What's up with MoJeff? | The Boneyard

What's up with MoJeff?

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Aug 24, 2011
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Even in the uC Davis game, she seemed different -- more passive, less explosive.
Then there was the Stanford debacle and the first half today. Really not effective at all, and pushing things too much on offense and making bad decisions.
She at least played better defense in the 2nd half, but still she was 0-8 with 5 turnovers.

I thought she'd be 2nd team AA this year. So far not even close. Odd and disconcerting.

Perhaps it's the hair?
Jul 19, 2013
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Maybe she is sick? Caught what KML had? Though I guess the season is just about a month old at this point. She needs to figure out what gear she needs to be in and when.
Apr 2, 2012
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I was concerned about her play today as well. Shots she has made in the past, she is missing. She has to be adjusting to all of the confidence Geno is showing in Nurse. Last year, she would have the toughest guard defensive assignment for most of the game, and she was also the one usually running the offense. Her role has shifted.


Aug 27, 2011
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I remember a few season's ago when Bria struggled for a portion of the season
and I think its analogous.
There's a subtle balance with regard guard play in the Husky scheme.
Perhaps forwards too
Kia has altered it and Mo at times has had problems adjusting to a modified role
She seemed passive through the Stanford game; I thought the problem had been solved in Florida
Today she seemed to have reverted
I realize that this theory is pretty vague
But you can find similar issues in the forwards stat lines.
Stewie's stat line seems a little light of late.
We know that teams are guarding the Husky's to focus on Stewie and K with Mo the 3rd option
But no one both within and certainly without the organization realized how aggressive Morgan and Kia would be.
And today Morgan added both subtlety and finishing to her bull-in--a-China shop approach with splendid results.
Stokes got every rebound, and Nurse was pretty tough.
It should be a fun season
Especially when everyone becomes comfortable with their role.


Civil War Buff
Sep 1, 2011
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I'm going to say something here that will probably get me a bunch of grief - but it actually comes from my wife who has often mentioned that off games may be the result of a m0nthly cycle.
Jul 19, 2013
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I remember a few season's ago when Bria struggled for a portion of the season
and I think its analogous.
There's a subtle balance with regard guard play in the Husky scheme.
Perhaps forwards too
Kia has altered it and Mo at times has had problems adjusting to a modified role
She seemed passive through the Stanford game; I thought the problem had been solved in Florida
Today she seemed to have reverted
I realize that this theory is pretty vague
But you can find similar issues in the forwards stat lines.
Stewie's stat line seems a little light of late.
We know that teams are guarding the Husky's to focus on Stewie and K with Mo the 3rd option
But no one both within and certainly without the organization realized how aggressive Morgan and Kia would be.
And today Morgan added both subtlety and finishing to her bull-in--a-China shop approach with splendid results.
Stokes got every rebound, and Nurse was pretty tough.
It should be a fun season
Especially when everyone becomes comfortable with their role.
I'm OK with Stewie's stat line being a bit light. Teams are putting 2 and 3 defenders on her. Mo on the other hand is being left wide open. If she can't score when wide open, well....
Jul 19, 2013
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I'm going to say something here that will probably get me a bunch of grief - but it actually comes from my wife who has often mentioned that off games may be the result of a m0nthly cycle.
That's complete BS. She's been off all season with the exception of the one game in Estero. For whatever reason this year she is playing with reckless abandon to the point where she is a liability out there.
Aug 4, 2014
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On UConn All-Access, I remember CD positing (with coaches concurring) that she thought Moriah was most likely to step up as the leader on this year's team. I think that has put a ton of pressure on Mo, from outside and from within. Maybe she's struggling internally with all the pressure and self-expectations, just as Stewie did for quite a stretch early last year. Plus, when ND plays well off of her and dares Moriah to beat them from the outside, and you miss that first shot or two- that can get inside your head, an opponent saying you can't shoot worth a damn. And there were several ugly misses tonight. Many of her turnovers were the result of playing too fast, trying to do so much and not letting the game come to her. Many turnovers were self-inflicted giveaways. ND didn't take it from her- she gave it to them. And as superb as Nurse is playing, Mo doesn't have that partner with the big outside shot like Hartley- Mo and KNurse are more penetrators and distributors. I think Moriah will become more comfortable and revert to Nancy Lieberman form as the season progresses. She just needs to believe in herself as much as we do.
Jul 19, 2013
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I think a lot of the bunnies missed were shots that were taken too far underneath or too close to the basket. The players have to recognize when they have a low probability shot no matter if they're <1 ft. Instead of forcing a shot when you're right underneath, maybe next time kick it out to someone that's likely open as the defense collapses down low.
Nov 6, 2012
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So far this year Moriah is not the same player. We will need her aggressive defense and her out in front on the fast break. Let's hope it's just a bad stretch. Maybe she's trying to do too much.


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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I'm going to say something here that will probably get me a bunch of grief - but it actually comes from my wife who has often mentioned that off games may be the result of a m0nthly cycle.

watch it (you could be right - but we should NOT go this route, please)
Jan 19, 2014
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On UConn All-Access, I remember CD positing (with coaches concurring) that she thought Moriah was most likely to step up as the leader on this year's team. I think that has put a ton of pressure on Mo, from outside and from within. Maybe she's struggling internally with all the pressure and self-expectations, just as Stewie did for quite a stretch early last year. Plus, when ND plays well off of her and dares Moriah to beat them from the outside, and you miss that first shot or two- that can get inside your head, an opponent saying you can't shoot worth a damn. And there were several ugly misses tonight. Many of her turnovers were the result of playing too fast, trying to do so much and not letting the game come to her. Many turnovers were self-inflicted giveaways. ND didn't take it from her- she gave it to them. And as superb as Nurse is playing, Mo doesn't have that partner with the big outside shot like Hartley- Mo and KNurse are more penetrators and distributors. I think Moriah will become more comfortable and revert to Nancy Lieberman form as the season progresses. She just needs to believe in herself as much as we do.

I think this post may have hit on something, MoJett trying too hard to be the vocal leader. Natural leaders rise to the occasional without being pushed. I believe Morgan will fill that role and the rest of the team can settle into their more comfortable roles.


RIP, Alex
Aug 26, 2011
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Bottom line, I really have no idea what's going on with Mo this year. The only thing I can think of to do is trust Shea and Geno to help her turn things around. That's why they make the big bucks.

Mo, in the unlikely event you read the Boneyard, just know we love you, we're already eternally grateful for everything you've accomplished to this point, and we look forward to what you'll ultimately do for the UConn program and our beloved state.
Aug 30, 2011
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Everyone is allowed to go through a "funk" every now and then. Good thing is that she has wonderful talented teammates to help her out. This is only the 7th game of the season.....RELAX!! She is taking on a whole new role from the previous last two (Just like Stewie is). It takes time to adjust from a PG to the lead PG on the nation's best team with the most demanding coach in the game.


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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I am extremely disappointed in both Stewart and Jefferson - they have been so completely overhyped and their true natures are finally coming out! Jefferson is a turnover machine and really scoring challenged and Stewart, don't get me started. Add in the fact that KML obviously can't get through a season without getting sick and it just proves how pathetic the women's game is tat Uconn can still be ranked in the top 10. Thank goodness for the freshman!:cool::eek::rolleyes:

OK - meds have kicked in and I got that panic out of my system!
I was worried when I first saw Moriah's 0-8 line that she had been jacking threes but most of her shots were blown layups - she had a really cold shooting day - it happens (ask DT.) And ND generally plays really good defense. Stewart was missing bunnies as well.
I think Uconn is still struggling to adapt their offensive this year to Dolson not being there (sort of like they struggled last year when Dolson was not on the floor.) They have trouble getting KML open, Stewart misses the entry passes and screens Dolson set, Moriah is playing with a freshman rather than a senior as her back court mate. Nurse is playing great, but Moriah had two years to develop a rapport with Bria and it will take some time to so the same with Nurse.
Dec 31, 2013
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There is no doubt that Mo has not been herself yet this year. I just think she is trying to do too much and pressing a little bit. She is trying too hard to be the best leader, best scorer, best passer, best defender, best on floor coach, etc. and when you try to do that much you don't do any of those things well. I have confidence that Mo will relax a little bit and let the game come to her and when she does that she will play like the Mo of last year.
Apr 1, 2013
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She has to be able to shoot the basketball. The game will become much easier for her if for one thing when they leave her wide open she can knock down shots. Sure she can get away with occasionally driving if she is left wide open and making a nice pass. But once you go from S16 to Finals there is going to be an inevitable game or two she has to shoot and hit shots. Even if you get away with it as team and as a player - imo it's not what this should be all about. We want her to get as high of honors as she is capable. She has to shoot the ball and not make it 4 on 5 as much. We all know she is better.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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T I just think she is trying to do too much and pressing a little bit. She is trying too hard to be the best leader, best scorer, best passer, best defender, best on floor coach, etc. and when you try to do that much you don't do any of those things well. I have confidence that Mo will relax a little bit and let the game come to her and when she does that she will play like the Mo of last year.
I would agree, she may be pressing a bit too much. I'm sure she (they) will figure it out. As someone said she's got to find that right gear, not too fast, not too slow, just right. She'll get there.

However, she just had a very good game against Green Bay. So it isn't "all season".
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