Temple headed for ACC? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Temple headed for ACC?

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May 23, 2013
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Rutgirls getting booted for UCONN in the B1G is a much more likely scenario.
Lots of luck with your big wish roadcur....no one gets booted from the B1G! The B1G don't make mistakes(or would admit them)!
Aug 24, 2011
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Better question - Does a basketball school get picked to go to the Big 10 or ACC during realignment when football is what matters? I guess time will tell but it will likely be a while!


When did this board become the haven for the mentally handicapped at Rutgers and BC. These guys can't possibly have anything worthwhile in their lives hanging out on another fanbase's site as much as they do. Jeesh...........
Feb 10, 2012
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Tell us something we don't know. Temple would like a conference upgrade? Shocking. The same could be said for every team in the AAC.

Might as well have started a thread telling us the sun is hot.
It all comes down to money. Each of the three recent additions, theoretically, bring in money (football brand and market). Basketball can bring in money as well. IIRC, The BTN brings in more money from advertisements than in does subscriber fees. Placing a national brand such as UConn in the B10 can really help with advertising dollars.

IMO, the targets for the B10 include Kansas (I think they go to 20 as an end game). With 2 King programs (Kansas and Indiana) along with several "prince" programs like UConn, Michigan State and Ohio State, the ad money would be tremendous. Throw in solid programs like Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Maryland, there are great games every week. Advertisers love big games.
the fact that 3 time NC Uconn can't get a life line says a lot about the importance of BB.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Temple is a long, long way behind several schools in a bid for the ACC or any other eastern P5 conference. UConn, Cinci, USF, UCF, all would be far ahead of Temple. UMass could leapfrog Temple.

We can't cry over our situation. All we can do is try to remedy it by making statements on the field, court and ice and academically and with facilities (including the campus generally).

I can say this: The UConn I attended in the mid 80's did not belong in the Big Ten, or even the ACC. Things have changed, and continue to change. I think that constant march of improvement lends a sense of inevitability, but the when is certainly in question.
Sep 14, 2011
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Temple to the ACC ahead of UConn is positively Swoffordesque.

Why was Rutgers never mentioned as an ACC target? You can tell me all you want about how they have no sports creds but the B1G didn't pick them up as some sort of pro bono, give back to the community realignment write-off. Delany is looking through a lens focused decades into the future. Swofford plays the game based on how he can get through the second half.

Rutgers seemed to understand years ago that their trajectory had them headed to the B1G. I rarely detected the wringing-of-hands and gnashing-of-teeth angst we specialize in by them. The ACC seemed to understand as well and left them alone. Is there a similar reason that the ACC is avoiding us?
Jun 17, 2013
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Time to invoke the inverse of Groucho's observation - "if the ACC wants Temple as member before UConn, we don't want in the ACC, period" The ACC will certainly be on its way out if that were to happen. It would further prove the point that the ACC has not been coldly analytical but rather stupid and reactionary in its CR exploits.

Like a broken record - "UConn to the B1G!"
Aug 26, 2011
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The thread exists...and the claim is made by a guy with 10k+ posts, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. This certainly isn't worth a horribly titled thread.

Without even going past your post to see the rest of the posts. We had a poster with, I think 100,000 posts named HFD who was out of his mind. Number of posts does not equal credibility.

The OP is a flaming troll and only the BY allows us to be trolled by a punk. Welcome to the BY. Say what you want ...you're always welcome.
Aug 26, 2011
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The Boneyard...a place where anyone can come and say anything negative about UConn. Invite your friends...put us down...say ANYTHING you want...you'll never be banned.

The Boneyard...we welcome all idiots and trolls...'cause we are...Ucon...UCan't...anything you want us to be.
May 23, 2013
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When did this board become the haven for the mentally handicapped at Rutgers and BC. These guys can't possibly have anything worthwhile in their lives hanging out on another fanbase's site as much as they do. Jeesh...........
Its called intellectual interest/curiousity! A few of you "fringe fans" or so called fans are the kind who give the good fans a bad name and think this is your private cheering board instead of what it is... an exchange of ideas and thoughts of how we can improve the situation in regards to CR! I applaud the mods for allowing the free friendly exchange here unlike some terrible boards who will ban anyone who disagrees with them or just don't like hearing another perspective! This board is truly American no pun intended !! (mentally handicapped at BC/RU?) really?
Dec 10, 2013
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I don't think this board would be as entertaining without the occasional crazy comment/thread from a rival fan. Rutgers fans on here like to give us for our conference/realignment issues and we give it for Rutgers athletics (or lack there of). I can only imagine how good this rivalry could become if the B1G ever invited UCONN.
Nov 25, 2012
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We'll just sit here and wait for a Temple fan to comment and let us know what they know...LOL TEMPLE FAN


Aug 31, 2011
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Its called intellectual interest/curiousity! A few of you "fringe fans" or so called fans are the kind who give the good fans a bad name and think this is your private cheering board instead of what it is... an exchange of ideas and thoughts of how we can improve the situation in regards to CR! I applaud the mods for allowing the free friendly exchange here unlike some terrible boards who will ban anyone who disagrees with them or just don't like hearing another perspective! This board is truly American no pun intended !! (mentally handicapped at BC/RU?) really?
How is this thread, or any post from the OP, ever meant to inspire thoughtful exchange of ideas and thoughts? What Coach Flood trainwreck have you read through and came out thinking "well, that was enlightening! I'm glad I read that. What a constructive conversation!"? Because, and please show me the light if it's there, but I have not once. Same goes for most other RU, PC, BC, etc. fans that just come in to our threads to take some idiotic pot shot to derail the actual discussion that may have once been going on. Or, they just start their own provocation threads. The CR board with stimpy, B1Galum, Northron, etc. have all been for the most part very constructive and have been respectful in nature, and nobody wants anything done about them. I wonder why. It's sad that this manner of engagement is a breath a fresh air for this forum. I actually once liked coming here to get a break from the PC/BC idiots on the bball forum and the RU idiots on the fball forum. This thread is just the perfect example of what we don't need or want here. This forum is about hard numbers, facts, and logic, and this rumor from a Pitt forum that has essentially no significance is being posted just to get some reaction out of us. I have no idea what Flood was actually thinking he'd accomplish by copy-pasting this, and I'd love to hear his justification if he's got one.

I think the evidence that Flood (and others) is a troll to some degree is his relative lack of responses to his inane crap. I mean, look at this thread. He knows that he can just makes one message and a sh-tstorm will follow. He's openly admitted that this is a place where he entertains himself. It accomplishes nothing, and speaks very poorly of the UConn fanbase, that we tolerate and invite such worthless discussion. It would be one thing if the trolls had something more to talk about than conferences, because that would allow for some degree of entertainment, but the broken record has been spinning for months now and it never should have been allowed to play in the first place. There is literally no point in allowing this crap to continue.
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Dec 25, 2011
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Temple to the ACC ahead of UConn is positively Swoffordesque.

Why was Rutgers never mentioned as an ACC target? You can tell me all you want about how they have no sports creds but the B1G didn't pick them up as some sort of pro bono, give back to the community realignment write-off. Delany is looking through a lens focused decades into the future. Swofford plays the game based on how he can get through the second half.

Rutgers seemed to understand years ago that their trajectory had them headed to the B1G. I rarely detected the wringing-of-hands and gnashing-of-teeth angst we specialize in by them. The ACC seemed to understand as well and left them alone. Is there a similar reason that the ACC is avoiding us?

I can see Temple going into the ACC in an attempt to fill in their mid-Atlantic gap between VA and the Northeast, especially as it appears to be that football has passed Villanova by. And, of course, it would further screw UConn. But, Temple makes no sense in the B1G. Temple is not AUU (and further behind than UConn) and has no football history. Plus, Penn St. gives the B1G PA and Rutgers helps the B1G double down in the Philly market. Thus, Temple adds no TV money.


Sitting on this Barstool talking like a damn fool
Nov 16, 2012
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from the following link http://articles.philly.com/keyword/temple-university.
"In a stunning move Friday, Temple University eliminated seven of its 24 intercollegiate sports programs - nearly a third - to boost funding for the remaining sports and become more competitive in the athletic conference it entered this summer. School officials also cited costs, woeful facilities, and federal regulations requiring female and male athletes to be treated equally as reasons for the elimination of five male sports and two female sports. Collectively, the cuts will save more than $3 million in Temple's $44 million athletic budget, officials said."
It is interesting to see them cutting programs to try and be more competitive in the AAC, but the misleading title to the op was unnecessary. Just report it for what it is and don't be a dink.
Jul 17, 2013
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I can see Temple going into the ACC in an attempt to fill in their mid-Atlantic gap between VA and the Northeast, especially as it appears to be that football has passed Villanova by. And, of course, it would further screw UConn. But, Temple makes no sense in the B1G. Temple is not AUU (and further behind than UConn) and has no football history. Plus, Penn St. gives the B1G PA and Rutgers helps the B1G double down in the Philly market. Thus, Temple adds no TV money.

FWIW, I have never heard any mention whatsoever of the ACC even considering Temple. From either ACC officials, or, fans. Our resident UVA fan aside, of course.

UConn brings more in terms of academics, athletics, and, market potential. And, its not even close.

You guys know where I stand. I am 100 percent pro-UConn. I believe that the ACC missed a great opportunity by not inviting you in 2011. I still hope you'll get an invite, and, I believe Swofford is still working towards that.


Boneyard Rutgers/Temple lurker
Aug 31, 2011
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Does anyone else remember during ACC Raid II that there was chatter that the ACC had not taken UConn because they felt like they could pick them up any time? I would love for that bastard Swofford to botch realignment yet again, so that's one reason I'd love UConn in the B1G, or even the 12 (which is even sketchier than the ACC at this point, I realize.) Speaking as a ACC hater here. Speaking as a Rutgers fan: you guys would be great for the B1G and you're basically a B1G school EXCEPT FOR THAT AAU THING which is crucial for the B1G's branding (in the minds of their leadership, anyway.) They only made an exception for Nebraska because of their football...which was a mistake, in my view--they went against their own need to expand their demographics in favor of a dusty television brand in another tiny empty Midwestern state. Missouri was begging to get in--lots of people live in Missouri--MISSOURI IS AAU--but they picked a school that had better Nielsen numbers in the 90s. Kind of a big mistake, now that I think about it. But anyway: well, if they'll make an exception for a rusty old football brand perhaps they'll also make an exception for a currently excellent basketball brand with a great athletic department that's also a far better academic entity than the Huskers.

Speaking as a Temple fan, and this is mostly unrelated to what I posted above: the only thing that gives me hope for Temple in the ACC is that they let Louisville in. You let in Louisville, all bets are off as to who you let in in the future because clearly there is no longer any academic standard for expansion. Maybe Swoff will lose a few more schools and decide he needs the Philly market. Who knows? But NOW--there's a chance. Again, all Temple can do is prove they want to play in the big time: cut sports, focus on football and basketball, improve facilities, maybe get that stadium built (not sure if that is completely essential but it does prove a school's willingness to stay in the game.)
Aug 2, 2013
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I don't see Temple going to the ACC anytime soon. The only reason that the ACC might want them is to get the Philly TV market, but it's questionable the Temple can deliver. Philly is an overwhelmingly Pro sports town. There is occasionally buzz for Big-5 basketball (City-6 if you count Drexel) but the buzz is for all the city college teams, not just Temple. There is virtually no buzz for Temple football. Penn St. probably ranks ahead of Temple when it comes to Philly college football interest. If Temple starts winning I suspect that interest will increase, but that will take time.
Jun 14, 2012
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FWIW, I have never heard any mention whatsoever of the ACC even considering Temple. From either ACC officials, or, fans. Our resident UVA fan aside, of course.

UConn brings more in terms of academics, athletics, and, market potential. And, its not even close.

You guys know where I stand. I am 100 percent pro-UConn. I believe that the ACC missed a great opportunity by not inviting you in 2011. I still hope you'll get an invite, and, I believe Swofford is still working towards that.

I too am 100 percent pro-UConn, and would like to see UConn in the ACC some day, and UConn is the best choice IMO. There is a lot of pro-Big Ten sentiment here by the UConn fans. If that opportunity comes along before the ACC, I'm sure UConn would taket it. They should.

My Temple sentiment revolves around Cincinnati. I don't see much difference in the two. Given the ACC's absence of presence in the Mid-Atlantic, I'd rather add presence in the Mid-Atlantic than out in Ohio. There is probably going to be support in the ACC for Cincinnati from places like Louisville and Notre Dame. Cincinnati has made it clear that they want to join the ACC. So they will probably win out in a debate between those two. I prefer Temple over Cincinnati. But I prefer UConn over anyone else available, and certainly ahead of both Cincinnati and Temple.

I too have not seen evidence of Temple reaching out to the ACC for consideration though.
Aug 13, 2013
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You guys are completely off of the edge on this CR stuff.

Temple will g0 to the ACC when Tallahassee's July 4 celebration is cancelled due to snow.
Dec 10, 2013
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I too am 100 percent pro-UConn, and would like to see UConn in the ACC some day, and UConn is the best choice IMO. There is a lot of pro-Big Ten sentiment here by the UConn fans. If that opportunity comes along before the ACC, I'm sure UConn would taket it. They should.

My Temple sentiment revolves around Cincinnati. I don't see much difference in the two. Given the ACC's absence of presence in the Mid-Atlantic, I'd rather add presence in the Mid-Atlantic than out in Ohio. There is probably going to be support in the ACC for Cincinnati from places like Louisville and Notre Dame. Cincinnati has made it clear that they want to join the ACC. So they will probably win out in a debate between those two. I prefer Temple over Cincinnati. But I prefer UConn over anyone else available, and certainly ahead of both Cincinnati and Temple.

I too have not seen evidence of Temple reaching out to the ACC for consideration though.

I'd love for UCONN to be in a conference with UVA and the Carolina schools. It's the rest of those jabroni's from the ACC that UCONN fans want nothing to do with. For me it's B1G or bust.
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