You need to read more closely. I have clearly said that I am in favor of college sports, as they exist today, going away but, if they don't, I want my school to do well. And I have also said that, while college sports continue to exist as they do today, that it is an important marketing tool. But, today, college sports is a cess pool where pro teams take advantage of colleges and colleges take advantage of the athletes. When schools lose money on sports, does that money come from a money tree, lol? Or does it show up as increased fees and tuitions for everyone else? And I never said athletic scholarships would be replaced by academic scholarships. I said that the spots filled by undeserving athletes who are only there to play sports would be filled by kids who deserve to he there for, and I know this is crazy, their academic credentials. And before you try to twist what I am saying again, let me go on record as acknowledging that some scholarship athletes do also deserve to be at their current school based on their academic credentials. But how many football and basketball scholarship athletes at schools competing for championships fall into that category?