UCONN Football subject of article this morning in NY Post sports section | The Boneyard

UCONN Football subject of article this morning in NY Post sports section

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Aug 30, 2011
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The P can do nothing right crowd won't like this because it doesn't fit squarely into their agenda box.

P has significantly improved recruiting, he needs to produce on the field this year or he is gone, but he has already proven himself as a recruiter.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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The P can do nothing right crowd won't like this because it doesn't fit squarely into their agenda box.

Just stop it with that agenda nonsense. Myself, I have no agenda when it comes to P. He wasn't my preference when he was hired, but the day he was announced he was my guy. But since then he's been killing the program. He had the horses and an easy enough schedule the last two years to go bowling but failed both seasons. It's good that some folks say he's improved recruiting. But he lost with good players the last two years, why would expect different in the future?
Aug 27, 2011
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Can't like this post enough times. Keep the pedal to the metal.

Syracuse is NY's team my !
I get the Post delivered to my house and I work in Manhattan...(basically see the city from the Battery to 125th St)...You are right about that Syracuse is definitely NOT NYC's college team!
Aug 27, 2011
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P has significantly improved recruiting

No, he really has not. Are our classes ranked significantly higher by the services? Are we landing more kids with multiple BCS offers? Other than Whitmer, has any P recruit really made a significant impact on the field of play?

I can't believe the depths some of you guys will go to to defend this guy and what he's done the last 2 years. I hope I'm proven wrong and we win 7 games this year. But I'd be very surprised.
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't think 7 wins will be enough for him to keep his job Jimmy. Especially if we get blown out at home by MD and Michigan. I just posted the link more so to show that UCONN is relavent in NYC sports media.
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't think 7 wins will be enough for him to keep his job Jimmy. Especially if we get blown out at home by MD and Michigan. I just posted the link more so to show that UCONN is relavent in NYC sports media.

The presence in NYC is a good thing, especially right now. And I won't derail the thread by arguing about how many wins it will take. I did that in HFD's thread yesterday. But he's coming back with 7 wins. :)
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't think it is derailing the thread at all Jimmy...I hope your wrong about 7 wins...but if you're not I don't think 7 wins gets him anything more than the opportunity to possibly coach out his contract at the most.
I hope we are able to keep up this media presence though. It can only help us in the long run.
Aug 29, 2011
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No, he really has not. Are our classes ranked significantly higher by the services? Are we landing more kids with multiple BCS offers? Other than Whitmer, has any P recruit really made a significant impact on the field of play?

I can't believe the depths some of you guys will go to to defend this guy and what he's done the last 2 years. I hope I'm proven wrong and we win 7 games this year. But I'd be very surprised.

There is no doubt, that P has failed in the past two years in the most important thing. Wins and losses. Consecutive 5-7 seasons. It's got to change, and we need to win, or his job security gets more and more tenuous. I don't think anyone is going to debate this (in the real world)......here? Somebody will find a reason to debate anything, no matter how ridiculous. This coaching staff needs to start winning more than they lose, or every day that goes by is one day closer to losing their jobs.

I'll tell you something else, there is no coach, at this level, anywhere, that is given the charge of building a winner, that doesn't know that if they don't win, they'll be replaced. So the real question to be asked - is whether or not we have expectations of winning. And the answer there - is a Hell Yes. It's time to win.

But Jimmy - to try to say the guy has failed in a blanket statement over the past 2 years is simply false. Failed at what? Winning more than we lose, and making bowl games? Yes. And that is the measure that he'll eventually keep his job or lose it. Wins and losses. But the expectations over the past 2 seasons needed to be realistic. We needed to compete for league titles, and try to get the post season. We did compete and we failed - so close - and that's always the case when you've got a team like we had in the past two years, and coaching like we had. A bounce here, a better play there, a different call over there, and we could just as easily have gone 3-9 consecutively or 9-3.

Consistency is key, and I have no doubt they're going to work on it - we were very inconsistent on the field past two seasons - but how do you do that? Get consistent? Practice - practice against competition that is as close to what you see on game day as possible.

You want to know how good a football program is, and how well they can compete, and what their potential is to be consistent and win against a level of competition - go look at the practice squad roster. Look at what our practice squad looked like going into fall 2011, to what it's going to be in fall 2013.

I"ll tell you what thought, I"ve been up close to our roster in the past, on occasion, and more recently, and I saw what our roster looked like in Spring 2011, and I've seen our full roster up close in years past as well. Some practices are open to the public throughout the year spring and fall. We consistently were able to recruit and produce a lineup of #1's on the roster that could stand shoulder to shoulder and toe to toe with anybody in the country. Our practice squad? Our #2s through #4s? Not so much.

I don't know how many people have actually been to open practices around here, I suspect not many. But those who have in the past, I encourage you to go out again in fall camp in August and watch again get on the field and stand and watch players move on the same ground level with the players. This 2013 UCONN squad from #1's to practice squad, is going to be bigger, faster, and stronger than any team we've ever brought to the field in over a 100 years.

There is no doubt, that our rosters, have improved dramatically, both horizontally and vertically in the past 2 years, for the level we want to compete at, and in that respect, the guy has been a success, and if he doesn't win and ends up out on his rear on the sidewalk, the program is going to be a hell of a lot better shape than it was when he got here.

It's time to win on the field though, the roster is set. No one (sane) is arguing this.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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But Jimmy - to try to say the guy has failed in a blanket statement over the past 2 years is simply false. Failed at what? Winning more than we lose, and making bowl games? Yes. And that is the measure that he'll eventually keep his job or lose it. Wins and losses. But the expectations over the past 2 seasons needed to be realistic.

You admit he's failed at the tangibles. But he's also failed at the intangibles. He's lost whatever juice the program had coming off a BCS game. It's not just that he's old. Old can work. But old, boring, and uninspired doesn't. He's lost it. Maybe he can get it back, but it's unlikely. Perno is a perfect comparision. UConn was a team on the come when Corny and McKay were freshmen. But he could never bulid on that and the program lost it's juice. It was never going anywhere without a change. And neither is this one.
Aug 29, 2011
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You admit he's failed at the tangibles. But he's also failed at the intangibles. He's lost whatever juice the program had coming off a BCS game. It's not just that he's old. Old can work. But old, boring, and uninspired doesn't. He's lost it. Maybe he can get it back, but it's unlikely. Perno is a perfect comparision. UConn was a team on the come when Corny and McKay were freshmen. But he could never bulid on that and the program lost it's juice. It was never going anywhere without a change. And neither is this one.

I'm going to wait to see what happens in the fall, before I agree or disagree with this. Players play and coaches and coach, and this fall, I don't think I need to remind anybody of the competition we're going up against and they've had two years to build for this.

I think we've got the horses, and we'll see where the ride takes us.

How many other cliché metaphor's can I come up with? Endless.
Aug 29, 2011
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Just stop it with that agenda nonsense. Myself, I have no agenda when it comes to P. He wasn't my preference when he was hired, but the day he was announced he was my guy. But since then he's been killing the program. He had the horses and an easy enough schedule the last two years to go bowling but failed both seasons. It's good that some folks say he's improved recruiting. But he lost with good players the last two years, why would expect different in the future?

Where we disagree is that I think the football program needed a fundamental change from where Edsall had driven it, otherwise it was going to go downhill in a big way. Lots of people seem to think we could have just done the same thing we did for the previous 4 years and continue to win. I say no.

Edsall had a built a program that had significant recruiting deficiencies, through a style of play that was competitive in the Big East, but not top 25 in the country capable. It would only get harder and harder to recruit the way Edsall had built the program. My opinion is that the guy knew it full well too, and wanted to get the hell out of Dodge - for a long time. My opnion is that he - Edsall - considered his work at UCONN done, with our first co-championship in 2007, and the recruiting class he had brought in that year.

No way to know if those opinions reflect fact without actually sitting down and asking Edsall, and then - trusting that what he says is the truth.

But the fact is that Edsall built a program around a style of play, that was competitive in the Big East, but not top 25 in the country quality, and the recruiting that we were capable of, reflected it more and more every year that went by.

Pasqualoni has come in and established a style of play, and a recruiting pattern that reflects it, that does have the potential for us to be a top 25 in the country program.

Whether or not you believe that, I don't really care. The bottom line, is that we need to win games. THis is year three, and we've got the stage set.

Is Pasqualoni the only coach that can, could, do what we need to do to be a top 25 program? No. But he is one of them, it's "show me" time - to use the guy's own words.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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The P can do nothing right crowd won't like this because it doesn't fit squarely into their agenda box.

P has significantly improved recruiting, he needs to produce on the field this year or he is gone, but he has already proven himself as a recruiter.
No, he really has not. Are our classes ranked significantly higher by the services? Are we landing more kids with multiple BCS offers? Other than Whitmer, has any P recruit really made a significant impact on the field of play?

I can't believe the depths some of you guys will go to to defend this guy and what he's done the last 2 years. I hope I'm proven wrong and we win 7 games this year. But I'd be very surprised.

Jimmy is correct. Yes, Rivals and Scouts, Inc, assign UConn's recruiting classes with better overall "Stars," but not many Pasqualoni recruits have contributed on the field (yet) in a significant manner. Other than the buyout amount, this was the argument in keeping him around for one more year. Lets see how his recruits have developed and go from there. I don't think I have any other choice to keep sane but to put my faith in Coach Wiest this year...
Aug 27, 2011
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Jimmy is correct. Yes, Rivals and Scouts, Inc, assign UConn's recruiting classes with better overall "Stars," but not many Pasqualoni recruits have contributed on the field (yet) in a significant manner. Other than the buyout amount, this was the argument in keeping him around for one more year. Lets see how his recruits have developed and go from there. I don't think I have any other choice to keep sane but to put my faith in Coach Wiest this year...

If the stars have increased but our class ranking has not.....what does that tell you?


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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If the stars have increased but our class ranking has not.....what does that tell you?
Regardless of class ranking or increased number of stars, the players "earning" those stars have not contributed in a significant manner to the overall talent on the field.

That tells me that Coach Pasqualoni has not coached up or refined said contributing talent and is more reliant on the raw "star" power.
Aug 29, 2011
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Haven't we been over this before? They contributed to 5-7 seasons, so you can say that they did not contribute to winning yet, but to say that none of the players that have come to UCONN through Pasqualoni's recruiting since January 2011, and he needed to RE-recruit every player that came in 2011 after Edsall left.....hasn't contributed?

False. There are plenty of players that have had meaningful contributions on game day. Andrew Adams is a freaking beast coming out of the defensive secondary. It's been a while since we've had somebody back there that hits like he does.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Haven't we been over this before? They contributed to 5-7 seasons, so you can say that they did not contribute to winning yet, but to say that none of the players that have come to UCONN through Pasqualoni's recruiting since January 2011, and he needed to RE-recruit every player that came in 2011 after Edsall left.....hasn't contributed?

False. There are plenty of players that have had meaningful contributions on game day. Andrew Adams is a freaking beast coming out of the defensive secondary. It's been a while since we've had somebody back there that hits like he does.

I'm not saying you are wrong, but that's the line of BS that we've been fed. The 2011 class redshirted their first year and were back-ups last year. They haven't, as a class, made a meaningful contribution.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Where we disagree is that I think the football program needed a fundamental change from where Edsall had driven it, otherwise it was going to go downhill in a big way.

Actually, I agree with you here. Edsall had taken the program as far as he was going to. But it's clear to me now that P isn't the right man for the job. I hope I'm wrong and we surprise. I will eat all the crow I need to. But Perno hung on way too long. (And people forget the only reason he got fired at that time was because of Earl Kelley's problems with the law.) We can't afford a similar situation here.
Aug 27, 2011
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Haven't we been over this before? They contributed to 5-7 seasons, so you can say that they did not contribute to winning yet, but to say that none of the players that have come to UCONN through Pasqualoni's recruiting since January 2011, and he needed to RE-recruit every player that came in 2011 after Edsall left.....hasn't contributed?

False. There are plenty of players that have had meaningful contributions on game day. Andrew Adams is a freaking beast coming out of the defensive secondary. It's been a while since we've had somebody back there that hits like he does.

Adams committed when Edsall was the coach.
Aug 29, 2011
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Actually, I agree with you here. Edsall had taken the program as far as he was going to. But it's clear to me now that P isn't the right man for the job. I hope I'm wrong and we surprise. I will eat all the crow I need to. But Perno hung on way too long. (And people forget the only reason he got fired at that time was because of Earl Kelley's problems with the law.) We can't afford a similar situation here.

But in basketball, it's much more clear than football. Basketball rosters are a dozen or so players, that are on display publicly all the time. Football - it's the only sport where 90% of the time is spent behind closed doors.

The only thing I can be absolutely sure of about what's happened on the field, in the past two seasons, is that we went 5-7 consecutively, and the only constant - was that we were Inconsistent.

In basketball, you see everything on display, in football you don't. When things are inconsistent, you see the players that are inconsistent, and what they are doing wrong in basketball. In football, you don't.

It comes down to practice, and I simply don't think that our #1's were practicing consistently against competition on our own roster at full speed, and ready to go. We had players, especially on the OL, that if they went down - we were in big trouble. We played 2011 with a god damn walk on QB, and nobody behind him. When your #1's on game day look like that - what do you think the players look like that they practicing against the other 5 days of the week?

Pasqualoni's recruits are going to have a HUGE impact on how we do this year. We just won't see much of it, because it happens during the week, not on game day.
Aug 29, 2011
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Adams committed when Edsall was the coach.

I know - most of the 2011 class committed when Edsall was still coach. Every single one of them had to be recruited again by Pasqualoni. Didn't I say that?


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Actually, I agree with you here. Edsall had taken the program as far as he was going to. But it's clear to me now that P isn't the right man for the job. I hope I'm wrong and we surprise. I will eat all the crow I need to. But Perno hung on way too long. (And people forget the only reason he got fired at that time was because of Earl Kelley's problems with the law.) We can't afford a similar situation here.

I doubt the same situation will occur. It has been made clear that Coach Pasqualoni's program needs to show results this year or the final years of his retirement plan...err...contract will not be realized. I'll abide by Mr. Manuel's word.
Aug 27, 2011
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Good article. At least shows that UCONN appears to be aggressive about kids they want. I know people have issues about the recruitment of some kids here but I'm not the talent evaluator.
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