This kid is the worst kind of a hole... Last semester he wrote me an my roommate up for having red solo cups in our room. No alcohol, just "binge drinking paraphanelia". Huge loser who gets high on the power. I hope he reads this, too.
Nick does this kid have any school pride? I seriously hope you made his yr a living hell!This kid is the worst kind of a hole... Last semester he wrote me an my roommate up for having red solo cups in our room. No alcohol, just "binge drinking paraphanelia". Huge loser who gets high on the power. I hope he reads this, too.
... " you're cheering for laundry"????
WTF does that mean?
I Hear the RAs pain. My girlfriend just texted me moments ago and she said she is in mandatory RA duty for Alumni Quad even though she has an exam review tonight and exam tomorrow. Basically, she is fuc k ed. Prior to that announcement she was fairly enthusiastic about the whole situation and the possibility of dual championships... Now? She's c king pissed and couldn't care less about the game or outcome. Its pretty fuc k ed up that they randomly demand from RA to be on duty with no prior announcement (24hr turnover). I know its their job, but really. How pissed would you be if on the biggest night you on campus when people tend to go nuts, and you had to work with no reasonable early announcement? when you have an important exam and people will likely be destructive, party all night on a Monday? The RAs have a point and have a reason to be fustrated. As much as I bash on my girlfriend for not being into sports as much as I'm I gotta agree with her on this one. Luckily, my girlfriend is much more chilled about than this guy who is likely going to get more trouble for writing such a note. She's smarter than that and will probably no write anyone up for tonight. Who the c k dares to go against the crowd. This kid is gonna have a rough night and will probably be pranked for the rest of the school yearand flogged, and hanged, and flayed, and made to sit with his hands tied behind his head after Senhor Testiculo sits on his face after running 50 miles.
What a JERK!
ecasadoSBU said:I Hear the RAs pain. My girlfriend just texted me moments ago and she said she is in mandatory RA duty for Alumni Quad even though she has an exam review tonight and exam tomorrow. Basically, she is ed. Prior to that announcement she was fairly enthusiastic about the whole situation and the possibility of dual championships... Now? She's c king pissed and couldn't care less about the game or outcome. Its pretty ed up that they randomly demand from RA to be on duty with no prior announcement (24hr turnover). I know its their job, but really. How pissed would you be if on the biggest night you on campus when people tend to go nuts, and you had to work with no releasable early announcement? when you have an important exam and people will likely be destructive, party all night on a Monday? The RAs have a point and have a reason to be fustrated. As much as I bash on my girlfriend for not being into sports as much as I'm I gotta agree with her on this one. ... With that said. The show must go on. "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night will keep these huskies from partying tonight" I'll be watching from home with her dad. LETS GO CONNECTICUT!
Thats what I was thinking! He would have been cringing in the corner were he my RA back at Central.Derek never would have made it back in the 1970s.
I Hear the RAs pain. My girlfriend just texted me moments ago and she said she is in mandatory RA duty for Alumni Quad even though she has an exam review tonight and exam tomorrow. Basically, she is ed. Prior to that announcement she was fairly enthusiastic about the whole situation and the possibility of dual championships... Now? She's c king pissed and couldn't care less about the game or outcome. Its pretty ed up that they randomly demand from RA to be on duty with no prior announcement (24hr turnover). I know its their job, but really. How pissed would you be if on the biggest night you on campus when people tend to go nuts, and you had to work with no releasable early announcement? when you have an important exam and people will likely be destructive, party all night on a Monday? The RAs have a point and have a reason to be fustrated. As much as I bash on my girlfriend for not being into sports as much as I'm I gotta agree with her on this one. Luckily, my girlfriend is much more chilled about than this guy who is likely going to get more trouble for writing such a note. She's smarter than that and will probably no write anyone up for tonight. Who the c k dares to go against the crowd. This kid is gonna have a rough night and will probably be pranked for the rest of the school year
... With that said. The show must go on. "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night will keep these huskies from partying tonight"
I'll be watching from home with her dad. LETS GO CONNECTICUT!
F-ckin nerds, man...
That's hilarious....!ct mikes tweet made it on there lol isn't he from this site
Wow, really ? Derek Downer's kid brother Vuder LoserLet's have a little more compassion for him. He is just trying to do his job and meet expectations. Should we also tell the police: "Hey, just this one time let me flip this car over"? I'm as passionate and excited as anybody else, but we should celebrate in a civil and responsible way. My only comment on him is that he could've chosen his words a bit more wisely.
DING. Same here. Virginia Tech 1987How times have changed. My freshman year, the RA smoked as much weed as anyone else on our floor. Hint: A LOT.
Our motto that year was: Mature. Discreet.Yeah, I think the "have fun, but not too much fun" thing is dumb. Something like "Have fun, be smart, and be safe" would have been more appropriate. This guy does come off as a bit selfish.
Well, if that were the case, you'd think they would at least get the fact that the UConn 2000 project, and the MILLIONS of dollars sunk into the university in the last decade or so, would never have happened if not for the men's and women's basketball programs. How many of the buildings on campus HAVEN'T been touched since then ?I seem to remember when my sister went to UConn that there were a cadre of students who resented the attention and resources the sports programs commanded. The RA sounds like one of those types. In addition, he clearly either doesn't understand how his own words make him look, or he's an ass who wants to get some digs in on the sports fans he resents. I feel bad for him either way.