Time For Geno To Give DT A Quick Call | The Boneyard

Time For Geno To Give DT A Quick Call

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Sep 14, 2011
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And tell her to stop acting like such a Jack*** on the court.

When the constant complaining w refs occurs in the NBA, fans go crazy with complaints. Same rules should apply here. When things go her way, DT is a joy to watch; when some adversity hits it's painful to watch her act. The refs were poor but at some point just shut up and play.

Diana nearly put her team's season in jeopardy with her 4th qtr outburst after fouling out. Her multiple screams of " S!" were embarrassing to watch. We love ya DT, but it's time to grow up.


Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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And tell her to stop acting like such a Jack*** on the court.

When the constant complaining w refs occurs in the NBA, fans go crazy with complaints. Same rules should apply here. When things go her way, DT is a joy to watch; when some adversity hits it's painful to watch her act. The refs were poor but at some point just shut up and play.

Diana nearly put her team's season in jeopardy with her 4th qtr outburst after fouling out. Her multiple screams of " S!" were embarrassing to watch. We love ya DT, but it's time to grow up.

I agree. It is painful to watch. It's not just the profanity-laced outbursts, but also the hard fouls on opponents when she's upset. Her current coach clearly enables the behavior. I hope someone whose opinion she values can step in and help her get back on track.
Aug 26, 2011
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She's seven years removed from playing at UCONN. I don't think it's Geno's responsibility to tell her how to act and conduct herself on a basketball court anymore. I understand she plays for USA Basketball, but I think what she does in a Phoenix Mercury jersey is the responsibility of the Phoenix coaching staff.


Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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She's seven years removed from playing at UCONN. I don't think it's Geno's responsibility to tell her how to act and conduct herself on a basketball court anymore. I understand she plays for USA Basketball, but I think what she does in a Phoenix Mercury jersey is the responsibility of the Phoenix coaching staff.

Geno and Diana are very close. She has confided in him during some of her most difficult times, including the DUI arrest and the Turkish lab fiasco. I think the suggestion in the original post is that Geno should advise Diana as someone whose opinion she values and who has played a mentoring if not parental role in her life. Seems to me this happens quite often in sports and in life. The Phoenix organization surely has a responsibility in taking steps to encourage her to change her behavior, but so do her family, friends and mentors.
Sep 20, 2011
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To be fair, that 6th foul called on her was complete bull. It was a win-or-go-home game against Seattle, it's biggest rival, and a team that it has lost to about 10 of 12 times or so and hasn't beaten in Seattle since 2009. The officiating was abysmal, as is pretty typical in WNBA games, so I understand Taurasi's frustration with them. Granted, Taurasi could have shown more restraint, but her emotion and fire are what make her great. Yes, sometimes it can be over the top and hard to watch when she goes off on refs and gets angry, but oftentimes these bouts of anger or frustration fuel her greatest play. She played very well in the 3rd quarter and helped her team trim the lead and even in the start of the fourth. It was unfortunate that she had already accumulated five fouls in the fourth quarter, but that 6th foul should not have been called, especially with the level of physical play that was seen throughout the game. Tensions were high, and I probably would have been dropping f bombs too if I fouled out of an elimination game against my biggest rival. I expect Taurasi to go off on the next team they play (either Minnesota or San Antonio). Seattle has been Phoenix's kryptonite for the last few years, so beating them in Seattle in a Game 3 is huge. I think Phoenix has a great chance of winning the championship this year, and I'm sure Taurasi's turning her frustrations into inspired play will be a huge part of it.
Aug 26, 2011
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Cat, I understand where you're coming from. It would definitely make sense to confide in him during difficult personal times. If her attitude on the court was spilling into her personal life or was a result of something going on in her personal life, I can see where it may be necessary. But I think this outburst may have been a result of the pressure situation the Phoenix Mercury were in during that game. People get emotional during games, so I don't really feel it's a big enough issue to require Geno's intervention.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Just to be a contrarian - if Rip Hamilton or Caron Butler acted that way, would people be as upset?


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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C. Little fouled out... she went staight to the bench and sat down. (not one word)


Queen of Queens
Aug 26, 2011
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"abysmal officiating" is typical in every sport. It's also used as an excuse in every sport for behavior that wouldn't (or shouldn't) be tolerated in the "real" work world. Is what you saw from Dee what you want to see in your work place?


Chief Didacticist
Sep 5, 2011
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...I think this outburst may have been a result of the pressure situation the Phoenix Mercury were in during that game. People get emotional during games, so I don't really feel it's a big enough issue to require Geno's intervention.

I don't have an actual count, but I would not be surprised to find that Diana leads the league in technicals (again) this year. She doesn't save the behavior for Storm games or playoff games.

And, to respond to Nan's post, there are *far* more kids at WNBA games than NBA games. There are always special kid's activities at Mercury home games during timeouts & halftime.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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And, to respond to Nan's post, there are *far* more kids at WNBA games than NBA games. There are always special kid's activities at Mercury home games during timeouts & halftime.

True, but that wasn't my question.


Uncle Mo of Posters
Sep 11, 2011
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Cat, I understand where you're coming from. It would definitely make sense to confide in him during difficult personal times. If her attitude on the court was spilling into her personal life or was a result of something going on in her personal life, I can see where it may be necessary. But I think this outburst may have been a result of the pressure situation the Phoenix Mercury were in during that game. People get emotional during games, so I don't really feel it's a big enough issue to require Geno's intervention.
DT spent her junior and senior year at UConn getting beaten up by opposing teams. She rarely reacted to it. She merely went out and destroyed the opposition. The classic was after being mugged by TN in the NC game in Atlanta when she nailed that trey near the Vol bench and then made her infamous proclamation while passing the TN bench"This is my ****** ******* show." While not lady like, it sure did get the point across. It is time for her to zip her lip and do what she does best....play basketball like no other we have ever seen while not allowing refs and opposing players to get under her skin.


Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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Just to be a contrarian - if Rip Hamilton or Caron Butler acted that way, would people be as upset?

I don't know how others would feel, but there is nothing either Rip or Caron could do that would upset me. I didn't follow them closely at UConn and I couldn't even tell you whether they're still playing in the NBA. Now if it were Kemba who acted that way? I'd be unhappy. I'd yearn for the old Kemba much like I yearn for the old Diana.

I made excuses for Diana when this behavior first surfaced a few years ago. I'm well beyond that point. Her irrepressible joy and enthusiasm on the court have been replaced by a scowl, profanity and hard fouls. It's tough to watch.


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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I made excuses for Diana when this behavior first surfaced a few years ago. I'm well beyond that point. Her irrepressible joy and enthusiasm on the court have been replaced by a scowl, profanity and hard fouls. It's tough to watch.

I agree, and she's my alltime FAVORITE UConn player but geesh DT play ball


Chief Didacticist
Sep 5, 2011
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I don't know how others would feel, but there is nothing either Rip or Caron could do that would upset me. I didn't follow them closely at UConn and I couldn't even tell you whether they're still playing in the NBA. Now if it were Kemba who acted that way? I'd be unhappy. I'd yearn for the old Kemba much like I yearn for the old Diana.

I made excuses for Diana when this behavior first surfaced a few years ago. I'm well beyond that point. Her irrepressible joy and enthusiasm on the court have been replaced by a scowl, profanity and hard fouls. It's tough to watch.



Aug 26, 2011
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Notable that Candice Dupree, who rarely even opens her mouth was also called for a technical after DT.

I think that what the Mercury experienced was the usual state of WNBA and WCB reffing (abysmal at its best) compounded by the importance of the game -

Doesn't excuse DT's behavior but even the commentators noted the ticky-tack foul called and the lack of quality in the refs - "four (that's 4) players on the floor and no foul called ?????
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't know how others would feel, but there is nothing either Rip or Caron could do that would upset me. I didn't follow them closely at UConn and I couldn't even tell you whether they're still playing in the NBA. Now if it were Kemba who acted that way? I'd be unhappy. I'd yearn for the old Kemba much like I yearn for the old Diana.

I guess I'm indifferent to Diana because I was a youngster in Fairfield County when she played at UCONN. I'm definitely not condoning her actions but it's understandable, not ideal, behavior in that situation. Back to my original point, I just don't think this is something Geno should intervene in. The Phoenix coaching staff is responsible.
Aug 26, 2011
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the play that got me up and yelling at the tv was the cheap shot foul on katie smith. it should have been a flagrant foul. i'm sorry that people jumped in and held katie back.
Sep 12, 2011
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The problem was, had she not committed that ridiculous foul on Katie Smith in the first half, or committed her dumb 5th foul in the 2nd half, that last foul call wouldn't have mattered. She lost her mind and used up fouls that she didn't need to. The 6th foul, ticky tac or not, was irresponsible. You don't go reaching in and slapping at the ball when you have 5 fouls. And I agree with the poster above me. Her foul on Smith in the first half was borderline dirty. She and Katie have played aggressive against one another for years. Last night was the 1st time I thought the line was crossed. It was honestly a shame to watch. Surprised Smith held back as much as she did. While she's a joy to watch most of the time, I cringed last night.
Aug 26, 2011
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Katie Smith is far from an angel on the basketball court. Most of the really good defensive players at the WNBA are very physical and borderline dirty (holding, pushing, etc.). Did DT go over board last night? IMO yes and there was no need for the endless f...k you she was seen saying. BUT, one thing about DT in any game is that it's great theater/show as her emotions are truly on her sleeve. In a way, you need to accept her as an amazing player (IMO the best ever) who is fueled by her emotions on the court.


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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when you OWN teammate has to cover your mouth thats a problem... even Dupree (during interview) said players need to shut up, stop whining to the ref and play ball.


Aug 26, 2011
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It is difficult because my love of the game rests on her shoulders and spirit. She was always so cool and let her trays do the talking. I yearn for those days to return. The fire was not diminshed at all in the days of greater restraint. She played brilliantly and with the translatable emotion of a great opera singer. It can be done; she did it.
Aug 26, 2011
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Katie Smith is far from an angel on the basketball court. Most of the really good defensive players at the WNBA are very physical and borderline dirty (holding, pushing, etc.). Did DT go over board last night? IMO yes and there was no need for the endless f...k you she was seen saying. BUT, one thing about DT in any game is that it's great theater/show as her emotions are truly on her sleeve. In a way, you need to accept her as an amazing player (IMO the best ever) who is fueled by her emotions on the court.

in no way should we be accepting of that behavior monday night. holding and pushing are a whole lot different than what she did to katie smith. in fact, i think her behavior has continued to get more erratic. rather than rationalizing by chalking it up to emotion, maybe someone should step in and encourage her to get some counseling. she was really out of control when she hit smith, and when she fouled out. having her at least sit down and watch herself "in action" might be a beginning.
Aug 28, 2011
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I agree that I would like to see her change her behavior. However, I think other teams have made it clear that the way they are going to play her is to be overly physical with her. Seattle in particular made this very clear in my opinion by the way they played the series. I think the officiating has gotten worse over the past few years to where the game is not as enjoyable to watch. The officials are not consistent across the board. Watched the pheonix game and then the Min. series and unbelievable diference in what is allowed.

If you watched the game it was easy for me to see that D was retaliating to getting elbowed by Katie a few plays before which wasn't called. I still don't like it but I think she is making a statement.

Her teammate wasn't holding her mouth closed she hit her in the mouth and was apologizing. Watch the video.

It reminds of how Detroit would try to bully teams and officials. D needs to change her behavior but come on officials get a grip on the game.
Aug 26, 2011
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as talented as taurasi is, the one thing that she seems to have not figured out is that the more she complains, gets upset, and gets technicals, the more her opponents are going to hit her. and the whining certainly doesn't get officials on her side. she's certainly not the only star getting bumped constantly, but don't know of any of the best wnba players who react the way she does. some people on this board may not be bothered by her antics, but i expect the phoenix coaching staff does not appreciate the dumb fouls, technicals, and the way she takes herself ou of the game at times.
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