To my memory, some of the strongest negative criticism came when he would go right into the lane and not go up or through, but instead kind of dead end there. True, he was not small and lost, and he did not go for circus shots that had no chance, but he could get seemingly clogged in the middle. The upper body strength, yes. And, as the season closed he was a notably more reliable free throw shooter.
Dyson's Senior year had brutal moments some of which were his own doing, and some because he was asked to do too much without the same level of talent as the year before. This has stayed with me.
I feared that Boat might suffer a similar fate, and that he might get mercilessly trashed. On balance, I think posters here recognized that he couldn't be superhuman, and he didn't look as bad when he couldn't pull it off.
I had similar thoughts last year with Jalen. Mixed results, but I still had, "Please don't become Jerome" thoughts.
Up through Xavier, the discussion here was tilting that way regarding CV and Al. I am very thankful to be watching the supporting cast growing up around them; hearing a head coach offer strong defense of his players and clear full-staff coaching to noticeably address weaknesses; and, most importantly, winning, which soothes the savage impulse in some of us.