The Big East needs to punish this kind of basketball | Page 2 | The Boneyard

The Big East needs to punish this kind of basketball


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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My view on this is that the refs made it unwatchable. Big East refs continue to start every game calling nothing. So teams like Georgetown hunt fouls on offense and clutch, grab and push, especially on rebounds. You can say too many fouls called but I disagree. Call those fouls early. Cook could have had 3 fouls in the first five minutes. Call those. Force teams to play properly at the start and then you can loosen up and call less. Instead they lose control of the game and then get tighter and tighter as they try to get control back.

Refs have to be unafraid of fouling guys out in the first ten minutes of the game if that is what they deserve. We got killed on the boards because they shoved and threw our guys down. Call that instead of stupid touch fouls that don’t impact the play.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's not Cooley's fault the refs are over-matched by the speed and the talent on the court. They are a seemingly unaccountable group "graded" by their peers. Or is it pals? Until the system changes we will be subjected to horrible officiating, and unwatchble games that damage our preparation for the tournament in March. Coaches and AD's would probably do something about it if not for the likelihood of same officials punishing their teams as a result. Unaccountable is always bad.
Aug 29, 2013
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Ed Cooley is bad for the Big East and he is bad for basketball. Today's game was unwatchable, because the referees were rewarding Georgetown's foul hunting on offense and were letting Georgetown get away with relentless clutching and grabbing on defense.

Cooley's style of play only works if the referees let it work, and Cooley's 3-7 NCAA Tournament record shows it doesn't work outside of the conference. Providence's losses were to 6, 11, 1, 11, 7, 1, and 6 seed. Cooley's 3 wins were over a 8, 13 and 12 seed. Cooley has shown that once he gets onto neutral courts with non-Big East refs, he struggles.

The referees just need to crack down on it. Call the flops and leg kicks, and don't call fouls on out of control drives that have no chance of scoring and are done solely to generate a foul call. And the referees need to call every clutch and grab, even if it results in 40+ free throws for the other team. This is not basketball, and the refs should treat it like the circus act that it is. The Cooley will have a choice. Either coach his team to play basketball, or lose every game.
This reminds of the old school 80/90's NBA basketball where physicality was promoted over individual skill. A type of game where goons like Bill Laimbeer were allowed to thrive against significantly more skilled players like Michael Jordan. The NBA wisely moved away from this type of game because its a bad product and the Big East needs to do the same. There is a reason the NBA's value has risen exponentially and now the average NBA team is more valuable than the average MLB team. The NBA improved the quality of their product. Its well passed time for the Big East to do the same.
Oct 7, 2011
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This reminds of the old school 80/90's NBA basketball where physicality was promoted over individual skill. A type of game where goons like Bill Laimbeer were allowed to thrive against significantly more skilled players like Michael Jordan. The NBA wisely moved away from this type of game because its a bad product and the Big East needs to do the same. There is a reason the NBA's value has risen exponentially and now the average NBA team is more valuable than the average MLB team. The NBA improved the quality of their product. Its well passed time for the Big East to do the same.
Well said. This ain’t the mid-1980s anymore and Michael Graham is long since out of college.
Mar 5, 2015
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What irritates me are all the times the Georgetown player would take it to the basket and just shove their body into the UConn defender without getting called for a foul. I don't know how many times Castle, who's a big strong dude, got pushed backwards a couple of feet when the Georgetown player just rammed into him. Why isn't that a foul?
Apr 10, 2022
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Georgetown was a 20.5 point underdog and severely overmatched. Their coaches had a game plan which compensated for the fact that UConn was overwhelmingly more talented. They hung around and played their style. They’re probably not gonna beat a team with as much talent as UConn, but they may be able to scratch out a few wins against lesser opponents.

This isn’t PC. Georgetown will recruit better talent and play a better brand of basketball as the talent improves. The cupboard was bare after Ewing. Give the guy a chance to bring in some talent. Then the style can change.
Aug 29, 2013
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Georgetown was a 20.5 point underdog and severely overmatched. Their coaches had a game plan which compensated for the fact that UConn was overwhelmingly more talented. They hung around and played their style. They’re probably not gonna beat a team with as much talent as UConn, but they may be able to scratch out a few wins against lesser opponents.

This isn’t PC. Georgetown will recruit better talent and play a better brand of basketball as the talent improves. The cupboard was bare after Ewing. Give the guy a chance to bring in some talent. Then the style can change.
The complaint here that they shouldn't be able to compensate for their severe lack of talent by making it an ugly game. Being less skilled should never be rewarded, in the Big East it is.

Cooley will elevate Georgetown no question, but they should've been run out of the building the same way as if we were playing UNH
Aug 26, 2011
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Seems like coach "K" complained a lot and still seemed to get a pretty good whistle, especially at Cameroon. "He's made his own bed we will never get calls", so are you saying the refs are cheating?
Not cheating but reacting naturally. He pisses then off a lot. Funny he seemed to chill more last year but the incessant complaining is back again. Just me, but he needs to chill again. Wait until Wednesday at Creighton against the team that practices to not foul. Lol

I agree with Coach K he got away with it because he was God yo the NCAA. There’s others like him.
Jan 19, 2017
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Do you really believe that? That the refs ref for ratings?
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it…

Half-Joking, of course. But that’s a much much kinder explanation than just saying they suck & were terrible :)
Jan 17, 2013
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I was forced to watch today's game on my phone, but that said it seemed like it wasn't a game that the refs did a disservice to UConn. There were some bad calls both ways. The total fouls called were even. The free throw shooting favored Georgetown because of the style of each team's play - Georgetown played in the paint and we had too many times where our guys weren't in good body position. We shot more 3's with open looks so less chance for Georgetown to foul us. Kinda simple...

I think this has often occurred this year already and might be the case down the stretch but for when Clingan is back and other teams are dissuaded to attack the paint/rim.
Aug 26, 2011
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What irritates me are all the times the Georgetown player would take it to the basket and just shove their body into the UConn defender without getting called for a foul. I don't know how many times Castle, who's a big strong dude, got pushed backwards a couple of feet when the Georgetown player just rammed into him. Why isn't that a foul?

Don’t mind that as long as they don’t call a foul on us. But they do way too often. The offensive guy creates the contact and our guy does nothing but continue to guard and they call a foul on us. It’s horrible officiating.
Feb 25, 2015
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Yeah, and it’s unwatchable. Watch the ACC or the B12 or even the Big10. All are much more enjoyable to watch. I can barely watch NEWBIE games without UConn. Ugly basketball.
Idk the Big 12 has some rock fights. Houston games are insane, that team is unwatchable this year.
Aug 26, 2011
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This is the Big East style. And that’s why teams like Providence, Seton Hall, old Pitt teams, etc. regularly underperform in the tournament. On every cut, UConn players are grabbed in Big East games. Honestly, it probably helps UConn since the tournament is a bit tougher than a pre conference game. But I agree, it takes away from the game and awards teams that shouldn’t get the benefit of the doubt.
Pitt puked on my brackets every year.
Aug 5, 2017
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NBA figured it out. The games are entertainment to the average ticket buyer and that means you need to showcase fun, exciting, games that feature the big stars scoring and making great plays.
The apparent Big East strategy?
Hope a team like UConn or Villanova can make the league look good by winning the NCAA title.
If Val doesn't understand she needs to improve the quality of the officials and consistency of the calls it's time for her to go.
Today was a wasted opportunity to showcase her league through the play of her league's current National Champions.


Mar 6, 2020
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Mike Brown explaining how frustrating the inconsistency is... in the NBA. It's everywhere.

The refs are human but they need to be on the same page on what the hell a foul is. I can't believe how many times are guys get literally jumped on and there is no call but a small hand check is.
Aug 26, 2011
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What irritates me are all the times the Georgetown player would take it to the basket and just shove their body into the UConn defender without getting called for a foul. I don't know how many times Castle, who's a big strong dude, got pushed backwards a couple of feet when the Georgetown player just rammed into him. Why isn't that a foul?
This is an epidemic among officials and the most irritating of all the calls they make or fail to get right. It's a little harder to pick out hands swiping at the ball, but when an offensive player veers into, or throws himself at a defender there should be no call or an offensive foul.
Aug 5, 2017
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Mike Brown explaining how frustrating the inconsistency is... in the NBA. It's everywhere.

The refs are human but they need to be on the same page on what the hell a foul is. I can't believe how many times are guys get literally jumped on and there is no call but a small hand check is.

All true. Val needs to take charge before the league loses the credibility gained from UConn's rise to prominence with its 5 NC's in the last 25 years and the two won by Villanova.

The bad calls affect the product being displayed on TV as well as in the arenas, and the officials are in a difficult spot today because of instant slo-mo replays, but that doesn't preclude improvements being made to assure consistency.

The Supervisor of officials should be setting the standards and training his officials on how to apply those standards. If he doesn't do that he should go and if the officials don't meet those standards after sufficient training they should be replaced.

And, while he's at it, he should make it clear to the coaches that the refs aren't going to take any BS from them or the players.

Any problems should be addressed at a forum the league could host one day per week on a video call. Let the schools put together videos of the bad calls so they can be addressed with the officials and give the Supervisor of officials some clout to protect his referees if they are wrongly targeted for abuse during games.
Apr 10, 2022
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The complaint here that they shouldn't be able to compensate for their severe lack of talent by making it an ugly game. Being less skilled should never be rewarded, in the Big East it is.

Cooley will elevate Georgetown no question, but they should've been run out of the building the same way as if we were playing UNH
I totally understand what you’re saying and agree with the concept. But part of coaching is adapting to your surroundings. In hockey, they tried to eliminate the clutch and grab and make the game more free-flowing. That was a good change, but less talented teams can still compete with tight checking. The same is true in basketball where defensive intensity can level the playing field.

I like Coach Hurley’s approach. Let people know that you’re not thrilled, but adapt to the realities of the game. He’s all about winning, no matter the circumstances.
Aug 29, 2011
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Here’s the problem with all this whining about refs. They are doing what the league wants done. The whole NEWBIE brand is rough tough hard nosed basketball. It markets itself on the inner city vibe too. They want rock fights. Despite the fact that the only 2 teams that are actually national caliber programs, UConn and Villanova, don’t like to play that way. The other thing it does is it gives lesser teams a shot at upsetting superior ones. Yesterday was a prime example. Without the 600 ( 65 really. It only felt like 600) Georgetown is out of the building by halftime. With them they have a punchers chance and the league shills can talk about how “tough” the league is and how any team can win any time. Though this past week showed that to be a universal statement that applies to lots of leagues. Now I’m not saying the NEWBIE front office necessarily encourages this type of officiating. But they sure don’t discourage it because it plays into their whole branding.
Aug 29, 2011
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The complaint here that they shouldn't be able to compensate for their severe lack of talent by making it an ugly game. Being less skilled should never be rewarded, in the Big East it is.

Cooley will elevate Georgetown no question, but they should've been run out of the building the same way as if we were playing UNH
Cooley w up I’ll get them out of competition with DePaul but he isnt getting them back to John Thompson level play. For one thing it’s 2024 not 1984. Many more places take basketball seriously now. For another, he is a solid but unspectacular coach. He got solid guys at Providence and played this crash into everyone and get the calls style. It works in the NEWBIE but not in the NCAA tournament. Finally, Georgetown cares, but not that much. The administration is far more interested in winning Nobel prizes and advising Presidents than winning basketball games.


Apr 19, 2015
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Because Dan has hissy fits like the one on Alexs 2nd foul on the three ball. It was a foul period bad play by his guy. First thing the coach should do is pull Alex over and say “hand in his face please I need you in the game play smarter. Instead he creates a scene that not one of those refs could Ben happy with. The “No FN way” response didn’t draw a T like it could have so be happy they resisted. He’s made his own bed we will never get calls.
You are right. I thought he learned his lesson last year but now he looks like he is having temper tantrums again. Does he look at his own face on replays? The faces are kind of like a mockery and refs don't like coaches playing to the crowd with antics. If you have a beef OK. You can make your point. But this looks more like "I'm getting the last word in" and the face appears to be more one of menacing rather than expressing plain anger or disappointment. The refs aren't frightened by this and it invites or dares retribution. He needs to change again.

There is an old expression: "It's not what you say but how you say it"
Aug 26, 2011
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Here’s the problem with all this whining about refs. They are doing what the league wants done. The whole NEWBIE brand is rough tough hard nosed basketball. It markets itself on the inner city vibe too. They want rock fights. Despite the fact that the only 2 teams that are actually national caliber programs, UConn and Villanova, don’t like to play that way. The other thing it does is it gives lesser teams a shot at upsetting superior ones. Yesterday was a prime example. Without the 600 ( 65 really. It only felt like 600) Georgetown is out of the building by halftime. With them they have a punchers chance and the league shills can talk about how “tough” the league is and how any team can win any time. Though this past week showed that to be a universal statement that applies to lots of leagues. Now I’m not saying the NEWBIE front office necessarily encourages this type of officiating. But they sure don’t discourage it because it plays into their whole branding.
even if that is it both ways...Newton gets hacked all the time and barely gets calls

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