I have to leave so I will leave this here.
Compliance. And it's disgusting . I like boars head way better than this crap cooked thanksgiving style, but no matter what the ketchup screws it anyway.
Honestly it's getting harder and harder to choke this down. This one was a real struggle.
Also why didn't you turkey lovers tell me turkey screws with your bowels? I'm a regular once a day good morning dump guy. Since Thursday I have been crapping my brains out. 4 times already today.
I feel like I should have made a documentary like " supersize me" but instead of fast food we could study how a turkey and ketchup diet changes your body chemistry.
This is truly revolting punishment and my good humor is wearing thin.
I require a Saturday nap usually after being out late Friday and then going out late for Saturday, and I didn't even get that today as I had to shop for and prepare 'in turkey. Now I have to leave. I'm tired, my ass hurts and my stomach is turning.
Go huskies!