The Anti-UCONN world should be depressed today | Page 2 | The Boneyard

The Anti-UCONN world should be depressed today

Oct 29, 2021
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I really like Dorka and Liv in the lineup together with Christina, Caroline, Paige and Azzi in the primary guard rotation. High percentage shooters and lots of rebounding. I think fewer turnovers as well. I think we have the talent to be final 4 again and have a chance to win it all but they need the right lineup and rotation.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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That was an excellent game. I thought it showed how good UConn can be when things are clicking. For a while, obviously, they weren't, for whatever reasons.

I thought DePaul was a good matchup for UConn, is always a solid team. That said, if I heard correctly, DePaul has never beaten UConn. Not surprising, really, and they are far from alone, but I wouldn't have guessed it.
DePaul is the new Rutgers. Every UConn-RU game was a battle but UConn usually outlasted the Scarlet Knights
Aug 28, 2011
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This was an important game, even though DePaul is unranked (and I'm not really sure they should be unranked, either). It was important that UConn played well against a team that featured a really, really good big player. Morrow is, IMHO, as good as it gets, and while no one contained her, they were not awful against her. Watching three-pointers finally (Finally!!!) start to fall was a thing of beauty. If that starts a trend, it means the other guys are going to have to use a whole different strategy against UConn, and that's a very good thing.
Dorka looked comfortable out there in ways I had not seen before. Suddenly, running plays through her is starting to make some sense. They are still a work in progress, but they're looking like they just might come together,.......


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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We had to shoot 58% to beat DePaul. I think DePaul can be a final 16 team and maybe even better if they play with the same intensity they played with yesterday and don’t foul out. They have some talent overall. They forced 20 turnovers. We should give them credit for a lot of that. That game could easily have been a loss.
Forced is a bit strong. :rolleyes:
Aug 27, 2011
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Dorka said she’ll use the extra year the NCAA gave everyone and be back
Both Tuck and Stevens said, prior to the tournament, that they intended to play another season. What happens is that after the NCAA's are over they learn where they will be drafted. Then they decide.
I like Juhasz's game but UConn will be OK without her. I expect that Gabriel will move into a backup 5 slot and that DeBerry will get hers too. The 2 freshmen are also expected to play early.
UConn will be a guard team for the next couple of years. At least until Toomey arrives. :)
Aug 27, 2011
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After the game I checked Massey and as it turns out DePaul was No 39. There are 6 SEC teams better than that and 8 SEC teams who are worse. So SCar plays over half their conference games against teams worse than DePaul. It isn't that DePaul is really good, just that they aren't as bad as the P5 snobs would like to believe.
Feb 19, 2017
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Are you confusing DePaul with South Carolina?

Usually, I pooh-pooh victories against unranked teams, but this felt different.

For one, they had a virtually unstoppable player
Then. their backcourt was capable of giving us fits...which it did at points.
And we had that composure loss...some of which was (IMHO)
the result of a wrong combination on the floor...but regardless
it shouldn't have happened and was an embarrassment.

But our team came out of the locker room and played effective BB...
Even when DePaul briefly took the lead back
Our shooting was sensational as was our aggression to then hoop
Sure, their D on drives was weak at the end
But our kids made the plays, showed fight and even if their D was sub-par
One knew that give them a chance with the ball, they'd make shots
as they did all night. So, it was a dogfight.

So, unranked or not...the 2nd decent or better unranked team that we played
It was a fine UConn win, and should (just should) propel us forward
Finally with enough scoring threats, even w/o Paige
And with her...and critically...It'll be much, much more than
Paige and the 4 dwarfs...
And that, my friends, is the genesis of a winning team.
unranked, but they were 16-4...not chopped liver
Feb 9, 2016
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Both Tuck and Stevens said, prior to the tournament, that they intended to play another season. What happens is that after the NCAA's are over they learn where they will be drafted. Then they decide.
I like Juhasz's game but UConn will be OK without her. I expect that Gabriel will move into a backup 5 slot and that DeBerry will get hers too. The 2 freshmen are also expected to play early.
UConn will be a guard team for the next couple of years. At least until Toomey arrives. :)
C is good. Be a friend.
Jul 20, 2021
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Every dog has it's day.
The thing I liked about the last game is how UCONN could have folded, but didn't.
Mistakes were made on the bench and on the floor, but this time there was enough talent, determination and execution to
pull out the "W". Seems like we are getting better, a little at a time. Keep playing, keep exploring what combinations work best out on the court. We knew when we lost all those players that there were going to be some ugly games. And there were. We also knew that when we started to get them back, we would have better games. And, so far, we have.
If Paige stops jumping around every time something she likes happens, maybe she can heal up and be able to return with enough time to get back in the groove before the two tournaments.
I know I might be a bit biased, but I can't think of a better, more exciting narrative for WCBB 2022 than a resilient Husky squad overcoming adversity and cutting down the net in Minneapolis come April.
There's a story about a NYC congressman in 1940 who was concerned that the Democratic machine wasn't putting a whole lot of money or effort into his reelection.
The State chairman pulled him aside and pointed to the ferry terminal where the Staten Island ferry was pulling into the slip.
He said" You see how when the ferry comes in, it pulls all the garbage and slime floating in the harbor into the slip?"
"Well the name of your ferry is Franklin D. Roosevelt! "
So, to all the Husky-haters out there who rejoice at the "drought" of NC's and the recent problems:
For a long time, the name of WCBB's ferry has been The University of Connecticut.
And it will be again.
Sep 19, 2018
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We're getting better because we're getting our team back from the infirmary. The injuries and subsequent recoveries have always been the X-factor, and the team will ultimately only go as far as Paige takes it. No Paige, still a very good season, but probably short of a final four. With Paige, a national title is in reach.
Jan 7, 2020
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We had to shoot 58% to beat DePaul. I think DePaul can be a final 16 team and maybe even better if they play with the same intensity they played with yesterday and don’t foul out. They have some talent overall. They forced 20 turnovers. We should give them credit for a lot of that. That game could easily have been a loss.
True and I posted that we could lose to them there but the officiating will not be the same in the Big Dance. The DePaul guards constantly body check and restrain which are fouls and their flops will not always be charges on a neutral site. Morrow can get into foul trouble very easily in a tightly called game and if she sits or is out( you saw after she went out of our game) they will get hammered underneath. They will get a bid but Sweet 16 will mean that a lot of things have to break right for them and I think it is a stretch with the way they play if the game is called properly.
Dec 5, 2018
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Nice try, but the last two games both St. Johns and DePaul played UConn 90% of the time straight up.
Not sure what you mean by nice try, but no question UConn struggles against the zone. Shame on those two opponents not using it.
Jan 5, 2022
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There is a large segment of the WCBB world that has been happy with the situation UCONN basketball has been in this season, 4 losses, and oh my, losses to unranked teams. It's understandable that they route against us, as we have been beating their brains in for years. The national pundits quip, maybe UCONN is a number 4 seed for the upcoming tournament.
However, if they really want to get depressed, they should watch last night's game. They would have seen what a healthy Azzi Fudd , after a two month lay-off , was capable of. Her stroke looks so pure, her misses go in and out. I know she came in with a load of hype, but seeing that potential, is really eye opening.
The other thing they would have seen is that our "Go To "player in the clutch, is another freshman, Caroline Ducharme. CD, arguably, has been our best player so far this year and wouldn't have developed so fast without the injuries and illnesses.
So be gleeful you anti UCONN people, as things are about to change, and your UCONN nightmare will return.
Say "AMEN".


Stake in my pocket, Vlad to see you
Jan 21, 2016
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Not sure what you mean by nice try, but no question UConn struggles against the zone. Shame on those two opponents not using it.
Neither of the last two opponents needed to play zone to make the game competitive. I agree with most of your original statement. But my point was, and I clearly didn't say enough to define it, was that UConn also struggles with teams playing them straight up. My fault. This team struggles with the zone for numerous reasons, and I've delineated these quite a few times. First, they have trouble hitting open shots from the perimeter. Second, to combat the zone Geno likes, 90% of the time, to have a big flash to the foul line. He occasionally will flood a zone or work a horn set. Well, flashing to the foul line works if that big is capable of hitting that shot, and all of them have been wildly inconsistent from that spot. Third, he's tried ball reversal, but his guards have had problems hitting that weak side or strong shot from the perimeter, even when its wide open. Fourth, no one aside from CD has a consistent pull up, and Nika even refuses to shoot one. Lastly, with Paige on the bench and Azzi just returning, the team does not have, aside from Nika, very good passing guards.

Now the last two games were a struggle, and both teams played UConn straight up. That obviously says this team has issues with man to man as well. For M2M Geno likes to work a hybrid triangle. Geno again likes to have a big as his trigger. The reasons for Uconn's struggles against M2M are some of what I've already detailed, especially, as I've already stated, UConn's guards don't pass very well. They can't get anyone to hit that shot from the corner. It helps with CD, but that completely changes with Zee. They don't have an effective shooter as the trail (with Zee that changes as well). They also can't break anyone down off the dribble, don't shoot pull ups well, aren't particularly fast in transition, don't get enough TO's to play a transition game, and don't press well. Against both zones and M2M, Geno's offenses are predicated on movement, passing, acting and reacting. If you're not passing the ball you're cutting, or screening. If you're open, shoot the ball. Well, if the team can't hit 3's and can't hit pull ups, what's left are back door plays, trying to work off the block, and points in transition.

Now I've been screaming the last three games for more actions for CD. Mainly off screens and curls, who can work off all of that very well. I've also been calling for more isolation on the block for her. I've seen little of the former and the guards haven't found her in a timely manner for the latter. Now with Zee back UConn now has two guards that can really work all of those actions to a high percentage. Zee is also a terrific passer that rarely turns the ball over. But her real gift is working off the curl or the dribble hand off and working that pull up. Especially going from left to right. When Paige returns her working that 23 keep (getting the ball on a hand off with the option of shooting, passing to the rolling pick, or passing to the open corners) with both CD and Zee working strong and weak side will be a nightmare for teams.

I'm a believer that adversity both hardens and tempers a team. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I want to see all of these team UConn has lost to and struggled to down the road when UConn is healthy.
Jan 7, 2020
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I really like Dorka and Liv in the lineup together with Christina, Caroline, Paige and Azzi in the primary guard rotation. High percentage shooters and lots of rebounding. I think fewer turnovers as well. I think we have the talent to be final 4 again and have a chance to win it all but they need the right lineup and rotation.
I just don't see Nika not starting. She brings a very unique energy to the team and is actually scoring now. She is also the vocal leader on the floor now until Paige comes back. Geno has said these things many times. There will be plenty of minutes for everyone with rests and substitutions. If Azzi is hot she stays in but CD is a constant now for 4 years. If they don't have to play big they have either Dorka or Liv with CD, CW, Paige, Nika and Azzi rotating. I don't like CD at the 2 spot though, too far away from the hoop and she cuts all day long. It's finally getting to be a great guard team. Let's wait on Paige for completion.
Nov 13, 2013
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Neither of the last two opponents needed to play zone to make the game competitive. I agree with most of your original statement. But my point was, and I clearly didn't say enough to define it, was that UConn also struggles with teams playing them straight up. My fault. This team struggles with the zone for numerous reasons, and I've delineated these quite a few times. First, they have trouble hitting open shots from the perimeter. Second, to combat the zone Geno likes, 90% of the time, to have a big flash to the foul line. He occasionally will flood a zone or work a horn set. Well, flashing to the foul line works if that big is capable of hitting that shot, and all of them have been wildly inconsistent from that spot. Third, he's tried ball reversal, but his guards have had problems hitting that weak side or strong shot from the perimeter, even when its wide open. Fourth, no one aside from CD has a consistent pull up, and Nika even refuses to shoot one. Lastly, with Paige on the bench and Azzi just returning, the team does not have, aside from Nika, very good passing guards.

Now the last two games were a struggle, and both teams played UConn straight up. That obviously says this team has issues with man to man as well. For M2M Geno likes to work a hybrid triangle. Geno again likes to have a big as his trigger. The reasons for Uconn's struggles against M2M are some of what I've already detailed, especially, as I've already stated, UConn's guards don't pass very well. They can't get anyone to hit that shot from the corner. It helps with CD, but that completely changes with Zee. They don't have an effective shooter as the trail (with Zee that changes as well). They also can't break anyone down off the dribble, don't shoot pull ups well, aren't particularly fast in transition, don't get enough TO's to play a transition game, and don't press well. Against both zones and M2M, Geno's offenses are predicated on movement, passing, acting and reacting. If you're not passing the ball you're cutting, or screening. If you're open, shoot the ball. Well, if the team can't hit 3's and can't hit pull ups, what's left are back door plays, trying to work off the block, and points in transition.

Now I've been screaming the last three games for more actions for CD. Mainly off screens and curls, who can work off all of that very well. I've also been calling for more isolation on the block for her. I've seen little of the former and the guards haven't found her in a timely manner for the latter. Now with Zee back UConn now has two guards that can really work all of those actions to a high percentage. Zee is also a terrific passer that rarely turns the ball over. But her real gift is working off the curl or the dribble hand off and working that pull up. Especially going from left to right. When Paige returns her working that 23 keep (getting the ball on a hand off with the option of shooting, passing to the rolling pick, or passing to the open corners) with both CD and Zee working strong and weak side will be a nightmare for teams.

I'm a believer that adversity both hardens and tempers a team. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I want to see all of these team UConn has lost to and struggled to down the road when UConn is healthy.
I believe this problem gets fixed when Brady shows up this summer/fall. And from GA's comments on her he pretty much knows it.
Apr 7, 2016
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We had to shoot 58% to beat DePaul. I think DePaul can be a final 16 team and maybe even better if they play with the same intensity they played with yesterday and don’t foul out. They have some talent overall. They forced 20 turnovers. We should give them credit for a lot of that. That game could easily have been a loss.
Has anyone reviewed DePaul's schedule and their out of conference match-ups? That would tell us something about their future in the Big Dance. ( I know, I should do it ). I will
Mar 5, 2015
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and the team will ultimately only go as far as Paige takes it. No Paige, still a very good season, but probably short of a final four. With Paige, a national title is in reach.
Paige is definitely needed for us to reach full potential, but she alone returning 100% is a large part but not everything needed to cut down the nets, in my opinon. I feel like we are lacking having a big down low to rebound, score on put-backs and entry passes, and be a defensive presence- someone who complements our center. It is looking more & more like Dorka can become that person- not necessarily a banger, but she has size and moves well and can rebound & shoot. Aaliyah can become that kind of player too- coming into this season, many of us expected her to do so especially with the sophomore bump. Anyway, that is what I feel we need- a strong presence down low besides our center to really excel.
Jul 26, 2021
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Has anyone reviewed DePaul's schedule and their out of conference match-ups? That would tell us something about their future in the Big Dance. ( I know, I should do it ). I will
they lost by 20 to A&M so
Oct 29, 2021
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Has anyone reviewed DePaul's schedule and their out of conference match-ups? That would tell us something about their future in the Big Dance. ( I know, I should do it ). I will
Morrow scored around 30 points 3 games in a row recentlyand I don't see anyone in the college game who is better if she keeps getting these calls. She was the anomaly in the last game. If not for her we would have won that game by 25 points. She was like having 2 all conference players on your team. She rebounds almost as well as Liv and Dorka combined and she's scoring a bunch now as well. She has lots of players who can shoot the 3 with her and if they defend like the game with us they should be a top 20.
Dec 5, 2018
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Neither of the last two opponents needed to play zone to make the game competitive. I agree with most of your original statement. But my point was, and I clearly didn't say enough to define it, was that UConn also struggles with teams playing them straight up. My fault. This team struggles with the zone for numerous reasons, and I've delineated these quite a few times. First, they have trouble hitting open shots from the perimeter. Second, to combat the zone Geno likes, 90% of the time, to have a big flash to the foul line. He occasionally will flood a zone or work a horn set. Well, flashing to the foul line works if that big is capable of hitting that shot, and all of them have been wildly inconsistent from that spot. Third, he's tried ball reversal, but his guards have had problems hitting that weak side or strong shot from the perimeter, even when its wide open. Fourth, no one aside from CD has a consistent pull up, and Nika even refuses to shoot one. Lastly, with Paige on the bench and Azzi just returning, the team does not have, aside from Nika, very good passing guards.

Now the last two games were a struggle, and both teams played UConn straight up. That obviously says this team has issues with man to man as well. For M2M Geno likes to work a hybrid triangle. Geno again likes to have a big as his trigger. The reasons for Uconn's struggles against M2M are some of what I've already detailed, especially, as I've already stated, UConn's guards don't pass very well. They can't get anyone to hit that shot from the corner. It helps with CD, but that completely changes with Zee. They don't have an effective shooter as the trail (with Zee that changes as well). They also can't break anyone down off the dribble, don't shoot pull ups well, aren't particularly fast in transition, don't get enough TO's to play a transition game, and don't press well. Against both zones and M2M, Geno's offenses are predicated on movement, passing, acting and reacting. If you're not passing the ball you're cutting, or screening. If you're open, shoot the ball. Well, if the team can't hit 3's and can't hit pull ups, what's left are back door plays, trying to work off the block, and points in transition.

Now I've been screaming the last three games for more actions for CD. Mainly off screens and curls, who can work off all of that very well. I've also been calling for more isolation on the block for her. I've seen little of the former and the guards haven't found her in a timely manner for the latter. Now with Zee back UConn now has two guards that can really work all of those actions to a high percentage. Zee is also a terrific passer that rarely turns the ball over. But her real gift is working off the curl or the dribble hand off and working that pull up. Especially going from left to right. When Paige returns her working that 23 keep (getting the ball on a hand off with the option of shooting, passing to the rolling pick, or passing to the open corners) with both CD and Zee working strong and weak side will be a nightmare for teams.

I'm a believer that adversity both hardens and tempers a team. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I want to see all of these team UConn has lost to and struggled to down the road when UConn is healthy.
Agree 100%
Nov 15, 2017
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I would have them start with the second quarter of last nights game........

Lots to be happy about, but this was awful. Right now, want to beat UConn? Play Zone. Oregon killed them with it. Lots to fix before we can start posturing.

My 2cents (LOL)
2cents argument is based on the development of the younger players through the DePaul game. Try zoning them in 4 weeks when you have Paige Fudd and CD on the court.. Not to mention that Paige opens up the transition game for everyone as well..
Mar 4, 2020
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There is a large segment of the WCBB world that has been happy with the situation UCONN basketball has been in this season, 4 losses, and oh my, losses to unranked teams. It's understandable that they route against us, as we have been beating their brains in for years. The national pundits quip, maybe UCONN is a number 4 seed for the upcoming tournament.
However, if they really want to get depressed, they should watch last night's game. They would have seen what a healthy Azzi Fudd , after a two month lay-off , was capable of. Her stroke looks so pure, her misses go in and out. I know she came in with a load of hype, but seeing that potential, is really eye opening.
The other thing they would have seen is that our "Go To "player in the clutch, is another freshman, Caroline Ducharme. CD, arguably, has been our best player so far this year and wouldn't have developed so fast without the injuries and illnesses.
So be gleeful you anti UCONN people, as things are about to change, and your UCONN nightmare will return.
Even on an off night Ducharme managed 12 points, and Christyn Williams 19 pts, 7 rbs and 4 assists. CW plays much better when Azzi is on the court. Even without Paige, UConn will go far in the tournament maybe to the FF.
Feb 19, 2018
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Our Big East record is irrelevant, unless we lose. The league is weak. We'll find out how well we stack up against top ten competition this Sunday against Tennessee. Hate to say it, but the Vols win by six.

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