I watched a couple of games. First, Phee is a rockstar, just had to get that out of the way. Besides that, I think it has potential. The thing I’m wondering most about is whether viewers will make a ‘emotional investment’ in individual clubs or if they will just see the basketball as enjoyable. That’s a double edged sword because the potential pool of hardcore team supporters is smaller than those who will watch if the basketball is just entertaining.
I don’t like the announcers using the cartoonish player nicknames. I think it might work if the goal was purely entertainment and there were heroes and villains (basketball WWE style). But if the goal is to get people to really buy in, the nicknames mix the message. Take us seriously, sort of.
Like most new things, I think there will be a period of sorting it out to see what works. Love the all or nothing free throws and the fourth quarter concept. I think the games might be a little too long, though.