Played today at a semi-private course. Two to a cart, nothing different on course. All food/drink in clubhouse was to go only. Screwdrivers were outstanding. We did have lysol wipes and wiped our cart down entirely.
Weather was great. Had a ton of geese on course, box turtles were sunning on banks of ponds, saw a 4' gator meandering around and even got close to a good sized osprey chomping away on a fish on the 9th fairway.
'took a day safari to a sparsely populated wildlife sanctuary. traveled in a suitably rigged all electric turf eater with guide. before we hit the resupply depot to take on jerry can of fuel, and some hardtack, we coated our ride with the 'anti nasty bug' treatment, then we were off.
conditions appropriate, and in fact, excellent, for the task at hand. namely, stalking and capturing an elusive birdy, and/or, the holy grail of the hunt -- the eagle. traveling over hill and dale in our quest, we spotted the accursed poop avian near the bottom lands. kept our distance and observed. further on, we stumbled on some slow moving terps who looked like they did not want to be bothered. we obliged. sun dropping, we spied a prime example of the natural world in action - survival of the strong, as we witnessed the judgmentless action of a beast devouring its' prey. a bloody mess, yet very real.
heading back to base, slightly disappointed in our inability the score the big one, ie 'the eagle,' we still agreed, perils aside, that it was a very good day...'