Who knows? She took an unoffiicial trip to ND in June and then announced later in the summer that the Irish were one of her final three teams, along with Iowa and Iowa State.
Word then got out that she was scheduled to take an official visit (OV) to South Bend this upcoming weekend (Oct. 11-13), along with Maddy Westbeld and Irish verbal commit Alli Campbell. A report came out a week or so back that she might not take that trip, leading to serious heartburn on The Bench, but nothing further has surfaced.
The Clark household is pretty tight on "information out" and if you read that Olson snippet on her, it's pretty close to the vest, exploring why the Irish would be a good fit, but hedging bets that Caitlin is close to family and she might want to stay close.
I think Olson's take on her basketball fit with ND is right and tight, and Dowling Catholic HS sends a lot of grads to ND, as well. ND is in NW Indiana and Route 80 can get one to/from Iowa relatively quickly.
For this Irish fan, I just hope to see her take the OV and then what happens, happens. Of couse, will cross fingers and think good thoughts.

Stay tuned.
p.s. On top of that Maddy Westbeld is headed out to South Bend, finishing up a frenetic last month of OVs. Notre Dame is the last of her finalists (UCLA, Tenn., Louisville, Ohio State) to visit and we're hoping the fifth one is a charm. With Westbeld, we're hoping that she's very much cut from the same cloth as older sister Kat.