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That makes no sense

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Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Absolutely not. His message to the team was, offense - I trust you can get it done, we're going for it all right now. Where I disagree with him is that a better way to accomplish that message is to trot out the offense and chuck it in the endzone. But at the same time, he sent the clear message to this team that he's not going for ties, he's going for wins.

I trust the offense so much, I'm going to put in the back up QB, go for a fake FG and chuck it down the field like a hail mary?

Aug 30, 2011
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I hated the call, but it has nothing to do with any message to the team bs. You just don't run a fake in a situation where they may be ready for it, and you don't do it when you've already done two of them during the game. If it had been a situation where you could reasonably expect to catch them off guard, I'd be fine with it.
Aug 24, 2011
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I hated the call, but it has nothing to do with any message to the team bs. You just don't run a fake in a situation where they may be ready for it, and you don't do it when you've already done two of them during the game. If it had been a situation where you could reasonably expect to catch them off guard, I'd be fine with it.

You missed one reason -- we did it off a Time Out, where we gave them more time to consider it. Using the TO might have made them cautious and limited the rush if you kicked. If you were going to fake, run your FG team on the field before they get 2 minutes to consider it.
Aug 27, 2011
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Man, tough crowd here. We all know HCBD (and other coaches) can get caught up in the game atmosphere.

It was a gamble and it failed. Given the shape of our kicking game today (9/19) the two choices were really go for it or try what was done. HCBD's choice did not work, yes its somewhat questionable, but it was not dumb and it didn't ruin the game for me today.
Aug 27, 2011
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You missed one reason -- we did it off a Time Out, where we gave them more time to consider it. Using the TO might have made them cautious and limited the rush if you kicked. If you were going to fake, run your FG team on the field before they get 2 minutes to consider it.
100% agree with this, run it out quickly. I agree with his philosophy, I don't agree with how he executed it.
Aug 30, 2011
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You missed one reason -- we did it off a Time Out, where we gave them more time to consider it. Using the TO might have made them cautious and limited the rush if you kicked. If you were going to fake, run your FG team on the field before they get 2 minutes to consider it.

That's true. But I also think maybe he did it that way to try and sell the fact that they were kicking the field goal more. Only reason to run the clock down and call timeout is if you are planning on kicking a field goal and want to leave them with less time. Not that I agree with doing it that way, but that may have been his thought process.
Aug 24, 2011
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That's true. But I also think maybe he did it that way to try and sell the fact that they were kicking the field goal more. Only reason to run the clock down and call timeout is if you are planning on kicking a field goal and want to leave them with less time. Not that I agree with doing it that way, but that may have been his thought process.

Huh? You can send your FG team onto the field and still run the play clock down to the last few seconds. That makes no sense.
Oct 6, 2013
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Uggh. Great game by the boys, though. We just needed 1 more play to go our way. Still, I've never felt more strongly about my past statement that there is nobody on the schedule that we cannot beat. They are all "winnable" games from here on out. Proud of the effort...

I only know this.............. the PROGRAM is BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Husky Football is on the right track.... very proud of the PUPS. Ton of young kids went out to MIZZOU and made us proud...!!


Huh? You can send your FG team onto the field and still run the play clock down to the last few seconds. That makes no sense.

Coach D needs to learned how to admit a bad coaching call - if Tom Coughlin can do it - why not Coach D? His logic is a trainwreck - why start digging that hole?

After making some bad throws and some receiver drops - the offensive is finally moving the ball - and we get this non fake and a throw to a receiver who is tripled teamed - the coaches can't put us in a better position than that?
Aug 24, 2011
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Coach D needs to learned how to admit a bad coaching call - if Tom Coughlin can do it - why not Coach D. His logic is a trainwreck - why start digging that hole?

After making some bad throws and some receiver drops - the offensive is finally moving the ball - and we get this non fake and a throw to a receiver who is tripled teamed - the coaches can't put us in a better position than that?

Yes. Because they award points for what you say in post game press conferences, and a good one could have reversed the loss.

He had his team more than prepared. They didn't make quite enough plays, and he took their last chance away with the last call. The fact that you have time to care about what he says in the post game press conference blows me away. People apologize for things they don't really take internal blame for all the time. I need him to learn -- not apologize.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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The bottom line is that Diaco put the ball in Tim Boyle's hands with the game on the line. Unacceptable.

Not fair to Boyle, Shirreffs or the whole team to waste a tremendous effort with that decision.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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For the record, I did not like the call one bit myself. I am still very concerned with our offensive line and our special teams needs an immense amount of work. One guess is that this offseason, with the limits in practice time placed on collegiate programs, a management decision was made to prioritize offensive and defensive drills at the expense of special teams, believing that it was a better path towards where we eventually want to be. I'm not one of the delusional posters who believed we could go from where we were last year to a ten or eleven win team this year so I am a little calmer about this loss.

I already have seen things this season through three games that I was hoping to see by the end of the season. I have zero doubt that we can build a dominant defense and that we can in short time field offensive weapons that will cause concern for some of the better defenses in the country. I know that we can build offensive lines here so I am not overly concerned about whether this will always be an achilles heel for our program, I'm confident that it shouldn't be too daunting a task to build competent special teams and while I'm not yet ready to anoint Sherriffs a heisman contender, I believe our woes at QB may finally be in the past.

This game told me that we do have a future, a better future than anything we could have envisioned at any time in our past.
Aug 26, 2011
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Coach D needs to learned how to admit a bad coaching call - if Tom Coughlin can do it - why not Coach D? His logic is a trainwreck - why start digging that hole?

After making some bad throws and some receiver drops - the offensive is finally moving the ball - and we get this non fake and a throw to a receiver who is tripled teamed - the coaches can't put us in a better position than that?

Andre called...he wants his idiot back. :rolleyes:
Nov 8, 2011
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btoppmeyer4:11pm via Twitter Web Client
UConn Coach Bob Diaco: “We did not come here for some kind of consolation. We came to win."

btoppmeyer4:17pm via Twitter Web Client
Diaco, why not kick FG to tie: “I didn’t feel great about" UConn's kicker "lining up with the protection, which has been less than awesome."

btoppmeyer4:17pm via Twitter Web Client
Diaco, why not run a regular play rather than fake: "It wasn’t like" the offense "was electric up to that point. Four quarters, six points.”

Like the call or not, Diaco is correct on all accounts


Yes. Because they award points for what you say in post game press conferences, and a good one could have reversed the loss.

He had his team more than prepared. They didn't make quite enough plays, and he took their last chance away with the last call. The fact that you have time to care about what he says in the post game press conference blows me away. People apologize for things they don't really take internal blame for all the time. I need him to learn -- not apologize.

Just curious, where did I say he should apologize? Recognizing a mistake or "admitting" it is the first step in the learning process.


Mora excited than before.
Sep 6, 2011
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Johnson 14/23
Newsome 2/10

That is all.
AGREED. Apparently HCBD couldn't hear us begging for Newsome from our friggin' Jack and Jill Baby Shower (really...who has a Jack and Jill baby shower???) in New Rochelle. (We were the idiots with the game on the laptop during the rather hoidy-toidy luncheon. Glad to have the WatchESPN app on days like this.)
Seemed like that spread formation had the Mizzou D thin enough to keep things going. We were hoping for one more Shireffs first down, but it wasn't to be.

When all was said and done, it's third game in a row that hasn't made me want to puke, and my niece will have six awesome UCONN outfits when we get to meet her in December. Small win.
Ready for a great Navy tailgate, and a win.


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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I think he had too much confidence in Boyle. Hate to pile on Boyle but if he makes a play there they win the game.

I would have preferred they ran the offense instead of the fake, but I get why he tried it. I really didn't want to kick a FG and go into OT with bad kickers.

He has not made 1 play since arriving. If Shireffs goes down he best not come in


Part of the 2%, but 100% wood.
Aug 26, 2011
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We've already faked twice. If Puyols is hurt, go for it and let Sheriffs make a play. If Puyols isn't hurt, he's made that damn kick before.

I don't get it. Could Diaco really be that dumb?
I had to leave the house right after the safety. Am going to watch the game at some point this week. I knew the game was a a loss and close but based on the Channel 3 replay I am shocked at the fake FG. Just amazingly shocked at that clusterduck play. Looked like HCBD was...dare I say...afraid to try to win (in OT?)

I am sure the perspective might change while watching the game but right now I am first, amazed and ecstatic that the boys played their hearts out. Then, the fake FG. Just wow,


Previously pnete
Oct 15, 2014
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We've already faked twice. If Puyols is hurt, go for it and let Sheriffs make a play. If Puyols isn't hurt, he's made that damn kick before.

I don't get it. Could Diaco really be that dumb?


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Quick straw poll, before the last play your honest assessment of the chances each option would have been converted?

For me it was 60% to make that kick, 50% to make at least a first down and about 20% that the fake would have worked.

I can't argue preference for the first two, but the third was just not playing the odds.
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