Top 3 Things You Want To See Against Duke On Friday Night | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Top 3 Things You Want To See Against Duke On Friday Night


Dec 3, 2021
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I want to see a good close game with Duke playing their hearts out.
Duke should throw everything possible at UConn including the kitchen sink, even if that means getting our women in foul trouble.
UConn needs continuous stress tests so that they can learn to deal with difficult yet manageable adversity.
Make UConn realize that they have a target on their back and to win they need to play as tough & perfect as possible every second that they're on the court until the final horn.
The tougher & longer that Duke can hang in there against UConn the better because it will help teach our women to always play their best, and not to take to any game for granted.
One hot hand for Duke can blow away UConn's chances for victory.
UConn needs to get used to the fact that teams can unexpectedly play perfect enough to hand them a loss.
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Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
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1. Video of @triaddukefan watching the game on a live feed
2. Video and chat display of @Plebe watching and texting Triad
3. A feed into the VolNation chat during this game with their lamentation of what could have been if Kara only would have said she was interested in coaching the Lady Vols

A sneak preview


It didn't cross my mind until you mentioned it that the Lady Vol fans might tune into see how Lawson does.
Apr 1, 2013
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1--- Azzi Fudd remain dominant.
2--- Muhl, Edwards and Griff each of them hit multiple outside shots being efficient.
3-- Ducharme play near 30 minutes and score near 20 points (Duke wants to play fast. Ducharme loves to play fast. She plays near 30 minutes then it means she is pretty healthy. I want her to be healthy. "Minutes" would be a very good sign.:) ).
Apr 6, 2019
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1. Fudd and Muhl staying hot.
2. Like to see Senechal become more well rounded…2 rebounds and assists in 3 games?
3. Break out for CD……hoping her Sophomore year doesn't parallel Makurat’s.
Aug 26, 2011
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1. Repeat great performance by Edwards to show that her inconsistencies are gone.
2. Griffin making some outside shots as this will help Lou, Azzi, and Caroline get open more often. And make her own drives to the basket harder to defend.
3. Continued defensive improvements without fouling.
Sep 12, 2011
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Duke should throw everything possible at UConn including the kitchen sink, even if that means getting our women in foul trouble.
UConn needs continuous stress tests so that they can learn to deal with difficult yet manageable adversity.
Make UConn realize that they have a target on their back and to win they need to play as tough & perfect as possible every second that they're on the court until the final horn.
@sun with all due respect what you suggest is what every team has done for a few decades now. UConn players know they have a target on their back that is why they come here. What some consider a target others see it as a badge of honor. It has been defended well.
As for my top three on the topic.....
1 ) CD back on the bench and feeling well....
2) Nika, Griff, and Edwards setting the tone with Azzi and Caroline adding the melody.
3) No injuries and if available pt for all....

Bajan Best

Decades of Excellence = Legendary
Oct 3, 2016
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There seems to be quite a lot of Request for Caroline, but do we really need her this year? Last year we did for sure, but with the implementation of Lou, I'm not so certain we need her.. Definitely is nice to have another option on the court, but scoring is not our problem right now...

With that said here is my three things

1) Ayanna operating more confidently and seeing extended minutes and production, all while staying out of foul trouble
2) Azzi Continues her streak of domination at both ends of the floor
3) Aubrey, Ayanna and Nika Disrupting the opposition out of their comfort zones, leading to easy baskets on our end
4) Lou to continue to keep the defense honest so everyone else can continue to flourish
Mar 5, 2015
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There seems to be quite a lot of Request for Caroline, but do we really need her this year? Last year we did for sure, but with the implementation of Lou, I'm not so certain we need her.. Definitely is nice to have another option on the court, but scoring is not our problem right now...

With that said here is my three things

1) Ayanna operating more confidently and seeing extended minutes and production, all while staying out of foul trouble
2) Azzi Continues her streak of domination at both ends of the floor
3) Aubrey, Ayanna and Nika Disrupting the opposition out of their comfort zones, leading to easy baskets on our end
4) Lou to continue to keep the defense honest so everyone else can continue to flourish
we definitely need Caroline! What happens when Lou has an off shooting night and Azzi has a tough defender and can’t get open? What if its Azzi who can’t buy a bucket? PLease no more injuries, but what if another player suffers one, wouldn’t we want Caroline available? Sometimes when there are lots of requests for a particular player it is for a valid reason. Lots of people want Caroline back because she is really good and is a complete player on offense, defense and rebounding.
Apr 24, 2022
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There seems to be quite a lot of Request for Caroline, but do we really need her this year?
I always want to see Caroline on the floor because she’s capable of anything, sort of like a Swiss Army knife. She was this even in an injury plagued year last season. I can’t help my curiosity for what she might accomplish in a truly healthy season… which sadly this may not be. I’m with you though in thinking that the core we have is formidable even without her.
Apr 1, 2013
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There seems to be quite a lot of Request for Caroline, but do we really need her this year? Last year we did for sure, but with the implementation of Lou, I'm not so certain we need her.. Definitely is nice to have another option on the court, but scoring is not our problem right now...

With that said here is my three things

1) Ayanna operating more confidently and seeing extended minutes and production, all while staying out of foul trouble
2) Azzi Continues her streak of domination at both ends of the floor
3) Aubrey, Ayanna and Nika Disrupting the opposition out of their comfort zones, leading to easy baskets on our end
4) Lou to continue to keep the defense honest so everyone else can continue to flourish
Don't want to derail the thread but we can't leave it hanging that CD is not needed Absolutely CD is needed. Azzi and Lou are not pros meaning they will have some nights they don't shoot well. Lou ofc more than Azzi. . And they lost 2 consecutive years with Gabby/Lou/Collier as 1st team a/a's along with other quality. No way you can say this team doesn't need more good players.

Anyway back to the thread -- love your four things.
Feb 9, 2016
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Duke will run a full court zone press in order to slow us down.
Jan 7, 2020
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There seems to be quite a lot of Request for Caroline, but do we really need her this year? Last year we did for sure, but with the implementation of Lou, I'm not so certain we need her.. Definitely is nice to have another option on the court, but scoring is not our problem right now...

With that said here is my three things

1) Ayanna operating more confidently and seeing extended minutes and production, all while staying out of foul trouble
2) Azzi Continues her streak of domination at both ends of the floor
3) Aubrey, Ayanna and Nika Disrupting the opposition out of their comfort zones, leading to easy baskets on our end
4) Lou to continue to keep the defense honest so everyone else can continue to flourish
After 3 games this year, I hope everyone realizes how much we needed Aubrey last year. Once Caroline comes back-back, we will all realize how much we need her this year. She has very unique talents. She is a heady, fearless player above everything else. Secondly, no one at UCONN has moved like her without the ball in a long time. Third, she can score from everywhere,has a great array of shots, can rebound, defend, and is a very good passer. She is 6'2" with extension arms and is a different player than Lou or Aubrey.

So yes, we need her and it will become obvious once she gets healthy. Having 3 different types of players and scorers at the 3 spot creates instant chaos for another team's defensive strategy. With her at even 90%, we are the deepest team in the country at that position.

Bajan Best

Decades of Excellence = Legendary
Oct 3, 2016
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we definitely need Caroline! What happens when Lou has an off shooting night and Azzi has a tough defender and can’t get open? What if its Azzi who can’t buy a bucket? PLease no more injuries, but what if another player suffers one, wouldn’t we want Caroline available? Sometimes when there are lots of requests for a particular player it is for a valid reason. Lots of people want Caroline back because she is really good and is a complete player on offense, defense and rebounding.
Ultimately I want every single UConn player to succeed at anything they do in life, not only at basketball, because I truly love them all... My statement was more in line with what this teams needs right now to be complete, in other words strengthening the areas we are most vulnerable in ATM.... and right now we need better post defense more than we need another highly skilled sniper.. AKA Sweet Caroline

I'm hoping I live long enough to see a day when no player on our team miss a shot or as a team we shoot in the mid-high 90% range for an entire game and everybody who plays scores etc.. "Everybody Eats" Cant wait to see Caroline, being Caroline and having fun on the court, Cant wait to see Amari have a meaningful game or two, cant wait to see Inez have more of an impact on the floor.

But more Importantly I want every team we face this year to be fearful, that if they make a single mistake we are up 10, and that they don't see an area to exploit to get back in the game.. because we have every position functioning at it's best in our well oiled machine..
Jun 7, 2020
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1) Nika, Azzi and Aubrey having no problem breaking Duke's press.
2) Uconn sets tempo, continued fast feeds from Nika to solid finishes to the basket, Azzi continued quick releases not affected by pressure and Lou, Aubrey and Caroline scoring in rhythm.
3) Aaliyah, Ayanna and Aubrey (and a bit of Amari please) dominating around the basket both ends.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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After 3 games this year, I hope everyone realizes how much we needed Aubrey last year. Once Caroline comes back-back, we will all realize how much we need her this year. She has very unique talents. She is a heady, fearless player above everything else. Secondly, no one at UCONN has moved like her without the ball in a long time. Third, she can score from everywhere,has a great array of shots, can rebound, defend, and is a very good passer. She is 6'2" with extension arms and is a different player than Lou or Aubrey.

So yes, we need her and it will become obvious once she gets healthy. Having 3 different types of players and scorers at the 3 spot creates instant chaos for another team's defensive strategy. With her at even 90%, we are the deepest team in the country at that position.
I would like to see Lou as active as Caroline moving without the ball
Apr 27, 2021
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#1 mjls replay as soon as possible! #2 duke player with tray and towel on arm serving post game drinks #3 azzi smiling after going 11-11 on threes :)
Jul 20, 2021
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1) Healthy, active Caroline playing more minutes and getting into the swing of things.
2) No injuries, of course.
3) Big enough margin to enable an extended look at Ines & yes, Amari.
I know she has been an enigma and a disappointment up till now, but I just can’t stop hoping that Amari can make a sorely needed contribution to our front court.
Bonus wish: Nika, Azzi, AE & Aubrey continue their “Flying Circus” highlight routine.
A pleasure to watch them all playing like they really enjoy themselves out there.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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After two consecutive wins against top ten teams, here are my top 3 things:

1) A win with great team intensity;

2) Continued smart play by Aubrey, Aaliyah and Ayanna underneath:

3) Caroline to have the "I'm back" game.

We are starting to look really great, let's not let up one bit.
I hereby adopt @BBallF 's thoughts on this matter AND being a rule breaker I add wanting to see 32 from the sophomore Cool Hand Luke.
Jan 7, 2020
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I would like to see Lou as active as Caroline moving without the ball
Me too. I think she was used to having the ball come to her at Fairfield because every play was run for her. In the second half against NC State she moved both on offense and defense and she went to the ball and received it in the right spots and she was running on the breaks. I hope the light went on and she realizes that if she moves, she scores on this team, especially with Nika doing the very efficient dishing.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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A sneak preview


It didn't cross my mind until you mentioned it that the Lady Vol fans might tune into see how Lawson does.
If I was a credentialed member of the media, and I could ask Kara one question (in private off the record) that I could get an honest answer to, it would be.....why didn't you want the head coaching position at Tennessee.....given the fact that you're an alumna? :eek:

It's been posted here that she didn't want the job. May I assume it was offered? This is an honest question. I don't follow Tennessee Volunteer sports. All that I know about the Tennessee Vols I get here in the yard. I've NEVER visited their chat room. No interest/curiosity.
She appears to be quite happy at Duke.
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