Well as long as your neighbor agrees with you, that's good enough for me (i.e not worth a whole lot).

Thing is, that is the rule, and as far as being a problem, it is not. The inconsistency and absence of common sense in determining what constitutes a catch is a problem. Calling a penalty on a head shots at or around the neck is looking out for the best interest of players within the context of a fairly brutal game.
I was at the Big E on Sunday but had the game on DVR (Low and behold, through disabling my Google and fantasy alerts, I actually was able to avoid all conduits of the game and final score until 8:00 that night). Unfortunately, I erased it and I can't find a replay of a play that technically doesn't exist, except for the offsetting penalties. However, as I recall, they were not just running down the field. The 'Skins gunner was out of bounds and 1) as he was coming back in, Adams hit him, 2) up at or above the shoulders. He's supposed to let the guy back in bounds, but I don't think merely preventing a guy from doing so is grounds for an unsportsmanlike personal foul.
Be that as it may, this is not a controversial call. If it were, why, in the day of faux outrage and contrarian opinions, aren't literally any other New York-centric source making as big of a deal of it? One (
nj.com) goes so far as to say that Adams "launched" into the defender. Another called it bone headed.
That said, I'm done with this topic. There are certainly other, probably more mundane, matters of UConn discourse upon which I can waste my time.