Been watching for 30 sum years. Lots of great games. Like watching clips of many.
But the only games for which I watch extended play is the 2014 team. Not sure why, but there was something about that team. The were dominant in a just-a-bit-ahead-of-you kind of way. Every shot seemed huge. Every game seemed to be a battle in which we would just outlast the opponent, and, when it was over, you'd think, yeah, we had 'em.
I don't watch St. Joe's, except for Brimah's transcendent moment. I still can't take the stress of that game coming down to the wire.
Every other game was an absolute blast to watch.
I watched those games at the bar that I eventually bought, with a young pup who was an N.Carolina fan who yelled "Jiffy-Lube!" every time Giffey hit a 3.
Beating Villanova and Iowa solidly, if not convincingly.
Seeming to be getting better with each game.
Beating Michigan State to break their FF senior streak. Coming back on Florida and then, down the stretch, having Kerr or Anthony say, "UConn is just the better team."
Then the Kentucky game, with all their talent. In the 2nd half, EVERY play seemed critical. Kentucky was like a dire wolf snapping at our ankles as we ran toward the finish line. Just incredible.
I suppose there's some recency bias here. I frankly can't remember the 99 season much at all. I remember the players and some of the iconic plays, but the details are faded badly - it was a really busy year for me and I didn't get to know the team as well as usual. 2004 is much clearer in my mind, and I loved the Duke 2nd half beatdown.
But 14 was the apogee for me. Tremendous fan fun. An incredibly unlikely run through a very tough bracket.