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That makes no sense

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predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Yup. Dumb call. Insanely dumb call. There's no two ways about it. Even if you think you are only a coin-flip on the field goal, you are worse than a coin-flip on converting 4th and 4. You are dead center of the field presumably to give yourself the best chance you can have on the FG, which is why Shirreffs ran directly there on 3rd down.

Uggh. Great game by the boys, though. We just needed 1 more play to go our way. Still, I've never felt more strongly about my past statement that there is nobody on the schedule that we cannot beat. They are all "winnable" games from here on out. Proud of the effort...
Aug 26, 2011
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Per WTIC: Diaco told Neil Ostrout in post game interview that "He wasn't confident of the guts of the line protection..."
Aug 26, 2011
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...starts to cry.....:( UConn had a chance to knock off a ranked team but couldn't score more than 6 points. They had a chance to at least go into OT with a ranked SEC team but the kicking game is so pathetic that the coach is forced to try a gimic with a back up QB who already tried that play today and failed!! You got to try and tie it with a kick or let Sherriffs win it for ya.

What happened to Newsome in the second half? Did he get hurt? Why so much Johnson, I even heard Marriner's name but no Newsome in the second half?

Come on Boyle, put some oomph into that throw and give Bloom a chance to jump/dive for it. :mad:
Aug 26, 2011
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Per WTIC: Diaco told Neil Ostrout in post game interview that "He wasn't confident of the guts of the line protection..."

Diaco sent the worst possible message to the team. A Bullspit coaching decision.


Aug 26, 2011
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Diaco sent the worst possible message to the team. A Bullspit coaching decision.
What message? You think the team doesn't know that special teams are atrocious right now?

Feeling the way he did though, as others mentioned... Just run the regular offense.
Jun 3, 2013
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The likelihood of the offense picking up four yards feels like the higher percentage play. Hindsight is 20/20, but I think putting Puyol out there for a long field goal when he's had 3 blocked PAT's this year signaled something was up. Tarbut already showed he can get off a 49 yard FG attempt and would have been a better choice, fake or no fake.

The D played awesome and turned back Missouri time after time. The team is unequivocally improved and more discipled. Our past play never would have allowed us to be in a position to win. I also like the fact that a large percentage of playmakers are sophomores and freshman.
Aug 26, 2011
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What message? You think the team doesn't know that special teams are atrocious right now?

Feeling the way he did though, as others mentioned... Just run the regular offense.

The message is: "I don't trust the offense to make 4 yards and I don't trust the special teams to make a kick and most of all I have no faith in the line to do its' job at anything."
Aug 27, 2011
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During the TO I said I wouldn't kill Diaco if he kicked or went for it.

The only thing he could've done to piss me off was run some half assed fake FG after you've already run 2 fakes in the game. Muzzling wasn't sending a full on block because they were sitting on a fake.

Just insane. I can live with missing the kick or getting stopped on 4th down. Still pissed. Ruined my Saturday. And you know what? That's a good thing. Apathy is gone.
Aug 27, 2011
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The message is: "I don't trust the offense to make 4 yards and I don't trust the special teams to make a kick and most of all I have no faith in the line to do its' job at anything."
No, the message is, I want to drive the stake in right now and win. He didn't run a fake to get five yards, he ran one to get a TD. There's something to be said for having the attitude of we're going all-in right now. It's still the wrong call, and I'd have instead put the offense out there and chucked one into the end zone if they wanted to go for all the marbles right there, but Diaco's showing he's creative, unafraid, and anything but conservative.
Aug 27, 2011
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Diaco sent the worst possible message to the team. A Bullspit coaching decision.
Absolutely not. His message to the team was, offense - I trust you can get it done, we're going for it all right now. Where I disagree with him is that a better way to accomplish that message is to trot out the offense and chuck it in the endzone. But at the same time, he sent the clear message to this team that he's not going for ties, he's going for wins.
Aug 24, 2011
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I think he had too much confidence in Boyle. Hate to pile on Boyle but if he makes a play there they win the game.

I would have preferred they ran the offense instead of the fake, but I get why he tried it. I really didn't want to kick a FG and go into OT with bad kickers.


Stop. I don't want to see Boyle be our QB again, but John Elway doesn't make that last play. There was no play to be made.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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The decision on the final play is the worst decision in any organization and it is on Diaco's shoulders to answer and learn.

Making a high risk call when the same high risk decision has already been unsuccessfully tried wreaks of indecision. It gives the coach cover when it goes wrong.

I'm fully on board with those who would have rather seen an unsuccessful FG or unsuccessful try on 4th down.

Worst part is that I feel (Not quite ready enough to "believe") that Diaco won't repeat the indecisiveness again.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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What message? You think the team doesn't know that special teams are atrocious right now?

Feeling the way he did though, as others mentioned... Just run the regular offense.

He sent the message that the only way they can succeed is via a low probability gimmick special teams play.

I am close to "believing" that he will put his faith in the players.
Aug 24, 2011
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Absolutely not. His message to the team was, offense - I trust you can get it done, we're going for it all right now. Where I disagree with him is that a better way to accomplish that message is to trot out the offense and chuck it in the endzone. But at the same time, he sent the clear message to this team that he's not going for ties, he's going for wins.

That would make sense if you could still have ties. You can't. He was playing to tie a game up as a step to winning it.
Aug 27, 2011
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We've already faked twice. If Puyols is hurt, go for it and let Sheriffs make a play. If Puyols isn't hurt, he's made that damn kick before.

I don't get it. Could Diaco really be that dumb?

Be careful BL, this type of talk already earned me the dreaded "You're not a fan" replies. Lol.

I totally agree. This game was not over and anything can happen in OT. By calling that fake FG, you are taking the ball out of your player's hands. Even when they have struggled, you have to trust your guys or you are setting a bad precedent. And if you trust Boyle to make such important throws, then why isn't he your QB?? Trust your guys. BS was on a roll and Puyol was 3/3 on FGs this year, so what are you doing????
Aug 26, 2011
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btoppmeyer4:11pm via Twitter Web Client
UConn Coach Bob Diaco: “We did not come here for some kind of consolation. We came to win."

btoppmeyer4:17pm via Twitter Web Client
Diaco, why not kick FG to tie: “I didn’t feel great about" UConn's kicker "lining up with the protection, which has been less than awesome."

btoppmeyer4:17pm via Twitter Web Client
Diaco, why not run a regular play rather than fake: "It wasn’t like" the offense "was electric up to that point. Four quarters, six points.”
Aug 26, 2011
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That would make sense if you could still have ties. You can't. He was playing to tie a game up as a step to winning it.

I would have been fine with the offense going for it. That shows balls, a fake shows recklessness. Newsome picks up 4 yards easily much of the time but he is MIA. I was afraid of the kick and wanted the offense to try and win it. Unfortunately, it probably would have been an RJ run up the middle anyway.
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