Yea, that could be. Or he wanted some wine, or he realized he was always going to be fighting his alcoholism?
Yea, it seems like Bob knows the Termites or is known by them?? Not sure. Seems like if he knew of them, he wouldn't have been going back to Terminus or at least told everyone what goes on there?? But something seems to be up with Bob and them?? But Bob did say he was the only survivor from his groups though. So I don't know that there would be anyone left that knew him???
Doubt Bob makes it out of this, we've already had an amputee, don't know if they'd do it again. I imagine they might lose a couple people to the Hunters.
Andrew J West (Gareth) is listed as an "also Starring" as opposed to "guest", so I imagine he might be around for a few episodes.