As usual in my little corner of Vt, I'm blacked out (totally irrational).
So, I was reluctant to comment based on Bob Joyce's call.
But in answer to your question, I can theorize, speculate?

I know, a dirty word on the UConn board.....
Haydn: Lo speziale, Act I: recitative, Sempronio...(translation, the late Robert Hess)
"Lets have no more delaying...Listen to what I'm saying."
Well, here it is, no more introductions....
This loveable but not quite coherent team played better (as a whole), progress is noted, Anna came out of her funk, that leaves just one. Geno was not displeased; a strong and consistent defensive effort was apparent.
Punch line: Still, I suspect that many 'Yarders understand that what we see before us is just not quite good enough for a deep run in March...Yes folks expect to win the local tourney, but after that, all bets are off.
And noting the antics of that young point in a different thread, its easy to look ahead towards next season.
A possible reason for the seeming board passivity in reaction to the latest not unexpected league victory.