It isn't a matter of not rooting for them to win going away, but wanting a little competition more frequently isn't the same as not liking them being the best in so many years. I think the coach feels the same way. Competitors like to know that they can throttle really good opposition. The fact is, if you notice the women's game in general, UConn and ND this year are the only 2 teams that are so dominant just about every night. There is a fair amount of balance in the game. UConn had years when some decent but not great teams gave them a good game or once in a great while even beat them. Unlike the men's team, you can probably name every game the women lost in the last 15 years because there have been so few. Is watching the women's games more relaxing than the men's? No contest. But it is kind of cool when you know the men have to be much more close to perfect on each possession compared to the women in order to win a lot of games, but that the oppositon usually makes perfection difficult. What's unusual about our women's program is that in years when UConn is extremely good, they are head and shoulders better than just about everyone. A decent number of times when the very good UConn teams haven't won an NC is because we've lost key players to injury. This year's team is scary because, as relatively thin in numbers as the team is, they've scarcely missed a beat when key players are out or struggling, which is a trubute to their talent, how competitive they are, and how well coached they are.