He basically said it's a bad mix of the gods and guns crowd, pissed off liberals, and NY transplant bankers. It's trying to get a new identity but the stars and bars culture still lingers. He also says it lacks soul. He says you can find some good spots but he just doesn't like the feel of the town overall.
Politics aside, I think every area that has grown rapidly over the last 20-30 years lacks soul. New growth comes almost entirely in one form. Cookie cutter Toll Brothers style houses on small clear-cut lots, three story framed apartment complexes, chain restaurants and stores in generic roadside plazas.
This is not to say that there isn't soul in parts of Atlanta, Charlotte or Austin. But it exists in the older parts of those cities, which is a smaller and smaller part of what the growing population experiences. Recently developed suburbia is comfortable and convenient, but utterly soulless and generic. It looks and feels identical in Columbus, Austin, KC, Charlotte, Seattle, Denver and Sacramento.
New England suburbs have managed to maintain more history, more uniqueness and an identity. That's very very rare outside the NY/NE region, especially in the places that grew more recently.