These always come down to best year/career and what criteria for point guard is stressed. Boat was a great player, but did not have the point guard skills that others had. Real PG skills could have helped this year's team more. I would put Bazz/Kemba, Kemba/Bazz 1-2 career = Bazz, year = Kemba), then AJ, KEA, MW, Boat, Sheffer, Taliek, Ollie, George. Smith, Dyson, and Gordon were not really point guards, especially Dyson and Gordon and should not be on these lists IMHO. MW gets downgraded buy many for non-basketball issues, but he was the best passer and one of the best floor generals we had. MW had more moments of pure point guard brilliance than anyone.
Best passer: MW, Bazz/AJ, Sheffer
Best Scorer: Kemba, Bazz, AJ, Boat
Best Leader: KEA, Kemba, Ollie, Bazz (final 2 years)
Best Defender: Moore, Boat (last year and 1/3), Brown, Ollie
Who could break down zone defenses? AJ and MW were really good at it, Bazz got close to them if not as good. My memory on this is not as good going back further in time since I did not focus on it as much and I'm not as young as I used to be. This area was always a weakness for Boat and remained so his final year.
Best at breaking down defenses with the dribble: Kemba, Bazz, Brown, Boat, KEA
Best handle: Kemba, KEA, Brown, Ollie
Best shooter: Bazz, Sheffer, Kemba (last year), AJ.
Other categories?