The phrase "this stuff is incredibly complicated" is an easy way for those who support the corrupt status quo to throw up their hands and seem reasonable on any topic.
And no one is claiming this could be agreed over a 2 hour meeting. Talk about a straw man.
But lets be clear - The reason it can't be figured out in 2 hours is not cuz its such an overwhelmingly complex problem set. Almost everyone agrees that the current state of affairs is indefensible morally, ethically, and pragmatically. And there are models in place, right now, in nearly every league and country around the world that are totally workable in this context.
No, the reason this freaking thing will drag on and the carcass of amateur athletics will be dragged behind the money train is that there are a LOT of people getting very RICH and POWERFUL off the status quo - institutions, individuals, and interests. They will resist and do half-measures(bigger stipdends and using their likeness, anyone?) and PR campaigns until the pitchforks and torches chase them out of town.
Oh, and the other reason its complicated is that those PR campaigns are enough to sell people like
@superjohn that this whole thing is just so daggum complicated and boy I just wish I could turn on my TV and see my alma mater dunk some basketballs and not worry about the morality of the whole thing.