May God help you if one day in the future, you are in a hospital bed somewhere and in walks Dr. Elizabeth Williams . I really hope she doesnt turn out as overrated as a medical doctor as she is a basketball player
I'll post a link to an article about the overrated EW
Perhaps she would be a better player if she spent more time focusing on her trade as opposed to other activities.
A few excerpts
The Women’s Basketball Coaches Association (WBCA), the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC), and Allstate Insurance Company announced Wednesday the 251 nominees for the 2015 Allstate WBCA and NABC Good Works Teams, which included Duke senior
Elizabeth Williams.
This prestigious community service award recognizes a distinguished group of student-athletes who have demonstrated a commitment to enriching the lives of others and contributing to the greater good in their communities.
Some examples of what she has been involved in include -- Summer Special Needs program at Forrest View Elementary School, Durham Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, volunteer at Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis, Tutoring at Lakewood Montessori Middle School, Camp Kaleidoscope visitor with the Duke team, Summer Special Needs program at Forrest View Elementary School, ASPIRE (After-School Programs Involving Recreational Enrichment) at The Forest Senior Assisted Living Home, Christmas Adopt-a-Family with Duke women’s basketball, Read with the Blue Devils and campus tours on Duke Football Game Day.
“The accomplishments of student-athletes extend far beyond successes achieved on the court, and Allstate is proud to recognize this exceptional group of young women and men for the positive impact they are making in their communities,” said Pam Hollander, vice president of marketing for Allstate Insurance Company and a member of the 2015 WBCA and NABC Good Works Teams® selection panels.
“Their stories of powerful and selfless acts, shared by SIDs and coaches across the nation, represent the best of collegiate student-athletes and serve as an inspiration to us all.”
Williams has been an ACTION Leader at Duke for three years, Duke women's basketball summer camp counselor, Time Out Bible Study Leader, S.O.L.E. participant at Duke and participated in a CAPE internship at the Duke Medical Center.