Things you look for in Fall camp | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Things you look for in Fall camp

Aug 31, 2011
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Switching gears, I’m really looking forward to seeing who emerges at the LB spots. I keep hoping we find lightning in a bottle like the time we threw 3 young pups in to the fray - Lutrus, Lloyd and Bama


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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So do you want to go back to the days of Eric Torkelson or earlier to show what you know because that tells me nothing. Your negativity about everything, your smugness about your posts- that tells me everything I need to know.

Pindell will be better- that is the progression from junior year to senior year. The kid has some ability to run this offense. If you think kids don't progress from year to year, than there is nothing left to be said.

Yeah Eric Torkelson lived so that proves they have a QB.

I guess every Junior that stinks is magically better their Senior year.

Good thing football is that easy.

Dream Jobbed 2.0

“Most definitely”
May 3, 2016
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I disagree. Last year he played better as the season went on and led us on a should have been game tying drive against Cinnci at the end of the game. That one drive showed me he had something to lead the team. He will build on last year's experience and be a much better qb this year. Washington needs to do his off field work to become viable for this team. McAfee has a ways to go, Krajewski should not be anointed anything yet and right now Brandon Bisack is your #2. I met him recently and he is the epitomy of a drop back passer. My understanding is John Dunn has tweaked things to fit the QB's strengths so with an improved O-Line, we should see a more consistent offense.
He needs a lot more accuracy and a lot less air under his deep ball. His long passes just hung up there ever and any decent secondary ate him alive. You say look at the Cincy game. What about the the BC game? Maybe his problem was practing vs the worst DBs in the country last year.
Mar 2, 2015
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In general when dealing with a team with average (at best) talent, I look for positions to be won early and different components (Line, DB's, LB's, etc) gelling.

Firm believer that average talent executing in unison beats superior talent that isn't all on the same page.
I think average talent is a step up from last year!! In the past few years, under Diaco, I thought we had Division II talent. So if we are indeed average, I'm looking forward to a more positive year.
Aug 28, 2011
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One drive against one of the worst teams in the country. Ok - problem solved.

If you ever watch sports you know that one drive, one pass, one at bat, one shot or one goal can mark a turning point for a player. Something clicks.

I am not saying that that happened with one drive drive for Pindell. But your post shows only negativity and no insight.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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If you ever watch sports you know that one drive, one pass, one at bat, one shot or one goal can mark a turning point for a player. Something clicks.

I am not saying that that happened with one drive drive for Pindell. But your post shows only negativity and no insight.

Okey dokey. It’s not negative to say they don’t know if they have a quarterback yet. It’s reality. One drive in a meaningless game against a terrible team is just that. Which backup are you going to call for in the second quarter of the UCF game?
Dec 18, 2017
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So do you want to go back to the days of Eric Torkelson or earlier to show what you know because that tells me nothing. Your negativity about everything, your smugness about your posts- that tells me everything I need to know.

Pindell will be better- that is the progression from junior year to senior year. The kid has some ability to run this offense. If you think kids don't progress from year to year, than there is nothing left to be said.
I’ve learned that you have to just respect a fan’s choice to be negative or in heir mindset “realistic”
When a team loses as much as UConn has over the past six years it’s a tough sell to get some people to choose optimism. It’s just easier to double down on the negativity as a way to protect yourself from letdown. As if somehow a person is less than for actually hoping for the best and getting the opposite result. To each his own right?
I always say this. The same way a fan wants a team to persevere through adversity and lift themselves out of the doldrums (as some on this board will try and sell us on) how about applying the same standard on ourselves as fans right? Perhaps persevere as a fan and stick behind the team. Show up at The Rent en masse, get the place rocking and give the team a competitive advantage? I know the negative fans (some) will still show up and claim to be fans because they went to the game. But that negative energy, in my opinion, finds a way to cast a dark cloud over things. And for the people who don’t show up anymore? It’s way harder to rebuild a franchise with lack of fan support. Recruits who come to games and see a half empty stadium don’t want to play in a lackluster environment. So perhaps we missed out on a couple of kids that were considering UConn but after seeing 18k or less in the stands didn’t help matters. And then some fans will complain about not getting the recruits, etc etc but unbeknownst to them they’re contributing to the self fulfilling prophecy. Future classes considering UConn are like babies. They have no perspective on the school besides what they see and experience. How about packing The Rent and creating an environment that lures kids to Storrs?
Yes, I believe Pindell will be better. He has athletic talent and a brain and had some good experience down the stretch last season. He has talent behind him that’s pushing him. He has really good coaches that are working with him. He’ll be better. The team will be better. And if they’re not? Then I’ll continue to hope.
The talent is there though. Let’s get this thing going!


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I’ve learned that you have to just respect a fan’s choice to be negative or in heir mindset “realistic”
When a team loses as much as UConn has over the past six years it’s a tough sell to get some people to choose optimism. It’s just easier to double down on the negativity as a way to protect yourself from letdown. As if somehow a person is less than for actually hoping for the best and getting the opposite result. To each his own right?
I always say this. The same way a fan wants a team to persevere through adversity and lift themselves out of the doldrums (as some on this board will try and sell us on) how about applying the same standard on ourselves as fans right? Perhaps persevere as a fan and stick behind the team. Show up at The Rent en masse, get the place rocking and give the team a competitive advantage? I know the negative fans (some) will still show up and claim to be fans because they went to the game. But that negative energy, in my opinion, finds a way to cast a dark cloud over things. And for the people who don’t show up anymore? It’s way harder to rebuild a franchise with lack of fan support. Recruits who come to games and see a half empty stadium don’t want to play in a lackluster environment. So perhaps we missed out on a couple of kids that were considering UConn but after seeing 18k or less in the stands didn’t help matters. And then some fans will complain about not getting the recruits, etc etc but unbeknownst to them they’re contributing to the self fulfilling prophecy. Future classes considering UConn are like babies. They have no perspective on the school besides what they see and experience. How about packing The Rent and creating an environment that lures kids to Storrs?
Yes, I believe Pindell will be better. He has athletic talent and a brain and had some good experience down the stretch last season. He has talent behind him that’s pushing him. He has really good coaches that are working with him. He’ll be better. The team will be better. And if they’re not? Then I’ll continue to hope.
The talent is there though. Let’s get this thing going!

Here are a whole list of things that have nothing to do with the fact nobody knows if Pindell is going to play well.

People said plenty of positive things last offseason and he lasted two quarters against a mediocre FCS team.

We don’t even know if the OC can do his job and the big plus on Pindell was that Lashlee handpicked him.
Dec 18, 2017
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Here are a whole list of things that have nothing to do with the fact nobody knows if Pindell is going to play well.

People said plenty of positive things last offseason and he lasted two quarters against a mediocre FCS team.

We don’t even know if the OC can do his job and the big plus on Pindell was that Lashlee handpicked him.
All valid points Whaler. And that’s the case with a lot of players in sports in general. Some guys knock it out the park one year which leads you to believe for the next then they totally stink up the joint or have a mediocre year. Look at Summers. I’m sure after that great Soph year you wouldn’t have thought he would regress the way he did. Lots of off the field stuff can contribute to how a player comes back in subsequent years for better or worse. But the one variable that remains constant is (in my T.O voice) he’s my QB- our QB. So we should rally behind him and hope things click for him this year. I’m sure no one here argues that he’s extremely quick/elusive and can harm you with his legs. He also has a decent arm. Let’s hope his decision making and overall confidence leads him to have a solid year. It’s not way out of the realm of possibilities. And if it does happen then we can have a competitive year.
Feb 22, 2014
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I’ve learned that you have to just respect a fan’s choice to be negative or in heir mindset “realistic”
When a team loses as much as UConn has over the past six years it’s a tough sell to get some people to choose optimism. It’s just easier to double down on the negativity as a way to protect yourself from letdown. As if somehow a person is less than for actually hoping for the best and getting the opposite result. To each his own right?
I always say this. The same way a fan wants a team to persevere through adversity and lift themselves out of the doldrums (as some on this board will try and sell us on) how about applying the same standard on ourselves as fans right? Perhaps persevere as a fan and stick behind the team. Show up at The Rent en masse, get the place rocking and give the team a competitive advantage? I know the negative fans (some) will still show up and claim to be fans because they went to the game. But that negative energy, in my opinion, finds a way to cast a dark cloud over things. And for the people who don’t show up anymore? It’s way harder to rebuild a franchise with lack of fan support. Recruits who come to games and see a half empty stadium don’t want to play in a lackluster environment. So perhaps we missed out on a couple of kids that were considering UConn but after seeing 18k or less in the stands didn’t help matters. And then some fans will complain about not getting the recruits, etc etc but unbeknownst to them they’re contributing to the self fulfilling prophecy. Future classes considering UConn are like babies. They have no perspective on the school besides what they see and experience. How about packing The Rent and creating an environment that lures kids to Storrs?
Yes, I believe Pindell will be better. He has athletic talent and a brain and had some good experience down the stretch last season. He has talent behind him that’s pushing him. He has really good coaches that are working with him. He’ll be better. The team will be better. And if they’re not? Then I’ll continue to hope.
The talent is there though. Let’s get this thing going!

Not my dog in this fight, but I'd take a thousand fans like Whaler who might be down on the program but still show up and support it in the stands and with their wallets before the far larger group of super positive "fans" whose idea of supporting the team is to send good vibes through their flat screen TVs from the comfort of their couch.
Aug 29, 2016
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Tweets from RE that include quotes suggesting the young pups have bought in and that the play on the field is seeing positive results.
That ALWAYS happens except for the first season where they say that they can't believe how bare the cupboard is.
Oct 30, 2017
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Okey dokey. It’s not negative to say they don’t know if they have a quarterback yet. It’s reality. One drive in a meaningless game against a terrible team is just that. Which backup are you going to call for in the second quarter of the UCF game?
That’s the scary part. None of the other QBs have thrown a pass in a college game. Let’s hope they are all quick learners and can adapt accordingly. The question we should ask, “Is four weeks enough to get our inexperienced quarterbacks ready?”
Aug 31, 2011
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That ALWAYS happens except for the first season where they say that they can't believe how bare the cupboard is.

Read his tweets - it has NOT happened yet
Aug 31, 2011
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That’s the scary part. None of the other QBs have thrown a pass in a college game. Let’s hope they are all quick learners and can adapt accordingly. The question we should ask, “Is four weeks enough to get our inexperienced quarterbacks ready?”

Last year, the staff felt 4 weeks was enough time to get the inexperienced guy ready. He blinked under the bright lights. He got better as the year went on, but he was not someone who any of us felt would have a commanding lead on the depth chart come summer camp. If he does, it suggests he got better or ..... It's the OR that is the scary part.
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm cautiously optimistic that with Pindell the offense can be pretty good. I think we may have a much better running game and hopefully this group of athletic TEs will help out and enhance the offense. I'm not sure Lashley was a huge loss.

The defense........god only knows. I said previously, if the LB play improves then maybe we'll have a serviceable defense. If it deteriorates from last year we'll be watching track meets.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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I'm cautiously optimistic that with Pindell the offense can be pretty good. I think we may have a much better running game and hopefully this group of athletic TEs will help out and enhance the offense. I'm not sure Lashley was a huge loss.

The defense...god only knows. I said previously, if the LB play improves then maybe we'll have a serviceable defense. If it deteriorates from last year we'll be watching track meets.

I know many will disagree, but I don’t think Lashlee was that impressive. We were so bad once we got on the precipice of scoring range, and we ran so many draws out of the pistol on third down with Newsome which just made no sense
Aug 30, 2011
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It is a show of progression. It is also called the IT factor. When you have the ability to a game by the neck for a last minute win. If Pindell was such a lost cause, he wouldn't have been able to do it against anyone - including Holy Cross where the game was too fast for him.

Projecting kids is what makes a college coach like RE so good. If you have been around the program long enough, you can see what he sees and trust the process.

Love Edsall, don't think his track record with previous QB's has earned blind trust. Includng last year when they annoited Pindell the starter very early, when that was clearly the wrong decision.

He very well might make big strides and be a good player, but he's not a sure thing by any means


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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Randy pucked thecwrong QB out of the gate last year. Let’s hope Pindell has improved immensely.
Aug 29, 2011
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I was also not on the Lashlee bandwagon. He did some good things and opened the offense up but it lacked pace. As I’ve said before when your defense is bad 3 and out in 10 seconds does you no favors. And time consuming drives can be a tool as long as they end in a score.

As far as the quarterback goes I think Pindell is no more than serviceable but with a better line and the right offense that’s ok. You don’t need to throw deep a lot. You need to be able to do it effectively when you do it.
Oct 6, 2013
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Randy pucked thecwrong QB out of the gate last year. Let’s hope Pindell has improved immensely.
Interesting point Alum...but I tend to think it was more a Lashlee decision and Edsel concurring and Edsel then stepping in and making the QB switch for the second half of the opener. If No switch .... we were toast.
Dec 18, 2017
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Not my dog in this fight, but I'd take a thousand fans like Whaler who might be down on the program but still show up and support it in the stands and with their wallets before the far larger group of super positive "fans" whose idea of supporting the team is to send good vibes through their flat screen TVs from the comfort of their couch.
I hear you.
But there are some true fans who just can’t make it to the games for whatever reasons.
But I hear you
Still, I’m all for being positive same as we want our players to be as such
Aug 27, 2011
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I still think Pindell will start but the question is for how many games? We have four QB’s and three were red shirted. It’s hard to say what they can bring to the table because none of them have seen any game time. Bisack played in spring games and ran scout team. Washington had to sit out both spring games and had seen limited practice time. McAfee had limited time in the spring game and at practice. Krajewski will see his first practice on August 1st. It will be very interesting to see how he adjusts to this level. I like his tape and he has all the tools to compete for the job but two weeks of practice is not enough time for anyone. I say Pindell gets the nod but QB2 is wide open.
I thought Bisack was gong to play a lot better than he showed in the spring game. He looks the part, throws a decent ball, but it doesn’t seem to come together.
Aug 28, 2011
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I thought Bisack was gong to play a lot better than he showed in the spring game. He looks the part, throws a decent ball, but it doesn’t seem to come together.
Isn't he a PWO?

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