I'm not a fan of Hurley's response re: Diggins. Maybe Diggins isn't ready and is a turnover machine under pressure in practice. Diggins is a game management guard rather than a speed break the press dribbler, maybe he would wilt under the defensive pressure. On the other hand, Gaffney did wilt, and Cole needed help that nobody was giving him. Diggins is on the team, should you really need to be 'in the rotation' on a regular basis in order to be called on to help when other guys are failing at your position in a particular game? Why? Coaches pull out all their starters at once when they come out flat, and they should. To me it is absurd to stay with players in a particular game when they are underperforming what they are capable of, just because they are 'in the rotation', unless the alternative is clearly not good enough. I'm not a fan of Hurley's stubbornness. Player after player has shown they can rise to the occasion and contribute when injury or other circumstance has forced Hurley to go to them. It kills me to see him keeping players with potential off the court. The Sanogo St Johns game last year still haunts me. Not having Hawkins on the court when we need a basket is starting to build frustration. We're going to get pressure from Marquette away this month, and I assume West Virginia away will show us pressure. Looks like we're going to wing it with guys that shouldn't be primary ball handlers.