Texas athletic stipend .... $10,000. | The Boneyard

Texas athletic stipend .... $10,000.

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Jul 19, 2013
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It's going to be an arms race amongst these big schools. Whether it's a $10,000 stipend, that ridiculous new Nike football facility at Oregon, T. Boone Pickens donating a bajillion dollars to Ok. State's athletic department, or the Pegula's handing Penn State $100M+ to build a new hockey rink. I'm sure these examples are just scratching the surface of what's going on at the P5 schools.
Mar 26, 2012
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This is a game changer, there has been a facilities race for a long time. If I am a student coming from a humble background this would be a big factor in my decision. And will it stop at $10K, or will it get higher ?
Dec 31, 2013
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This is the main reason that UConn NEEDS to get into a Power5 conference or else we can say goodbye to UConn being the basketball capitol of the world.
Jul 19, 2013
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This is a game changer, there has been a facilities race for a long time. If I am a student coming from a humble background this would be a big factor in my decision. And will it stop at $10K, or will it get higher ?
Oh I'm sure every school will try to outdo each other. They will have no choice. Today it's Texas offering $10k, tomorrow it's OSU or 'Bama offering $25k. The bigger the school, the larger the alumni base, and more wallets to draw upon to pay for all of this. Before cash stipends there were other under the table deals, and for the high school recruit which college had the best parties and the hostesses that showed them the best time. Some of these state schools rely very little on the state governments that have chopped their budgets to the bone, and get almost all of their budgets through tuition, donations, royalties, and so on. Some of these schools have fundraisers to raise a billion dollars from their alumni. The amount of cash pouring in to some of these schools that does not come from tax dollars is just astounding, and it's no wonder we are seeing this manifest itself in the athletic departments. I mean what else are they gonna do with the extra hundreds of millions? Cure cancer? Pffft. There are fooosball games to win, Cletus. How, or whether or not UConn should try, to keep up the with Joneses is the question, but my opinion is that they won't be able, and quite frankly I'm not sure I want them to.
Jul 19, 2013
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This is the main reason that UConn NEEDS to get into a Power5 conference or else we can say goodbye to UConn being the basketball capitol of the world.
P5 or not, UConn will not be the basketball capital of the world forever. Maybe the P5 thing is not necessarily the best move for the university as a whole? It might help to extend basketball dominance for a few more years than otherwise, but at what cost?


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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P5 or not, UConn will not be the basketball capital of the world forever. Maybe the P5 thing is not necessarily the best move for the university as a whole? It might help to extend basketball dominance for a few more years than otherwise, but at what cost?

The cost of not joining the P5 is future mediocrity of all big time sports programs. For better or worse, those programs are one of the biggest marketing tools of the university; it's the university's national brand. The entire school will suffer.
Aug 26, 2011
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This is the main reason that UConn NEEDS to get into a Power5 conference or else we can say goodbye to UConn being the basketball capitol of the world.

The honest truth here is that Basketball will not be affected. That is, even if that cost were double, do you think 240k/yr will bankrupt the mens basketball team? No, clearly not.

Now, Football on the other hand... There are what we call "economies of scale" and they do not play nicely with a sport that requires 85 scholarships


Aug 27, 2011
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The AAC has said that they want to be able to provide stipends for players. Unfortunately, the NCAA has not yet said that it will allow any non-P5 schools to do this.
It is the elephant in the room. UConn's chances to migrate to a P5 conference do not look very strong at this point. If P5 schools can offer top 100 women's basketball players a $10,000 per year stipend over the standard scholarship, there may not be many left who would choose to come to UConn. It is very unfair and very troubling.
Jul 19, 2013
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The AAC has said that they want to be able to provide stipends for players. Unfortunately, the NCAA has not yet said that it will allow any non-P5 schools to do this.
It is the elephant in the room. UConn's chances to migrate to a P5 conference do not look very strong at this point. If P5 schools can offer top 100 women's basketball players a $10,000 per year stipend over the standard scholarship, there may not be many left who would choose to come to UConn. It is very unfair and very troubling.
I wouldn't worry. No one is going to be offering women $10k to play college basketball. If that day ever came it would be long after Geno left anyway.
Mar 26, 2012
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I wouldn't worry. No one is going to be offering women $10k to play college basketball. If that day ever came it would be long after Geno left anyway.

Texas is offering the stipend to ALL student athletes, so that day has come. And Geno is here.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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The honest truth here is that Basketball will not be affected. That is, even if that cost were double, do you think 240k/yr will bankrupt the mens basketball team? No, clearly not.

Now, Football on the other hand... There are what we call "economies of scale" and they do not play nicely with a sport that requires 85 scholarships

I think it comes down to whether UCONN will be ABLE to offer the stipend. Don't all members of the conference have to agree to it? I can't imagine schools like Tulane being too excited to offer up these kinds of benefits.
Jul 19, 2013
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I think it comes down to whether UCONN will be ABLE to offer the stipend. Don't all members of the conference have to agree to it? I can't imagine schools like Tulane being too excited to offer up these kinds of benefits.
I think the conference already came out in favor of offering the same benefits. They just weren't sure if they were going to be allowed to. But again, at what point do the AAC schools change their mind? Is it when they realize they can only afford $2k/yr stipends when the big schools are all offering $10k+/yr? At some point the little schools will be priced out of the market for top talent. Eventually the P5 will have their own basketball tournament as well, and those on the outside will participate in a more scaled down version of the NCAA tournament. Maybe it merges with the NIT and takes on an intramural sports type feel with actual honest to goodness student athletes.
Dec 31, 2013
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The honest truth here is that Basketball will not be affected. That is, even if that cost were double, do you think 240k/yr will bankrupt the mens basketball team? No, clearly not.

Now, Football on the other hand... There are what we call "economies of scale" and they do not play nicely with a sport that requires 85 scholarships
If you offer the stipend to one sport you have to offer the stipend to EVERY other sport at the school. So yes it will affect Basketball a great deal.
Aug 26, 2011
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How long until there is a follow on lawsuit from college football played alleging that they generate most of the revenue (for play and use of likeness) so they deserve far more than the field hockey team? After all, the argument is that the schools are profiting from the players. Well, there isn't a school in America that is profiting from field hockey.
Aug 26, 2011
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If you offer the stipend to one sport you have to offer the stipend to EVERY other sport at the school. So yes it will affect Basketball a great deal.

That is my point, perhaps clumsily made. If its just BBALL no problem, but we will get royally effed by the rest of the sports because the scale is so vast.


Aug 24, 2011
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The AAC has said that they want to be able to provide stipends for players. Unfortunately, the NCAA has not yet said that it will allow any non-P5 schools to do this.
It is the elephant in the room. UConn's chances to migrate to a P5 conference do not look very strong at this point. If P5 schools can offer top 100 women's basketball players a $10,000 per year stipend over the standard scholarship, there may not be many left who would choose to come to UConn. It is very unfair and very troubling.
Aren't the P5 conferences part of the NCAA still? If the NCAA tried stopping a school NOT in the P5 from doing it, I imagine lawsuits would ensue. Unless the P5 completely breaks away from the NCAA, I dont' see where that's an issue, or maybe I'm just not understanding the situation, which is highly possible!
Jan 13, 2014
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Texas is offering the stipend to ALL student athletes, so that day has come. And Geno is here.
Correct. Texas' budget for this is $6 million/year, which covers 600 athletes. UCONN cannot pay 1 cent, even if they wanted and could afford to.
Jul 19, 2013
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Aren't the P5 conferences part of the NCAA still? If the NCAA tried stopping a school NOT in the P5 from doing it, I imagine lawsuits would ensue. Unless the P5 completely breaks away from the NCAA, I dont' see where that's an issue, or maybe I'm just not understanding the situation, which is highly possible!
I would assume they eventually fully break away from the NCAA. This is just the first step. Then they'll reclass football and men's basketball players as employees of the school which will basically be a technicality.
Jan 13, 2014
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Aren't the P5 conferences part of the NCAA still? If the NCAA tried stopping a school NOT in the P5 from doing it, I imagine lawsuits would ensue. Unless the P5 completely breaks away from the NCAA, I dont' see where that's an issue, or maybe I'm just not understanding the situation, which is highly possible!
P5 basically threatened to leave the NCAA, which is how they got these concessions. I thought $5000 was the maximum, or "suggested" stipend. Also thought consideration for the university profiting from sale of the player's image was supposed to be kept in a trust for after graduation.

Anyway, Texas is combining these 2 things somehow. Don't know if this is "OK" per the P5's intent, but obviously there is no precedent, and they're trying to set it. Texas has the richest athletic department in the country - this move may meet resistance even within the P5
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How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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I thought the individual P5 conferences had to set a 'standard' for this and not that individual schools would set the standards - that just becomes an arms race and I doubt most P5 schools want that either. Every year there are only something like 10 D1 school athletic departments that turn a profit however they run their internal accounting. This is truly a mess.

Because of Title IX, the stipend will need to be equally distributed between men and women, but I do not think it needs to be equally assigned within a gender - lots of the lesser sports deal in partial scholarships already - 50%, 80% - whatever. A school I think could say we have 100 stipends each year - 50 for men and 50 for women and they can be assigned to 100 athletes or 50 athletes can get 100% stipend and 100 get 50% stipends, etc.

That kind of limited stipend might cause problems on the teams - you already have two classes of athletes - scholarship and walk-on. Now you might have three or more - Scholarship + stipend, Scholarship with no stipend, walk-on.
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