Who will be the most improved UConn player this year? | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Who will be the most improved UConn player this year?

Which returning player do you think will show the greatest amount of improvement this season?

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Sep 9, 2011
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Napheesa will be because Katie Lou improved greatly during her freshman year. Katie Lou will improve even more, but it will be difficult because she will be the focal point of the other teams' D.
If Napheesa starts really playing at a high level, they won't be able to focus on KLS too much. She'd become someone getting a bunch of attention. I'm hopeful that everyone returning improves but as someone else mentioned, if Butler really evolves, that'll have a major impact on the Huskies chances to defend their title or at the least, make another Final Four.
Sep 9, 2011
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I think if Butler is the most improved it will spell good things for UConn. KLS had already turned a corner by the end of the season. I was really impressed with her aggressiveness both offensively and defensively in the game she hurt her foot. If it wasn't for Stewie, MoJet, and Tuck shining so bright, I think everyone would have commented more on Katie's improvement over the season, which I thought was similar to Stewie's improvement her freshman year.
I think she's never got quite the acknowledgement for her performance in the latter part of last year. Her tentativeness became a thing of the past, her defensive improvement was remarkable and of course, she finally started shooting the ball like everyone knew she would inevitably.
Sep 9, 2011
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Folks forget that Gabby was recruited as a guard. What guard can't shoot 3's ? Guards start shooting 3's in 4th grade. If Gabby was recruited as a guard, she came with ALL of the skills and abilities that a Division 1 level guard is expected to have. Just because she was not allowed to hoist them up from beyond the arc, doesn't mean she can't.

Geno didn't need her to do so. He had other players that he felt were more efficient in shooting 3's, and ran plays for THEM. When Geno wants her to shot 3's, he'll give her the green light. It's also a very good bet that Gabby worked on her perimeter game over the summer, and has extended her range out beyond the arc.
If Gabby was the 3 point threat you seem inclined to hint she was (being recruited as a guard, supposedly) you would have seen her shooting them, at least more than she did. She was (is) a phenomental athlete and could get away with a lot of things on a high school level but she was NEVER a shooter and her shooting skills are only now starting to improve to a decent level. It's pretty apparent her athleticism might have actually hindered her development as a shooter prior to coming to Storrs. Gabby was a track star and quite possibly wasn't INTO basketball initially and got a late start.
Sep 9, 2011
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My top 3 will be;
Chong, Butler, Collier
I can't understand why year in and year out Chong is the one that people think might improve the most. She's had years to do it and any improvements she's made are minute and subtle ones. Why would she make a big move at this point. Would that suggest that she didn't work hard to get better after her freshman year or after her sophomore year but will suddenly do so after her junior year???? I suggest that she's worked to do so but there's simply not much room for growth with her. Who she was is who she is!
Apr 29, 2015
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I can't understand why year in and year out Chong is the one that people think might improve the most. She's had years to do it and any improvements she's made are minute and subtle ones. Why would she make a big move at this point. Would that suggest that she didn't work hard to get better after her freshman year or after her sophomore year but will suddenly do so after her junior year???? I suggest that she's worked to do so but there's simply not much room for growth with her. Who she was is who she is!
Chong was under Stewie, Morgan and Moriah for the past 3 years.
When I said most improvement, not only her technical but also her mental ability.


Who put the Bop in the Bop Shoo Bop?
Oct 5, 2015
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If Gabby was the 3 point threat you seem inclined to hint she was (being recruited as a guard, supposedly) you would have seen her shooting them, at least more than she did. She was (is) a phenomental athlete and could get away with a lot of things on a high school level but she was NEVER a shooter and her shooting skills are only now starting to improve to a decent level. It's pretty apparent her athleticism might have actually hindered her development as a shooter prior to coming to Storrs. Gabby was a track star and quite possibly wasn't INTO basketball initially and got a late start.
Gabby was rated one of the top four guards in the country in high school. In order for her to get playing time, Geno needed her to use her inside skills. She would not have been rated as high as she was without those skills. How does athleticism hinder a player's shooting skills? Did you watch her mix tape? Not using her guard skills for two years and not playing guard for two years could hinder her outside shooting. Just because her outside shot was not needed does not mean Geno did not want her to continue developing it.
Nov 13, 2013
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If Gabby was the 3 point threat you seem inclined to hint she was (being recruited as a guard, supposedly) you would have seen her shooting them, at least more than she did. She was (is) a phenomental athlete and could get away with a lot of things on a high school level but she was NEVER a shooter and her shooting skills are only now starting to improve to a decent level. It's pretty apparent her athleticism might have actually hindered her development as a shooter prior to coming to Storrs. Gabby was a track star and quite possibly wasn't INTO basketball initially and got a late start.
You're right. If she was a guard or Auriemma thought she could be one, he wouldn't have moved her inside. He would have continued to develop her outside. She can't handle the ball at the collegiate level.
Apr 10, 2015
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How about all of the above....they all better improve and they all better stay healthy......if they do I see FF........ if they don't then it will be a long painful season....

If Uconn Women top 4 all don't stay healthy (that is one or two not) that could be a show stopper --and the show is the final 4...
The shall however improve--there is little doubt that shall happen. With the Master, you improve or you sit--especially frosh and sophs.
Apr 10, 2015
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You're right. If she was a guard or Auriemma thought she could be one, he wouldn't have moved her inside. He would have continued to develop her outside. She can't handle the ball at the collegiate level.

Bobby---IMO you are right and not so right. There is nothing in the book of players that says a Forward or Center cannot step out and hit the 3 (Stewied and Tuck did it regularly) so Gabby didn't need to be a guard to do that.
On the other hand---Geno was loaded with Guard material and need back up in the post (Gabbys Frosh year)--Gabby could out jump most of Uconn's team--so Geno used what he had and converted Gabby. Will he put her back to Guard?? Probably, probably not.
Apr 10, 2015
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I can't understand why year in and year out Chong is the one that people think might improve the most. She's had years to do it and any improvements she's made are minute and subtle ones. Why would she make a big move at this point. Would that suggest that she didn't work hard to get better after her freshman year or after her sophomore year but will suddenly do so after her junior year???? I suggest that she's worked to do so but there's simply not much room for growth with her. Who she was is who she is!
I agree with a lot of what you write. Everytime I mention Chong I say :: If healthy and reverts to her HS shooting. The It band issue was painful and limited Chongs play for nearly 2 years--is she recovered?? Who knows? The room for growth is--if she is healthy and that if she did not progress because of her health. Geno obviously knows. Geno has stated in the past, and often then, that his coaching emphasis is on the Freshmen first, Sophs second, Juniors should know the system but need some help, Seniors if the don't know what they should know--they'll never get it. We have seen some Seniors sitting nearly their whole last year. Next year you won't hear one word about chong's health or PT.


Who put the Bop in the Bop Shoo Bop?
Oct 5, 2015
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You're right. If she was a guard or Auriemma thought she could be one, he wouldn't have moved her inside. He would have continued to develop her outside. She can't handle the ball at the collegiate level.
She was recruited as a guard. Have you seen her handle the ball? When has she been given the opportunity to show her ball handling for you to say she can't handle the ball at the collegiate level? She has the handles! If so many people believed Katy Lou should be a successful shooter in college based on her high school play, why is it so hard to believe Gabby can't be a good ball handler at the college level based on her high school play?
Apr 10, 2015
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Chong will be the most improved. After putting on her "Big Girl Panties" that she found at the Shea Ralph section of Dicks Sporting Goods she will take a senior leadership role and come out with all guns blazing. Of course if they do not fit all bets are off.

After reading your posting---I looked all over Dicks Sporting Good---even asked the Manager --where are the "Big Girl Panties" --unfortunately MY Store does not carry them. Which store did you find them in. If it's Manchester, my sister can get them for me.
Apr 10, 2015
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She was recruited as a guard. Have you seen her handle the ball? When has she been given the opportunity to show her ball handling for you to say she can't handle the ball at the collegiate level? She has the handles! If so many people believed Katy Lou should be a successful shooter in college based on her high school play, why is it so hard to believe Gabby can't be a good ball handler at the college level based on her high school play?

I won't speak of Gabby!
Katie LOU is a great shooter, exceptional in HS, started last season not so great--ended the year,before injury, as a great shooter, basket attacher, top of the key shooter, and corner to corner very good 3 ball shooter. That's why we Uconn Fans believe Katie LOU will be exceptional this new season.
Hey you don't have to love Katie LOU--I do--
Opinions are opinions until proven factual or not so factual.
You state anything you want about WBB----some of us have strong opinions--if the coming season is to be better than good--Katie LOU shall lead us there.
Sep 9, 2011
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Chong was under Stewie, Morgan and Moriah for the past 3 years.
When I said most improvement, not only her technical but also her mental ability.
What does Stewie or Morgan have to do with Chong's improvement???? I'm not suggesting that she has to have improved on a level of those three but improved where she actually performed at a noticeably higher level than her previous years and that has never happened. Maybe a little more confident but there hasn't really been substantial changes over her career in Storrs.
Apr 10, 2015
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Gabbie is going to have a Moriah year.
This is the year she will "get it."
The others will be inspired to raise their games accordingly.
Another NC coming. Any losses this year will give Geno the ammunition necessary for keeping the dynasty alive come March.

Moriah had 4 good even great years---the issue wasn't Moriah's talent or ability--it took Geno to be told by the other guards "TRUST MORIAH". GENO--GOT IT!! Moriah had IT all along..
I too hope Gabby will now have the latitude to be all she can be--and that's pretty good.

I suspect a loss or 2--remember Geno has won NC's and or Final 4's with teams without perfect records. It's is exceptional for any team to will 100 percent of their games in any given year.. Have we been spoiled rotten ????
Aug 15, 2014
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Just voted for Kia...in addition to the great skills we lost in the Big 3 , we lost their individual and collective leadership. IMO, Kia will step into the void and be the de facto leader of the team. She will bring the intensity every night and set the tone for unselfish offense and all in defense. She will not let the younger players take a play off. While she may not light up the stat sheet compared to last year( although its not a stretch to see her averaging 13-15 a game) her intangible contributions will be extremely valuable. If she does this as well as many of us think , she'll lead the team in minutes.
Feb 22, 2016
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This is my take on Chong. When she was replaced by Nurse in the starting lineup I believe her spirit was broken. Being injured at various times did not help matters either. But now there is a guard opening - she has the talent to take it - will she? As a senior she knows this is her last chance - maybe that will inspire her. What are the team dynamics-will the others players rally around her? What will Geno say to her - if anything? We all want our players to do well - lets see how this plays out
Apr 29, 2015
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Saniya should have improved playing with the Big 3. She would have a day or 2 even a week and would just fall into her lack of confidence self. They will not let her play meaningful minutes nor should they. KLS was playing well the last 2 or 3 months of the season and was contributing scoring rebounding, assist and defense. Stewie had a tough midseason her freshman year but was great in the tournament. That team needed her to play like that vs ND. Lou will be fine. Kia will take ownership of this team and will start mentoring Crystal just like Mo did for her. Gabby was hurt her last 2 yrs of HS but is ready to lead after learning from Tuck and Stewie. Miss Collier is going to shock WCBB in my opinion and will be the player Geno thought they were getting. She can drive to the hole, can hit mid range jumper, rebound, play defense and block shots. Near the end of the year she wasnt getting rattled. She reminded me of Morgan in that regard. The 4 Core will be fine and should start with Miss Dangerfield. It is the other players with the unknowns.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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If Gabby was the 3 point threat you seem inclined to hint she was (being recruited as a guard, supposedly) you would have seen her shooting them, at least more than she did. She was (is) a phenomental athlete and could get away with a lot of things on a high school level but she was NEVER a shooter and her shooting skills are only now starting to improve to a decent level. It's pretty apparent her athleticism might have actually hindered her development as a shooter prior to coming to Storrs. Gabby was a track star and quite possibly wasn't INTO basketball initially and got a late start.

Buzzyboy, allow me to share with you my posture on this which you may, or may not agree with. First of all, let's remove all the names (players) from this discussion.

First, I think we can agree that Gabby was recruited by Geno as a guard. That was her position in high school. There are only two types of guards. A point guard, and a shooting guard. Can we agree that Gabby IS NOT a point guard? If so, then she is viewed/perceived as a shooting guard. CAN WE ASSUME...........that if a coach recruits a high school player as a shooting guard, would it be fair to assume that said player has proven on more than one occasion (several H/S and AAU games attended by the coaching staff) to be reasonably proficient at shooting the 3 ball?

Point guards pass and set up other players. Shooting guards shoot, they don't pass (unless the play calls for them to). Question........why would any coach recruit a shooting guard that can't shoot? Especially from beyond the arc? Again, I suggest to you that Gabby was not allowed (given the green light) to shoot 3's during the last two years. Geno had 5 starters that could shoot 3's. He did not need Gabby to do that. Geno needed Gabby to do other things to help the team win. That's what Gabby did. You know if as a player, you don't do exactly what the coach tells you to do, you don't play. He/she has got to be able to trust you before they put you on the floor. Coaches don't like renegades or Rambos. Those types of players have no place in a set offense/defense.

Buzzyboy, I'm assuming that every guard in a division one program can shoot a 3 with some degree of consistency, or they would not have been recruited to play at this elite level.
Guards that can't shoot, play at the division 2/3/NAIA (or they don't play at all) level. There are too many high school guards that CAN shoot 3's, that would be glad to come to your program on a free ride, as opposed to you bringing in a guard that can't.

Guards shoot (and drive the lane). That's what they do. Many times they're asked to shoot 3's. Just like post players are usually very tall, and generally operate in the vicinity of the paint. When was the last time you saw a 5'9" post player in Division 1 college? If you're a guard (even on the end of the bench) in D-1, you can shoot the 3!!! Again, I suggest to you that girls/boys who start playing basketball at a young age, start shooting 3's shortly thereafter. They don't wait until they get to college to try an extend their range. So, it's my position that to suggest that Gabby can't shot the 3 is absurd. Every guard on UConn's roster can shoot the 3. C'mon Buzzy, you know better than that. :cool:
Apr 10, 2015
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Saniya should have improved playing with the Big 3. She would have a day or 2 even a week and would just fall into her lack of confidence self. They will not let her play meaningful minutes nor should they. KLS was playing well the last 2 or 3 months of the season and was contributing scoring rebounding, assist and defense. Stewie had a tough midseason her freshman year but was great in the tournament. That team needed her to play like that vs ND. Lou will be fine. Kia will take ownership of this team and will start mentoring Crystal just like Mo did for her. Gabby was hurt her last 2 yrs of HS but is ready to lead after learning from Tuck and Stewie. Miss Collier is going to shock WCBB in my opinion and will be the player Geno thought they were getting. She can drive to the hole, can hit mid range jumper, rebound, play defense and block shots. Near the end of the year she wasnt getting rattled. She reminded me of Morgan in that regard. The 4 Core will be fine and should start with Miss Dangerfield. It is the other players with the unknowns.

That sounds like the analysis of a coach. I look at Napheesa and Katie LOU, Kia, Gabby as the CORE that the rest need to revolve around. The UP side of the first 3, to me, is huge. (I just re-read your posting--seems I posted thinking it my thoughts)--It is my belief after seeing her play last year that Dangerfield will get PT sooner rather than later--Geno needs to trust her as he finally did Moriah. Crystal is NOT Moriah--but she has many of her attributes. I'm not sure what to think of KIA--she could be exceptional or a bull in a china shop (or both). Chong--I'm not sure if healthy she has the desire to be the top guard she could have been. That Leaves Kyla and Molly. I know where you stand on Kyla (her up side is good)--what are your thought on Molly.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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This is my take on Chong. When she was replaced by Nurse in the starting lineup I believe her spirit was broken. Being injured at various times did not help matters either. But now there is a guard opening - she has the talent to take it - will she? As a senior she knows this is her last chance - maybe that will inspire her. What are the team dynamics-will the others players rally around her? What will Geno say to her - if anything? We all want our players to do well - lets see how this plays out

Well said CPD016. Since she was replaced in the starting line-up in November of 2014, (after the Stanford loss) by Kia Nurse, this is the first time there has been an opening at the guard position. If Chong was to have a time, that time is now!! She knows the plays, and she has 3 years of experience. She has as good a chance as anyone else as official practice begins this week end (boy that sounds good), to win/earn herself a position in the starting line-up.
Apr 10, 2015
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Buzzyboy, allow me to share with you my posture on this which you may, or may not agree with. First of all, let's remove all the names (players) from this discussion.

First, I think we can agree that Gabby was recruited by Geno as a guard. That was her position in high school. There are only two types of guards. A point guard, and a shooting guard. Can we agree that Gabby IS NOT a point guard? If so, then she is viewed/perceived as a shooting guard. CAN WE ASSUME......that if a coach recruits a high school player as a shooting guard, would it be fair to assume that said player has proven on more than one occasion (several H/S and AAU games attended by the coaching staff) to be reasonably proficient at shooting the 3 ball?

Point guards pass and set up other players. Shooting guards shoot, they don't pass (unless the play calls for them to). Question...why would any coach recruit a shooting guard that can't shoot? Especially from beyond the arc? Again, I suggest to you that Gabby was not allowed (given the green light) to shoot 3's during the last two years. Geno had 5 starters that could shoot 3's. He did not need Gabby to do that. Geno needed Gabby to do other things to help the team win. That's what Gabby did. You know if as a player, you don't do exactly what the coach tells you to do, you don't play. He/she has got to be able to trust you before they put you on the floor. Coaches don't like renegades or Rambos. Those types of players have no place in a set offense/defense.

Buzzyboy, I'm assuming that every guard in a division one program can shoot a 3 with some degree of consistency, or they would not have been recruited to play at this elite level.
Guards that can't shoot, play at the division 2/3/NAIA (or they don't play at all) level. There are too many high school guards that CAN shoot 3's, that would be glad to come to your program on a free ride, as opposed to you bringing in a guard that can't.

Guards shoot (and drive the lane). That's what they do. Many times they're asked to shoot 3's. Just like post players are usually very tall, and generally operate in the vicinity of the paint. When was the last time you saw a 5'9" post player in Division 1 college? If you're a guard (even on the end of the bench) in D-1, you can shoot the 3!!! Again, I suggest to you that girls/boys who start playing basketball at a young age, start shooting 3's shortly thereafter. They don't wait until they get to college to try an extend their range. So, it's my position that to suggest that Gabby can't shot the 3 is absurd. Every guard on UConn's roster can shoot the 3. C'mon Buzzy, you know better than that. :cool:

Carnac---why did you post this?? You've made assumptions --. Shooting guards---because they are guards they should be ball handlers, assist, and shoot--shooting is in many options, drivers like USF Williams (who can hit a three now an then), proficient 3 ball shooter, or jump shooters ---but it is possible a shooting guard may have to become better in College than HS at the 3--.
I think if you asked Geno--he'd want all of his people regardless of position to hit a three if wide open- Thankfully Katie LOU, a post/wing/guard--is proficient in all the shooting functions described above. So

Gabby isn't a post or a guard--she's a guardpost. If you asked Geno to put Gabby into a category--he wouldn't--he'd say she's a basketball player---no need for a title --unless it's Queen of the Courts.

How many 3's did Gabby throw up the past 2 years? How many did she make?? The knock on Gabby at the end of her first year was 2 fold--free throw shooting and 3 shooting. She improved dramatically with FT's. Did she actually make say 30 percent of her 3's?
A shooting guard would make at least 30.

I truly dislike disagreeing with you--so obviously this is not a disagreement--just a different opinion
Apr 10, 2015
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Well said CPD016. Since she was replaced in the starting line-up in November of 2014, (after the Stanford loss) by Kia Nurse, this is the first time there has been an opening at the guard position. If Chong was to have a time, that time is now!! She knows the plays, and she has 3 years of experience. She has as good a chance as anyone else as official practice begins this week end (boy that sounds good), to win/earn herself a position in the starting line-up.

I like what you say--for Chong--IF NOT NOW? WHEN? You can bet a can of soda pop (I think thats R.I) that the coach staff have been peeking at the "pickup games" this summer and have a fair idea today where Chong will fit in. My desire is that she is 100 per cent and shoots in her HS form--there is a huge need for that. The experience of knowing the Geno Defense/Offense system is her major asset.
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