year and arrested multiple times for speeding and reckless driving in Charlotte in less than a year speaks volumes.

November 2021: Arrested doing 107 in a 65 zone;
November 2021: Arrested doing 84 in a 35 zone;
February 2022: Reckless driving;
Last Wednesday:Arrested for doing 92 in a 50 zone and reckless driving;
Sunday night: Arrested for DUI while unconscious in his car in a parking garage and potentially faces a gun related charge.

Add to this list the fact he only played in five of the Hornets' last last twenty two games last season, and his future does not look bright with them or maybe in the league.

If the Hornets value him as a player and person they've hopefully been working with him, but the sheer volume of offenses make it seem as if he's imploding.

If it's immaturity and they've worked with him it may be he'll have to be cut and not have his contract renewed to make him realize this aspect of his life is not a game. If it's alcohol abuse, he should have already been referred for treatment but he has to want to overcome it or treatments won't do a thing.

Maybe it's depression. In his interview with the Charlotte Observer last month he said "he's in a better place mentally after his tough rookie season."

“Honestly, I don’t feel a lot of athletes have gone through a lot of adversity,” Bouknight said. “A lot of athletes don’t know what it’s like to be down mentally or in a slump. And I know what it feels like. I was there all last year. It’s awesome to be out of that and in a groove again and like myself again. There’s nothing like it.”

So, in one month he's gone from sounding like all is well to being found unconscious in his car in a parking garage. The good news is maybe he was mature enough to realize he shouldn't drive............but his remarks just last month about how he's in a better place mentally sound like classic denial. If that's the case he's got to accept he has a problem before he can start to address it.
Mar 28, 2019
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Know of an acquaintance who had been drinking attempted to drive pulled to side of road to sleep it. Cops came at some point knocked on his window he woke up grabbed an unopened liter of liquor from the back seat and chugged the whole bottle before unlocking the vehicle. Keys were in the back seat. Cops weren’t able to charge him with dui because they couldn’t prove he had been drinking prior to watching him chug the bottle

He never drove again after having a drink cause that incident scared him and he knew he was a target in town
This story reeks of urban legend. Kudos to that guy if true, though. What a loophole.
Dec 8, 2015
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Repeated similar behavior not a good predictor for leniency from the judicial system especially in the South.

He's going to have a hell of a lawyer at his disposal. Considering he was sleeping in the parked car, good shot he gets off with a slap on the wrist.
Aug 28, 2011
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Not liking your comment because I "like it" but because you make a very fair point. No kid deserves to go through that.

In my opinion, DUIs should be automatic jail time.
LOL!!! Clearly you're out of step with the direction that criminal justice is currently headed.
Aug 28, 2011
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I live in Mecklenburg County. The courts here do not mess around with traffic violations. I got ticketed for going 43 in a 35. I showed up to the court date because I didn’t want the points on my license. To no avail; got the point and incurred $200 in court costs. There’s a chance he does time.
That's what lawyers are for. You, average citizen are not ever going to show up in court and "ask" the court for leniency over a speeding ticket and get it. Not ever. The entire system is a scam for revenue generation, not public safety. I know someone who got a DUI. The amount of money that gets wrung out to the various hangers-on in the system is disgraceful
Aug 28, 2011
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He was found passed out drunk in his car in a parking deck. It appears he realized he was too drunk to drive and decided to sleep it off in his car.

Unfortunately he has 3 prior arrests over the last year in Charlotte, all for reckless driving.
I'm sorry, do they serve alcohol in parking garages now ? How did he GET there ?
Aug 28, 2011
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You completely missed the point. It's not his drinking, it's the drunk driving and driving 50 miles over the speed limit multiple times in a year. If he gets hammered and gets an Uber home, it's a non story.
Actually, considering his history, it absolutely suggests drinking IS his problem. It isn't actually that uncommon. Its actually doing him a disservice to magically disconnect the alcohol from the alcohol-involved-issue.
Aug 22, 2016
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He's going to have a hell of a lawyer at his disposal. Considering he was sleeping in the parked car, good shot he gets off with a slap on the wrist.
Yes it Seems like this is a DUI he can actually beat in court. But he has big issues that could take a lot of time to resolve
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