Those weak disappointing Huskies, and what needs to be done | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Those weak disappointing Huskies, and what needs to be done

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Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Well, it's that time of year again when I have pull on my crabby socks, hitch up my grumpy pants and give all you Husky fans the lowdown on the future misfortunes of your team.

I know a lot of you want to bury your heads in sun-drenched sands and be all cheery, but the truth is that all you pollyanna types with happy feet don't have a leg to stand on. DavidinNaples, why are you posting stats about a 40-game season when you know the Huskies are probably playing only 33? pap49cba, why are you rattling off encouraging posts when there's so little to be encouraged about? huskybill, stop already with all your deadly serious platitudes about UConn's strengths and start finding all the fun in Husky mishaps. And tonyc, I don't want to get all negative on you, but was there ever a UConn team in recent times that you didn't like? Get over it!

The problem with this year's team is that it isn't just one player we can all gang up on and pick to death on the BY like we could in other years. This year, it's everybody. And unlike the Cheerful Charlies above who just mumble nice feel-goodie stuff or use meaningless stats, I believe in using real numbers to show how bad bad bad everything is. Running the gauntlet:

  • [ ]Breanna Stewart. Okay, after last year's MOP we all just knew that Stewie would be giving us 30+ points a game. So what happens? She's done it ONCE, with 37 points against Temple. And she follows it up with a 12 point OMG yesterday. That's a 25 POINT DROP OFF, and if all the other players had followed her lead, they'd be in deep negative figures. Stewie's clearly no leader, and her coach says she doesn't know how to play defense. It doesn't help if Stewie scores 80 points and the other team goes for 81 against her in the paint. Doomed.
    [ ]Bria Hartley. OMG! Can we see a little effort out of Bria, please? She's had 1 friggin' block the whole year. I mean, Odyssey Sims and her teammates give that many flops in 10 seconds. Long Island girls, geesh!
    [ ]Stef Dolson. Some of the pollyanna types here might be happy with her 12 points a game, but she could be doing a lot better, and there's no reason for her to be underperforming. And that 30% 3-pt shooting? OMG! Maybe she's hit the senior wall, but she shouldn't be bricking'em like that.
    [ ]Kaleena Mosqueda-Lewis. Last year we were all pretty happy with her 49% 3-pt shooting, but this year it's way down at 42%. That makes me mad.
    [ ]Moriah Jefferson. We always make allowances for the little ones, and yeah her 57% FG shooting is pretty good, but she averages less than 1 offensive rebound every 40 minutes. MoJeff's gotta elevate her game big time.
    [ ]Morgan Tuck. I know, I know, you shouldn't kick a player when she's down, but that's never stopped any of us real BYers before. If Morgan really cared about me, she wouldn't have got injured and got me all upset about it.
    [ ]Saniya Chong. OMG, Miss Inconsistency. I know that after yesterday we can rest assured that she'll be giving us 4 three-pointers very game for the rest of the year, but she's so undependable. Yesterday no steals and 1 rebound. The game before, no points and no blocks. You cannot trust freshmen because they can never get over walls that are more than one brick high.
    [ ]Kiah Stokes. Did she ever get a rebound that wasn't immediately snatched from her? As any football coach will tell you, if you don't hold onto the ball, you lose the game. And Kiah's already lost about a million of them for us this year.
    [ ]Brianna Banks. There's too many (Brianna/Breanna/Briana)'s on the team.
    [ ]Tierney Lawlor. Yeah, yeah, we love the cute story about the sub who can come in and shoot threes at a 42% rate. But in 16 games this season, she's made only 6 two-point attempts, and she's clearly paralyzed to take them. If Geno goes against convention and gives TLaw 20 points in a big tourney game, that kind of freeze-up could kill us.
    [ ]Briana Pulido. I don't like to say bad things about track girls, who are all goddesses and supreme beings, but I did notice that Briana did not get into yesterday's game. I don't want to start baseless speculations, but that's a main pastime with us real BYers, so I'm just going to ask whether our walk-on has been taking a walk on the wild side in practice.
    [ ]The coaches. They're just so inconsistent. One moment they're saying a player is defensively challenged and they've been worried about the defense, and in the next thing they're admitting that the team D is doing okay. And they really shouldn't be saying anything nice because that just makes the players complacent and they end up going into a 10-game tailspin because the starters are all out of joint and the bench is....just god help us. Obviously Geno and staff lost their touch years ago.
Sorry to break in on the celebration, but you jubilations elated type people needed to be told the truth. The only thing that can be done to maybe save the Huskies is for us all to post lots of messages about how bad and weak they are, and then maybe like in all those other years, they'll suddenly get much better and win an NC.

Let the negative nattering begin!

I hate to be negative, but your post reeks like raw sewage. Not one mention of the trainer's total inability to prevent injuries. No mention of the team manager dropping a full water bucket on Geno's mom's overcoat. To top it off, no mention of Ward Manuel and Susan Herbst waltzing off to Walt Disneyworld to ride on It's A Small World, while Notre Dame was screwin' UConn by insisting that L'Ville and not UConn come along with them to the ACC. Oh, and if we need Chong to be at her best for us to win the NC, then clearly Geno doesn't know how to organize a decent program. BTW, is that our women playing the Bronco's in the Super Bowl?
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
Dobbs is the best.
Okay. But the best WHAT??

Does anybody else wonder it he believes what he writes, or just enjoys being contrary, getting people riled up? The latter, beyond doubt. Its a joke that won't quit even when it gets predictable.


Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
I hate to be negative, but your post reeks like raw sewage. Not one mention of the trainer's total inability to prevent injuries. No mention of the team manager dropping a full water bucket on Geno's mom's overcoat. To top it off, no mention of Ward Manuel and Susan Herbst waltzing off to Walt Disneyworld to ride on It's A Small World, while Notre Dame was screwin' UConn by insisting that L'Ville and not UConn come along with them to the ACC. Oh, and if we need Chong to be at her best for us to win the NC, then clearly Geno doesn't know how to organize a decent program. BTW, is that our women playing the Bronco's in the Super Bowl?
Nov 27, 2012
Reaction Score
Well, it's that time of year again when I have pull on my crabby socks, hitch up my grumpy pants and give all you Husky fans the lowdown on the future misfortunes of your team.

I know a lot of you want to bury your heads in sun-drenched sands and be all cheery, but the truth is that all you pollyanna types with happy feet don't have a leg to stand on. DavidinNaples, why are you posting stats about a 40-game season when you know the Huskies are probably playing only 33? pap49cba, why are you rattling off encouraging posts when there's so little to be encouraged about? huskybill, stop already with all your deadly serious platitudes about UConn's strengths and start finding all the fun in Husky mishaps. And tonyc, I don't want to get all negative on you, but was there ever a UConn team in recent times that you didn't like? Get over it!

The problem with this year's team is that it isn't just one player we can all gang up on and pick to death on the BY like we could in other years. This year, it's everybody. And unlike the Cheerful Charlies above who just mumble nice feel-goodie stuff or use meaningless stats, I believe in using real numbers to show how bad bad bad everything is. Running the gauntlet:

  • [ ]Breanna Stewart. Okay, after last year's MOP we all just knew that Stewie would be giving us 30+ points a game. So what happens? She's done it ONCE, with 37 points against Temple. And she follows it up with a 12 point OMG yesterday. That's a 25 POINT DROP OFF, and if all the other players had followed her lead, they'd be in deep negative figures. Stewie's clearly no leader, and her coach says she doesn't know how to play defense. It doesn't help if Stewie scores 80 points and the other team goes for 81 against her in the paint. Doomed.
    [ ]Bria Hartley. OMG! Can we see a little effort out of Bria, please? She's had 1 friggin' block the whole year. I mean, Odyssey Sims and her teammates give that many flops in 10 seconds. Long Island girls, geesh!
    [ ]Stef Dolson. Some of the pollyanna types here might be happy with her 12 points a game, but she could be doing a lot better, and there's no reason for her to be underperforming. And that 30% 3-pt shooting? OMG! Maybe she's hit the senior wall, but she shouldn't be bricking'em like that.
    [ ]Kaleena Mosqueda-Lewis. Last year we were all pretty happy with her 49% 3-pt shooting, but this year it's way down at 42%. That makes me mad.
    [ ]Moriah Jefferson. We always make allowances for the little ones, and yeah her 57% FG shooting is pretty good, but she averages less than 1 offensive rebound every 40 minutes. MoJeff's gotta elevate her game big time.
    [ ]Morgan Tuck. I know, I know, you shouldn't kick a player when she's down, but that's never stopped any of us real BYers before. If Morgan really cared about me, she wouldn't have got injured and got me all upset about it.
    [ ]Saniya Chong. OMG, Miss Inconsistency. I know that after yesterday we can rest assured that she'll be giving us 4 three-pointers very game for the rest of the year, but she's so undependable. Yesterday no steals and 1 rebound. The game before, no points and no blocks. You cannot trust freshmen because they can never get over walls that are more than one brick high.
    [ ]Kiah Stokes. Did she ever get a rebound that wasn't immediately snatched from her? As any football coach will tell you, if you don't hold onto the ball, you lose the game. And Kiah's already lost about a million of them for us this year.
    [ ]Brianna Banks. There's too many (Brianna/Breanna/Briana)'s on the team.
    [ ]Tierney Lawlor. Yeah, yeah, we love the cute story about the sub who can come in and shoot threes at a 42% rate. But in 16 games this season, she's made only 6 two-point attempts, and she's clearly paralyzed to take them. If Geno goes against convention and gives TLaw 20 points in a big tourney game, that kind of freeze-up could kill us.
    [ ]Briana Pulido. I don't like to say bad things about track girls, who are all goddesses and supreme beings, but I did notice that Briana did not get into yesterday's game. I don't want to start baseless speculations, but that's a main pastime with us real BYers, so I'm just going to ask whether our walk-on has been taking a walk on the wild side in practice.
    [ ]The coaches. They're just so inconsistent. One moment they're saying a player is defensively challenged and they've been worried about the defense, and in the next thing they're admitting that the team D is doing okay. And they really shouldn't be saying anything nice because that just makes the players complacent and they end up going into a 10-game tailspin because the starters are all out of joint and the bench is....just god help us. Obviously Geno and staff lost their touch years ago.
Sorry to break in on the celebration, but you jubilations elated type people needed to be told the truth. The only thing that can be done to maybe save the Huskies is for us all to post lots of messages about how bad and weak they are, and then maybe like in all those other years, they'll suddenly get much better and win an NC.

Let the negative nattering begin!

I am with you on this one, and may I add a few things I posted last season about UCONN being the luckiest team in WCBB.

Every team they play always has a poor game shooting. Their opponents have accumulated the lowest scoring offensive displays and the lowest shooting percentages in the nation. How on Earth could UCONN NOT win? Their opponents defensive outputs have been so poor as to allow UCONN to have one of the top shooting percentages, assists per game and A/TO ratios. Even the referees have jumped in by calling fewer fouls per game against UCONN than anyone else. The coaches might not have something to do with this but I am keeping my eyes on them. And this might not be the right forum to discuss the possibility of a Conspiracy, but someone should check up on these facts.
Sep 13, 2011
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Yeah it is a sarcastic shot at all of us "moaners" from the "weak bench" and "Chong" threads.

The BY is full of people who are very funny and sarcastic in nature...don't take it so personal or else you'll be going mad before you know it and you'll probably leave the message board bc you took it the wrong or got offended by a sarcastic post.

Get to know the posters and how they post, you'll probably enjoy a back and forth banter with some of them.....just a thought and don't think I'm attacking you.


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
I can tell that you definitely were not a successful athlete at any point in your life or else you would understand the will to never be satisfied. Bottom line .....[mod edit personal insult removed]
Thanks sawx, you made my year.

Actually, strange as I am, I'm still winning races on the road and in the mud and in extreme terrains in a rather advanced stage of life, but you obviously are the one who knows what it takes to make a real athlete. You just aren't very clued in as to what it takes to make a successful WCBB Husky athlete, which is what this forum is all about. But please do keep nattering, because what you say is highly entertaining.
Apr 1, 2013
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It's just an elaborate joke...

I think it's much more than that. Who starts a thread with as much as was said by the OP and it's all just a joke? There has to be a lot of frustration for this to be written in the way it was and as much as it was. It's one thing to reply. Then reply back and forth. Or to write a simple paragraph.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Nope, it was a spoof, a joke, on the nature of some posts. Being a joke doesn't preclude it being pointed critique, as well.

SNL, Daily Show, Monty Python all depend on that.


The Virginian
Aug 26, 2011
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Icebear said:
Nope, it was a spoof, a joke, on the nature of some posts. Being a joke doesn't preclude it being pointed critique, as well.

SNL, Daily Show, Monty Python all depend on that.

Of course it was a spoof, and a sarcastic joke.

The problem is it was also (and primarily) yet another long, over-wrought "defense" penned by Dobbs in his own private little war of late. The pointed critique, against a largely manufactured "enemy", was already disproportionate even before this latest effort. The joke's essence gets old after its fifth or sixth recycling.
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction Score
Nope, it was a spoof, a joke, on the nature of some posts. Being a joke doesn't preclude it being pointed critique, as well.

SNL, Daily Show, Monty Python all depend on that.

I think it was quite a bit more. You don't write as much as dobbs did without being highly frustrated esepcially after a recent back-and-forth he had. I don't believe your reference of SNL etc has much to do with it.


Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
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Dobbs' points are, I think, that 1) there is so little about the performance of this blue and white juggernaut that is open to legitimate criticism and that 2) a few posters on this board nevertheless insist on finding things to deplore. It does not seem to me that he is either frustrated or warlike, but rather that these qualities are in the eyes of the beholders, as it were.
Jan 15, 2012
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How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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It was a great post - Some of us write long stat stuffed boring posts, some of us post short witticisms (or attempts at same) and every once in a while someone posts a long spoof post. We had a great poster last year (?) who got so tired of all the praise and excitement that he took it upon himself to post every negative thought he could come up with after each game - they were great posts and while not as long as the current OP, the fact their were 39 of them made the cumulative effort far greater.
Most of us have too much time on our hands, otherwise we wouldn't be reading and posting so much on this board, so length and time composing a post says only what a boring, unfulfilled life the poster must have.:eek:
Jul 13, 2013
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It was a great post - Some of us write long stat stuffed boring posts, some of us post short witticisms (or attempts at same) and every once in a while someone posts a long spoof post. We had a great poster last year (?) who got so tired of all the praise and excitement that he took it upon himself to post every negative thought he could come up with after each game - they were great posts and while not as long as the current OP, the fact their were 39 of them made the cumulative effort far greater.
Most of us have too much time on our hands, otherwise we wouldn't be reading and posting so much on this board, so length and time composing a post says only what a boring, unfulfilled life the poster must have.:eek:

Now, that last paragraph, that was sarcasm !! I think ? ;)
Apr 1, 2013
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Dobbs is going at it with sawx. Just because he spiced it with humor doesn't mean there isn't frustration. He was arguing with sawx quite a bit on another thread then all of sudden he puts this thread out - and he goes at length to "tell an eloborate joke?" Sorry - don't buy it. Just becuase it's funny doesn't mean there also isn't quite a bit of frustration. Both can mix.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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The BY is full of people who are very funny and sarcastic in nature.
Wait. What?? :eek: Are you saying a lot of these post shouldn't be taken at face value? OMG, that changes everything. I'm going to have to go back rethink some of the "Likes" I've given.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Thanks sawx, you made my year.

Actually, strange as I am, I'm still winning races on the road and in the mud and in extreme terrains in a rather advanced stage of life, but you obviously are the one who knows what it takes to make a real athlete.
Sax is talking about a "real" athlete. Forget this running, muddy stuff. What's your bowling avg.? Your golf avg. ? How good really, are you at pinochle?? hmmm??
Jul 13, 2013
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My complaint is that it's getting harder and harder to find something to complain about.

You hit the nail on the head. This team is so good that some of it's fans have to search for reasons to worry. That searching process upsets the fans of the team that would prefer to revel in the team's high level of basketball play.
Imho, it's a personality trait that probably extends to the other aspects of their life. It's not right or wrong, just different. As long as it's fairly accurate ;) , I don't see why the mishegas.
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