Wow. Really? You chose now, after Paige carried UConn to a win against the #1 team in the country, to argue that Clark will be a 4-time AA and the best that Paige can do is second team? It's not how incredibly wrong your statement is that has me incredulous. It's your timing.
Apply the quote “they
know not of what they
speak,” to our misguided and uninformed colleague.
#1. As Clark is not even on the Wooden watch list (she should be) it is NOT locked up for AA status.
#2. The WBCA has 10 team members as 1st team and is a criteria for the HoH wall. Paige will certainly make that over her four years and probably this year.
#3. As both are scorers and facilitators, both can be 1st Team AA's on the AP 5 team list.
#4. While everyone is expected to promote their own opinion, which for this year is Dragon's prerogative, trying to see into the future is not logical. IF our colleague wishes to continue this illogical future prognostication, there is an ignore button we can all press and simply move on with more logical discussions.