Work on your reading comprehension. I said or implied no such thing.
On many boards, posters will write that UConn is a bad academic fit for the B10 or flat out slander our academics. Just providing folks with some facts.
You could not be more correct. We should have expected it. The slander. The "ya buts." The Kellermans' on Napier's "ban rant." The Mushnicks' on "JC's thugs and criminals" and "KO's grammar." Using the APR issues to taint academics at an entire University. A "Journalist" in northern NJ mis-characterizing UCONN's national ranking as an academic iinstitution. I'm sure there are more examples.
The fact that the occasional no-nothing misrepresents UCONN would not have been a problem pre-internet. Unfortunately, wrong-headed crap can now lead to misconceptions that become accepted "truth" unless challenged by the real truth. And, sites like the BY can't be the lone "challenger." After all, the BY is just another biased Internet site.
I think the school has to start, tastefully, challenging misconceptions and incorrect negative perceptions that, if left unchallenged, will damage both academic and athletic futures. Go on SNY and challenge Mushnick to name the "criminals and thugs" in JC's program, since 1986. Bring on Larry Brown, James and Durant to talk about the KO that occasionally uses a double negative or dangles a participle. There's more to representing a University than being able to diagram sentences. Put out a "The Following is Bull Spit"
Press Release (for wide release) that corrects mistruths/untruths/outright lies as they occur. Make sure that talking heads know that they will be embarrassed publicly if they don't check their facts.
Finally, make sure that the world knows that UCONN has no trouble with truth, but will not allow its reputation to be tarnished by lies or innuendo. RANT OFF!!