Those weak disappointing Huskies, and what needs to be done | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Those weak disappointing Huskies, and what needs to be done

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How it is
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Dobbs is going at it with sawx. Just because he spiced it with humor doesn't mean there isn't frustration. He was arguing with sawx quite a bit on another thread then all of sudden he puts this thread out - and he goes at length to "tell an eloborate joke?" Sorry - don't buy it. Just becuase it's funny doesn't mean there also isn't quite a bit of frustration. Both can mix.
Of course they can mix. But I wouldn't put it down to a single poster. There are a number of posters who seriously find problems that most of us cannot see and take pleasure in posting their concerns. It helps mollify the hoop gods so it is all good. And this was a reaction to all of them. It may be flattering for a single poster to believe she/he is the sole reason, but with the breadth of the OP it is hard to believe. And it was funny which is the main reason it was posted.
Jul 13, 2013
Reaction Score
Dobbs' points are, I think, that 1) there is so little about the performance of this blue and white juggernaut that is open to legitimate criticism and that 2) a few posters on this board nevertheless insist on finding things to deplore. It does not seem to me that he is either frustrated or warlike, but rather that these qualities are in the eyes of the beholders, as it were.
I agree, for what that's worth. Hint, not much but I do agree.
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction Score
Dobbs' points are, I think, that 1) there is so little about the performance of this blue and white juggernaut that is open to legitimate criticism and that 2) a few posters on this board nevertheless insist on finding things to deplore. It does not seem to me that he is either frustrated or warlike, but rather that these qualities are in the eyes of the beholders, as it were.

We can agree to disagree on. Point 1. Point 2 not sure if we agree or don't. The third we agree but to an extent.

1-- Dobbs level of frustration.

2-- There aren't things to complain about especially if the coach is also complaining.

I can recall I started a thread a while back called "Awe." Bascially I wrote I was in awe of this team and i believe on that thread I mentioned "even Geno was happy." One or two psoters replied that they didn't think that was such a good thing that he wasn't complaining. It didn't draw any ire nor should it. But if Geno did what that person or another had suggested, Geno would have been "complaining," would he not? And what if a poster echoed those sentiments?

Wasn't sawx sentiments similar to what Geno had said regarding Chong? Also, isn't Geno "complaining" to some degree of KML's lack of ft's attempted? So if you are arguing with someone about a point or two concerning these things and going at it with another poster at length back-and-forth, and one of them starts a separate long sarcastic (elaborate joke) thread, you think there is minimal frustration in that creation of that thread?

3-- I do agree qualities are in the eyes of the beholder. But if one poster feels a player isn't performing well while another feels they are performing at very good level, and they go back-and-forth, imo sooner or later frustration is bound to happen for one or both. Whether it be masked in humor or other. I believe it's okay to be frustrated- so overall no big deal.
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction Score
Of course they can mix. But I wouldn't put it down to a single poster. There are a number of posters who seriously find problems that most of us cannot see and take pleasure in posting their concerns. It helps mollify the hoop gods so it is all good. And this was a reaction to all of them. It may be flattering for a single poster to believe she/he is the sole reason, but with the breadth of the OP it is hard to believe. And it was funny which is the main reason it was posted.

I gave sawx as an example. They did continue further banter on this thread, did they not? They didn't seem to be that friendly to boot.

I thought Dobbs had some humor but the dude devoted "a chapter" for bascially what? To tell a joke? Not imo. You don't need to write an enitre chapter to tell a joke? IMO frustration was a big part of it too.

We can go at this all day. But I can't . . .


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Of course they can mix. But I wouldn't put it down to a single poster. There are a number of posters who seriously find problems that most of us cannot see and take pleasure in posting their concerns. It helps mollify the hoop gods so it is all good. And this was a reaction to all of them. It may be flattering for a single poster to believe she/he is the sole reason, but with the breadth of the OP it is hard to believe. And it was funny which is the main reason it was posted.
My issue with many of the posts that identify issues is that they barely ever scratch the surface to understand what happened to cause the issue. Kiah had 4 TOs, why? Simply saying her hands aren't strong is insufficient because most of the time she catches the ball and holds on to it without problems. What was the defense doing that caused the difference? Were there other differences in her game overall that showed a related reason. Was she being hacked across the arms and fouls needed to be called. Sometimes the issue is as simple as a cold going through the team.

It is easy to pick out a game in which there were less than perfect performances. It is vastly harder to watch and understand the particular causes if any that can be addressed and corrected. Identifying a singular bad performance or two is rather easy but doesn't add much information and insight.
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Dec 31, 2013
Reaction Score
All this stems from a post made that said "Chong needs to be more aggressive and look for her offense more to realize her full potential." Then I gave reasons why "she is thinking too much, nervous, afraid of making a mistake, lack of confidence, etc," and everyone tells me I don't know anything. Then the very next day Geno comes out and makes comments eerily similar to mine and everyone tells me "he does that about everyone" and I still know nothing. Then Saniya herself makes comments eerily similar to mine that she was "thinking too much and needs to relax and just play" and guess what I still don't know anything and I am a "moaner". What other reasons or causes do I have to give? Some of you people are so quick to defend "your girls" that you didn't even realize that what I said was basically a comment towards Saniya and how good I think she can be. You people can live in a "dream world" and think this team is 100% perfect and has zero flaws but thank god that Geno and the team itself live in reality and know differently. Finally if anyone thinks this is just meant to be funny its not it is a shot at people like me that "tell it like it is" and don't blow smoke.


RIP, huskybill
Aug 30, 2011
Reaction Score
All this stems from a post made that said "Chong needs to be more aggressive and look for her offense more to realize her full potential." Then I gave reasons why "she is thinking too much, nervous, afraid of making a mistake, lack of confidence, etc," and everyone tells me I don't know anything. Then the very next day Geno comes out and makes comments eerily similar to mine and everyone tells me "he does that about everyone" and I still know nothing. Then Saniya herself makes comments eerily similar to mine that she was "thinking too much and needs to relax and just play" and guess what I still don't know anything and I am a "moaner". What other reasons or causes do I have to give? Some of you people are so quick to defend "your girls" that you didn't even realize that what I said was basically a comment towards Saniya and how good I think she can be. You people can live in a "dream world" and think this team is 100% perfect and has zero flaws but thank god that Geno and the team itself live in reality and know differently. Finally if anyone thinks this is just meant to be funny its not it is a shot at people like me that "tell it like it is" and don't blow smoke.
What are the chances that you are Geno?
Nov 27, 2012
Reaction Score
First of all, I believe Dobbs' post was just someone having a little fun and not intended toward anyone in particular. UCONN fans are so spoiled I believe it was a play on complainers. Any sane person could not have too many problems with a team that has the following National rankings:

Scoring defense #1, Scoring margin #1, Assists #1, Assists/Turnover Ratio #1, Defense FG % #1, Blocked Shots #1, Winning % #1, Personal fouls #1, top ten rankings in the following...Turnover margin, Offensive scoring and top twenty in a few other statistics.

Check it out for yourselves:

Disclaimer: The above statements in no way attest to Dobbs' sanity.
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RIP, huskybill
Aug 30, 2011
Reaction Score
Well, it's that time of year again when I have pull on my crabby socks, hitch up my grumpy pants and give all you Husky fans the lowdown on the future misfortunes of your team.

I know a lot of you want to bury your heads in sun-drenched sands and be all cheery, but the truth is that all you pollyanna types with happy feet don't have a leg to stand on. DavidinNaples, why are you posting stats about a 40-game season when you know the Huskies are probably playing only 33? pap49cba, why are you rattling off encouraging posts when there's so little to be encouraged about? huskybill, stop already with all your deadly serious platitudes about UConn's strengths and start finding all the fun in Husky mishaps. And tonyc, I don't want to get all negative on you, but was there ever a UConn team in recent times that you didn't like? Get over it!

The problem with this year's team is that it isn't just one player we can all gang up on and pick to death on the BY like we could in other years. This year, it's everybody. And unlike the Cheerful Charlies above who just mumble nice feel-goodie stuff or use meaningless stats, I believe in using real numbers to show how bad bad bad everything is. Running the gauntlet:

  • [ ]Breanna Stewart. Okay, after last year's MOP we all just knew that Stewie would be giving us 30+ points a game. So what happens? She's done it ONCE, with 37 points against Temple. And she follows it up with a 12 point OMG yesterday. That's a 25 POINT DROP OFF, and if all the other players had followed her lead, they'd be in deep negative figures. Stewie's clearly no leader, and her coach says she doesn't know how to play defense. It doesn't help if Stewie scores 80 points and the other team goes for 81 against her in the paint. Doomed.
    [ ]Bria Hartley. OMG! Can we see a little effort out of Bria, please? She's had 1 friggin' block the whole year. I mean, Odyssey Sims and her teammates give that many flops in 10 seconds. Long Island girls, geesh!
    [ ]Stef Dolson. Some of the pollyanna types here might be happy with her 12 points a game, but she could be doing a lot better, and there's no reason for her to be underperforming. And that 30% 3-pt shooting? OMG! Maybe she's hit the senior wall, but she shouldn't be bricking'em like that.
    [ ]Kaleena Mosqueda-Lewis. Last year we were all pretty happy with her 49% 3-pt shooting, but this year it's way down at 42%. That makes me mad.
    [ ]Moriah Jefferson. We always make allowances for the little ones, and yeah her 57% FG shooting is pretty good, but she averages less than 1 offensive rebound every 40 minutes. MoJeff's gotta elevate her game big time.
    [ ]Morgan Tuck. I know, I know, you shouldn't kick a player when she's down, but that's never stopped any of us real BYers before. If Morgan really cared about me, she wouldn't have got injured and got me all upset about it.
    [ ]Saniya Chong. OMG, Miss Inconsistency. I know that after yesterday we can rest assured that she'll be giving us 4 three-pointers every game for the rest of the year, but she's so undependable. Yesterday no steals and 1 rebound. The game before, no points and no blocks. You cannot trust freshmen because they can never get over walls that are more than one brick high.
    [ ]Kiah Stokes. Did she ever get a rebound that wasn't immediately snatched from her? As any football coach will tell you, if you don't hold onto the ball, you lose the game. And Kiah's already lost about a million of them for us this year.
    [ ]Brianna Banks. There's too many (Brianna/Breanna/Briana)'s on the team.
    [ ]Tierney Lawlor. Yeah, yeah, we love the cute story about the sub who can come in and shoot threes at a 42% rate. But in 16 games this season, she's made only 6 two-point attempts, and she's clearly paralyzed to take them. If Geno goes against convention and gives TLaw 20 minutes in a big tourney game, that kind of freeze-up could kill us.
    [ ]Briana Pulido. I don't like to say bad things about track girls, who are all goddesses and supreme beings, but I did notice that Briana did not get into yesterday's game. I don't want to start baseless speculations, but that's a main pastime with us real BYers, so I'm just going to ask whether our walk-on has been taking a walk on the wild side in practice.
    [ ]The coaches. They're just so inconsistent. One moment they're saying a player is defensively challenged and they've been worried about the defense, and in the next thing they're admitting that the team D is doing okay. And they really shouldn't be saying anything nice because that just makes the players complacent and they end up going into a 10-game tailspin because the starters are all out of joint and the bench is....just god help us. Obviously Geno and staff lost their touch years ago.
Sorry to break in on the celebration, but you jubilations elated type people needed to be told the truth. The only thing that can be done to maybe save the Huskies is for us all to post lots of messages about how bad and weak they are, and then maybe like in all those other years, they'll suddenly get much better and win an NC.

Let the negative nattering begin!
Dobbsy, it may surprise you to know that I agree with alomost half the things you say. As I write the most brilliant and persuasive messages on the BoneYard, that's a damn good batting average. I was going to respond point by point but decided against it. If the dodos on this board can't understand you, what chance do I have of getting through to them?

So I'll limit my remarks to your two most important subjects.

"Crabby socks and grumpy pants." Like your outfit. Where can I buy them? Clothes does fake the man.

"We always make allowances for the little ones." Bless you. Keep up the good work.
Nov 27, 2012
Reaction Score
All this stems from a post made that said "Chong needs to be more aggressive and look for her offense more to realize her full potential." Then I gave reasons why "she is thinking too much, nervous, afraid of making a mistake, lack of confidence, etc," and everyone tells me I don't know anything. Then the very next day Geno comes out and makes comments eerily similar to mine and everyone tells me "he does that about everyone" and I still know nothing. Then Saniya herself makes comments eerily similar to mine that she was "thinking too much and needs to relax and just play" and guess what I still don't know anything and I am a "moaner". What other reasons or causes do I have to give? Some of you people are so quick to defend "your girls" that you didn't even realize that what I said was basically a comment towards Saniya and how good I think she can be. You people can live in a "dream world" and think this team is 100% perfect and has zero flaws but thank god that Geno and the team itself live in reality and know differently. Finally if anyone thinks this is just meant to be funny its not it is a shot at people like me that "tell it like it is" and don't blow smoke.

If I may offer a bit of advice. Just because someone disagrees with your opinion doesn't mean you are wrong and if someone agrees with it doesn't mean you are right. It shouldn't be taken personally unless they call you insulting names. Take this for what it is, a bunch of WCBB (mostly UCONN) fans sharing their opinions and not a courtroom where a point must be proved.

62 TO GO


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
Dobbsy, it may surprise you to know that I agree with alomost half the things you say. As I write the most brilliant and persuasive messages on the BoneYard, that's a damn good batting average. I was going to respond point by point but decided against it. If the dodos on this board can't understand you, what chance do I have of getting through to them?

So I'll limit my remarks to your two most important subjects.

"Crabby socks and grumpy pants." Like your outfit. Where can I buy them? Clothes does fake the man.

"We always make allowances for the little ones." Bless you. Keep up the good work.
Well Socksmith has my favorites such as this number.

Now as for getting grumpy pants, you just get yourself into an old pair of Levi's and start plowing through the Boneyard, but for old boring stale stats that no one likes because unsupported opinions always sound better, just check in on the UConn athletic site, remembering that the stats for the first "Baylor" game were really for the match against Boston University.
Sep 13, 2011
Reaction Score
All this stems from a post made that said "Chong needs to be more aggressive and look for her offense more to realize her full potential." Then I gave reasons why "she is thinking too much, nervous, afraid of making a mistake, lack of confidence, etc," and everyone tells me I don't know anything. Then the very next day Geno comes out and makes comments eerily similar to mine and everyone tells me "he does that about everyone" and I still know nothing. Then Saniya herself makes comments eerily similar to mine that she was "thinking too much and needs to relax and just play" and guess what I still don't know anything and I am a "moaner". What other reasons or causes do I have to give? Some of you people are so quick to defend "your girls" that you didn't even realize that what I said was basically a comment towards Saniya and how good I think she can be. You people can live in a "dream world" and think this team is 100% perfect and has zero flaws but thank god that Geno and the team itself live in reality and know differently. Finally if anyone thinks this is just meant to be funny its not it is a shot at people like me that "tell it like it is" and don't blow smoke.

Huh???? Dobbs didn't JUST target Saniya, he actually did targeted the whole team, including the coaches in jest. I'm sorry but you are blowing this way out of's that Carly Simon song, "you probably think this song is about you, dont you, dont you??" ;-P :)


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
I gave sawx as an example. They did continue further banter on this thread, did they not? They didn't seem to be that friendly to boot.

I thought Dobbs had some humor but the dude devoted "a chapter" for bascially what? To tell a joke? Not imo. You don't need to write an enitre chapter to tell a joke? IMO frustration was a big part of it too.

We can go at this all day. But I can't . . .
You got me Hoops, I am so frustrated with the Husky play, especially when the natterers expose the flaws with such overpoweringly persuasive stats.

But worry not about the frustrations of the old guard fans with both the current Husky performance and the natterers who dwell on it, because in many years everything just winds up in another NC and the natterers run off after posting up a final salvo about how horribly the team played in beating a Stanford or how boring the game was because they were playing Louisville. And that allows all the rest of us here to have many weeks of fun and games while a poster or two runs off to write his doctoral dissertation on the frustrations of WCBB fans.


Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
I will have to confess; I had fully intended to write a post myself very similar to Dobbs' post; I was going to call it "Portents of Doom", or something like that. I intended to go through the box score and pick out meaningless stats which could be cited to prove that the Huskies were in danger of disintegration. Stewie's drop in scoring, the guards' drop in assists, etc., but Dobbs beat me to it and saved me the trouble. I did not have Sawx or any other specific other poster in mind, but just the general tendency for some posters to look on the dark side of life at every opportunity, which is, of course, their prerogative, as long as it is kept non-malicious, but does tend to get maximally boring. Just as it is my prerogative, and Dobbs', to poke fun at them, as long as it is not malicious. That said, I DO think that Stewie needs to try harder to get her HBR into the black! .975 is not a disgraceful number, but still.....


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
I will have to confess; I had fully intended to write a post myself very similar to Dobbs' post; I was going to call it "Portents of Doom", or something like that.
Sorry, ezg, but while I'm on my grumpy negative kick I do need to point out that you are getting really slow on the draw and it might be time for you to finally hang up the old saber. And making me do all the work of finding the bad stats (not that that's at all hard) is really unfair of you. But maybe you can do the job of rolling out any new bad stuff after tomorrow's game.


Silly Ol' Bear
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
All this stems from a post made that said "Chong needs to be more aggressive and look for her offense more to realize her full potential." Then I gave reasons why "she is thinking too much, nervous, afraid of making a mistake, lack of confidence, etc," and everyone tells me I don't know anything. Then the very next day Geno comes out and makes comments eerily similar to mine and everyone tells me "he does that about everyone" and I still know nothing. Then Saniya herself makes comments eerily similar to mine that she was "thinking too much and needs to relax and just play" and guess what I still don't know anything and I am a "moaner". What other reasons or causes do I have to give? Some of you people are so quick to defend "your girls" that you didn't even realize that what I said was basically a comment towards Saniya and how good I think she can be. You people can live in a "dream world" and think this team is 100% perfect and has zero flaws but thank god that Geno and the team itself live in reality and know differently. Finally if anyone thinks this is just meant to be funny its not it is a shot at people like me that "tell it like it is" and don't blow smoke.

Sawx, I think a lot of the reason some folks react to you the way they do can be found in your last two sentences: "You people can live in a "dream world" and think this team is 100% perfect and has zero flaws but thank god that Geno and the team itself live in reality and know differently. Finally if anyone thinks this is just meant to be funny its not it is a shot a people like me that "tell it like it is" and don't blow smoke."

Frankly, there's an awful lot that I can pick at in those two sentences.

First, I don't not think that there is one regular, over-the-age-of-12 poster on this board that "lives in a dream world" and thinks this team is 100% perfect and has zero flaws. I mean that - not a single one. So, either you grievously misread your audience, or this is purely an exaggerated, strawman argument.

In saying "thank god Geno and the team itself live in reality and know differently", there are a couple of implications. First, there's the implied repetition that some of us other posters aren't living in reality. Second, there's the implication that, along with God, Geno, and the team, you do - nice company to anoint yourself with. Rather immodest, actually.

Then we get to "Finally, if anyone thinks this is just meant to be funny its not it is a shot at people like me that "tell it like it is" and don't blow smoke." In here, you repeat the implication that other posters are ungrounded in reality, or, by the use of "blowing smoke" are intentionally dishonest. Stating that the original post is not meant humorously, but, rather, is an intentional affront to "people like you", is to display quite a bit of sensitivity. If I were to analyze your reaction from afar, the way you analyzed Chong, I might use words like "martyr complex", paranoid, arrogant, and emotionally immature (particularly given the language you sometimes use.)

We pick on each other a lot on this board, Sawx. I won't tell you that it never crosses the line into personal spats, but, that is the exception. The sort of post that got you upset has become almost a tradition over the past couple of years - the exaggerated list of "what's wrong with this year's team" post. It is almost always perceived as intentionally humorous. Every season, there are some folks, like you, who focus on the things that the team need to do better. Then there are the folks who tend to focus on what the team does well, and celebrate that. There are the folks who focus on recruiting. There are the folks who focus on "how good we're going to be next year", and almost seem to take the current season for granted.

So, yes, folks are going to disagree with you, and, poke fun. If you react dramatically, and take things personally, you're gonna have a tough time on this - or any - message board. You are obviously entitled to your own opinions. Other people are entitled to theirs. When you make disagreement between the two into a personal battle of ego, it gets ugly.
Sep 9, 2011
Reaction Score
Well, it's that time of year again when I have pull on my crabby socks, hitch up my grumpy pants and give all you Husky fans the lowdown on the future misfortunes of your team.

I know a lot of you want to bury your heads in sun-drenched sands and be all cheery, but the truth is that all you pollyanna types with happy feet don't have a leg to stand on. DavidinNaples, why are you posting stats about a 40-game season when you know the Huskies are probably playing only 33? pap49cba, why are you rattling off encouraging posts when there's so little to be encouraged about? huskybill, stop already with all your deadly serious platitudes about UConn's strengths and start finding all the fun in Husky mishaps. And tonyc, I don't want to get all negative on you, but was there ever a UConn team in recent times that you didn't like? Get over it!

The problem with this year's team is that it isn't just one player we can all gang up on and pick to death on the BY like we could in other years. This year, it's everybody. And unlike the Cheerful Charlies above who just mumble nice feel-goodie stuff or use meaningless stats, I believe in using real numbers to show how bad bad bad everything is. Running the gauntlet:

  • [ ]Breanna Stewart. Okay, after last year's MOP we all just knew that Stewie would be giving us 30+ points a game. So what happens? She's done it ONCE, with 37 points against Temple. And she follows it up with a 12 point OMG yesterday. That's a 25 POINT DROP OFF, and if all the other players had followed her lead, they'd be in deep negative figures. Stewie's clearly no leader, and her coach says she doesn't know how to play defense. It doesn't help if Stewie scores 80 points and the other team goes for 81 against her in the paint. Doomed.
    [ ]Bria Hartley. OMG! Can we see a little effort out of Bria, please? She's had 1 friggin' block the whole year. I mean, Odyssey Sims and her teammates give that many flops in 10 seconds. Long Island girls, geesh!
    [ ]Stef Dolson. Some of the pollyanna types here might be happy with her 12 points a game, but she could be doing a lot better, and there's no reason for her to be underperforming. And that 30% 3-pt shooting? OMG! Maybe she's hit the senior wall, but she shouldn't be bricking'em like that.
    [ ]Kaleena Mosqueda-Lewis. Last year we were all pretty happy with her 49% 3-pt shooting, but this year it's way down at 42%. That makes me mad.
    [ ]Moriah Jefferson. We always make allowances for the little ones, and yeah her 57% FG shooting is pretty good, but she averages less than 1 offensive rebound every 40 minutes. MoJeff's gotta elevate her game big time.
    [ ]Morgan Tuck. I know, I know, you shouldn't kick a player when she's down, but that's never stopped any of us real BYers before. If Morgan really cared about me, she wouldn't have got injured and got me all upset about it.
    [ ]Saniya Chong. OMG, Miss Inconsistency. I know that after yesterday we can rest assured that she'll be giving us 4 three-pointers every game for the rest of the year, but she's so undependable. Yesterday no steals and 1 rebound. The game before, no points and no blocks. You cannot trust freshmen because they can never get over walls that are more than one brick high.
    [ ]Kiah Stokes. Did she ever get a rebound that wasn't immediately snatched from her? As any football coach will tell you, if you don't hold onto the ball, you lose the game. And Kiah's already lost about a million of them for us this year.
    [ ]Brianna Banks. There's too many (Brianna/Breanna/Briana)'s on the team.
    [ ]Tierney Lawlor. Yeah, yeah, we love the cute story about the sub who can come in and shoot threes at a 42% rate. But in 16 games this season, she's made only 6 two-point attempts, and she's clearly paralyzed to take them. If Geno goes against convention and gives TLaw 20 minutes in a big tourney game, that kind of freeze-up could kill us.
    [ ]Briana Pulido. I don't like to say bad things about track girls, who are all goddesses and supreme beings, but I did notice that Briana did not get into yesterday's game. I don't want to start baseless speculations, but that's a main pastime with us real BYers, so I'm just going to ask whether our walk-on has been taking a walk on the wild side in practice.
    [ ]The coaches. They're just so inconsistent. One moment they're saying a player is defensively challenged and they've been worried about the defense, and in the next thing they're admitting that the team D is doing okay. And they really shouldn't be saying anything nice because that just makes the players complacent and they end up going into a 10-game tailspin because the starters are all out of joint and the bench is....just god help us. Obviously Geno and staff lost their touch years ago.
Sorry to break in on the celebration, but you jubilations elated type people needed to be told the truth. The only thing that can be done to maybe save the Huskies is for us all to post lots of messages about how bad and weak they are, and then maybe like in all those other years, they'll suddenly get much better and win an NC.

Let the negative nattering begin!
Love your sarcasm. It seems like you revel in it! Wonder if you'll end up with some carpal tunnel over time in sharing with us. Wouldn't that be SAD! By the way, I hope we end up getting rid of Geno and find a coach who isn't so tough on the girls and so demanding and who isn't just oh, so sweet to the little damsels. Those harsh words he says to them just to be mean. And how they must hate him for it all! I guess they all wish they could play elsewhere where their coach wasn't always asking for more out of them instead of being so happy if they make a play here or there. I think we should actually expand our focus and try and get rid all of the bosses in the corporate world who seem to always want more from their employees instead of being content with the status quo. The world would be a better place and I think we should make you head of the committee to abolish all nastiness. Any seconds!
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction Score
If I may offer a bit of advice. Just because someone disagrees with your opinion doesn't mean you are wrong and if someone agrees with it doesn't mean you are right. It shouldn't be taken personally unless they call you insulting names. Take this for what it is, a bunch of WCBB (mostly UCONN) fans sharing their opinions and not a courtroom where a point must be proved.

62 TO GO

I feel the same way about Dobbs that you feel about sawx. I think this thread was built from personal frustration masked with humor.
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Apr 1, 2013
Reaction Score
You got me Hoops, I am so frustrated with the Husky play, especially when the natterers expose the flaws with such overpoweringly persuasive stats.

But worry not about the frustrations of the old guard fans with both the current Husky performance and the natterers who dwell on it, because in many years everything just winds up in another NC and the natterers run off after posting up a final salvo about how horribly the team played in beating a Stanford or how boring the game was because they were playing Louisville. And that allows all the rest of us here to have many weeks of fun and games while a poster or two runs off to write his doctoral dissertation on the frustrations of WCBB fans.

I didn't say you were frustrated with Husky play. I said you were frustrated with your argument with sawx. Or it's what I meant.
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction Score
I will have to confess; I had fully intended to write a post myself very similar to Dobbs' post; I was going to call it "Portents of Doom", or something like that. I intended to go through the box score and pick out meaningless stats which could be cited to prove that the Huskies were in danger of disintegration. Stewie's drop in scoring, the guards' drop in assists, etc., but Dobbs beat me to it and saved me the trouble. I did not have Sawx or any other specific other poster in mind, but just the general tendency for some posters to look on the dark side of life at every opportunity, which is, of course, their prerogative, as long as it is kept non-malicious, but does tend to get maximally boring. Just as it is my prerogative, and Dobbs', to poke fun at them, as long as it is not malicious. That said, I DO think that Stewie needs to try harder to get her HBR into the black! .975 is not a disgraceful number, but still.....

Sawx, I think a lot of the reason some folks react to you the way they do can be found in your last two sentences: "You people can live in a "dream world" and think this team is 100% perfect and has zero flaws but thank god that Geno and the team itself live in reality and know differently. Finally if anyone thinks this is just meant to be funny its not it is a shot a people like me that "tell it like it is" and don't blow smoke."

Frankly, there's an awful lot that I can pick at in those two sentences.

First, I don't not think that there is one regular, over-the-age-of-12 poster on this board that "lives in a dream world" and thinks this team is 100% perfect and has zero flaws. I mean that - not a single one. So, either you grievously misread your audience, or this is purely an exaggerated, strawman argument.

In saying "thank god Geno and the team itself live in reality and know differently", there are a couple of implications. First, there's the implied repetition that some of us other posters aren't living in reality. Second, there's the implication that, along with God, Geno, and the team, you do - nice company to anoint yourself with. Rather immodest, actually.

Then we get to "Finally, if anyone thinks this is just meant to be funny its not it is a shot at people like me that "tell it like it is" and don't blow smoke." In here, you repeat the implication that other posters are ungrounded in reality, or, by the use of "blowing smoke" are intentionally dishonest. Stating that the original post is not meant humorously, but, rather, is an intentional affront to "people like you", is to display quite a bit of sensitivity. If I were to analyze your reaction from afar, the way you analyzed Chong, I might use words like "martyr complex", paranoid, arrogant, and emotionally immature (particularly given the language you sometimes use.)

We pick on each other a lot on this board, Sawx. I won't tell you that it never crosses the line into personal spats, but, that is the exception. The sort of post that got you upset has become almost a tradition over the past couple of years - the exaggerated list of "what's wrong with this year's team" post. It is almost always perceived as intentionally humorous. Every season, there are some folks, like you, who focus on the things that the team need to do better. Then there are the folks who tend to focus on what the team does well, and celebrate that. There are the folks who focus on recruiting. There are the folks who focus on "how good we're going to be next year", and almost seem to take the current season for granted.

So, yes, folks are going to disagree with you, and, poke fun. If you react dramatically, and take things personally, you're gonna have a tough time on this - or any - message board. You are obviously entitled to your own opinions. Other people are entitled to theirs. When you make disagreement between the two into a personal battle of ego, it gets ugly.

Once an argument grows - it takes on a life of it's own. For example read Dobbs reply to me a little while ago. I never suggested he was frustrated with UCONN's play. Yet someohow he inferred it or was just being sarcastic again. It could be because of my poor writing. But once an argument begins - many things can get misconstrued/ over-hyped etc.


Mega Monster Moderator
Aug 15, 2011
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Once an argument grows - it takes on a life of it's own.

On that I agree. This has completely devolved into posters talking about how others should post. If there ever was a point to discuss we're way past that point. Time to end this circular discussion I think.
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