Foremost, I'm a BIG fan who wants UConn, so I don't give much to the AAU argument & certainly take US News Rankings with a grain of salt.
But let me be clear here, UConn may outperform my alma mater on the undergraduate front (Minnesota), but try looking a the other US News Rankings, in fact I'd argue the more important one:
Graduate School Rankings.
UConn has at least 3 ranked top 25 Graduate programs. Granted a payment and membership to these rankings will reveal a few more for UConn:
Now look at Minnesota,
51, yes 51 top 25 programs & again a paid membership will only reveal more:
When the "bread and butter" importance of graduate schools becomes part of a universities overall standing, Minnesota suddenly becomes an alpha dog and surpasses most of its fellow BIG members & the rest of the research institutions landscape.
I think the BIG's academic angle has been straightforward for decades on putting greater emphasis on research and real-world applicability. The ACC, for example - as some have factually pointed out on here, outperforms the BIG in undergraduate rankings (US News), but the BIG not only closes the gap via Graduate Schools strength, it nearly laps the ACC.
Regardless, all for UConn to the BIG, and I've been making your case on here, other boards, and through official documentation to the BIG offices for the past year.