Syracuse Blog | Page 6 | The Boneyard

Syracuse Blog

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Aug 26, 2011
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Painful thread going on over there but to be fair, its the same 4 or 5 guys regurgitating the same info and then patting each other on the back. We used to have a few good Cuse posters here.

I admit that I did cringe when I pictured one of their posters polling the fellas at work about whether "Boneyarders" are delusional.


a.k.a PencilForest
Aug 26, 2011
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Painful thread going on over there but to be fair, its the same 4 or 5 guys regurgitating the same info and then patting each other on the back. We used to have a few good Cuse posters here.

I admit that I did cringe when I pictured one of their posters polling the fellas at work about whether "Boneyarders" are delusional.

I didn't even realize Georgetown had fans on a message board that we could troll.


Aug 26, 2011
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Painful thread going on over there but to be fair, its the same 4 or 5 guys regurgitating the same info and then patting each other on the back. We used to have a few good Cuse posters here.

I admit that I did cringe when I pictured one of their posters polling the fellas at work about whether "Boneyarders" are delusional.

Lol, is someone actually polling coworkers about internet messageboard stuff. That dude needs a life.

That's just sad.

On that note, dude who shows coworkers internet messageboard sports quotes, if you read this, don't feel bad. You aren't an idiot. Your coworkers love you and think it's cool you care so much about sports that you would share random internet postings with them. You are the man!! You deserve applause for the service you have done the Cuse nation. You showed them UConn fans good, some other random people (which may or may not exist) think opinions on the internet are wrong. New shirt idea for you: Syracuse, #1 at wasting coworkers time.


Really Popular Poster
Aug 28, 2011
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Lol, is someone actually polling coworkers about internet messageboard stuff. That dude needs a life.

That's just sad.

On that note, dude who shows coworkers internet messageboard sports quotes, if you read this, don't feel bad. You aren't an idiot. Your coworkers love you and think it's cool you care so much about sports that you would share random internet postings with them. You are the man!! You deserve applause for the service you have done the Cuse nation. You showed them UConn fans good, some other random people (which may or may not exist) think opinions on the internet are wrong. New shirt idea for you: Syracuse, #1 at wasting coworkers time.

That's my favorite post so far. Can you imagine this scenario?


"Hey Bob, a bunch of Uconn fan's on the internet think Uconn is a better program than Syracuse, isn't that crazy? Of course they're not right? Who do you think is better? [stare's menacingly]

Coworker: "Um, Syracuse? [please go away, please go away, please go away]"


"That's 8 votes for Syracuse! Just what I thought..."


a.k.a PencilForest
Aug 26, 2011
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That's my favorite post so far. Can you imagine this scenario?


"Hey Bob, a bunch of Uconn fan's on the internet think Uconn is a better program than Syracuse, isn't that crazy? Of course they're not right? Who do you think is better? [stare's menacingly]

Coworker: "Um, Syracuse? [please go away, please go away, please go away]"


"That's 8 votes for Syracuse! Just what I thought..."

This is exactly how I imagined it.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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He should start polling customers next.

Wackjob: "Would you like to upgrade to a large bucket of popcorn for just 75 cents?"

Customer: "Sure."

Wackjob: "UConn or Syracuse?"

Customer: "Excuse me?"

Wackjob: "Close enough! Another vote for Syracuse!"


Aug 26, 2011
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BEast mode
Aug 26, 2011
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He should start polling customers next.

Wackjob: "Would you like to upgrade to a large bucket of popcorn for just 75 cents?"

Customer: "Sure."

Wackjob: "UConn or Syracuse?"

Customer: "Excuse me?"

Wackjob: "Close enough! Another vote for Syracuse!"

Come on now, that's not fair. Dude's got a prestigious Syracuse Communications degree. I'm sure they're letting him run the projector by now.


For Your Health
Aug 24, 2011
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Let's face it, this is all that matters and I don't see Syracuse on the list.

Jun 11, 2013
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Just read it, they hate me apparently. Bully for them.

My favorite was the most intelligent/rational Cuse poster quoting the ESPN study which ranked Cuse 8th and UConn 9th.

The best part is, Cuse gets 33 unspecified points to put them into 8th. Add the decades up for Cuse and tell me how they have more points than UConn.

Its true. I remember the ranking but didn't really pay too much attention. Cuse should have gotten 398 points and UConn did get the proper 423 points. Whoever is in charge of adding up the season points for ESPN didn't check it very well.
Whatever. It wouldn't matter if they were ranked ahead. They have been consistent over the years. Lots of wins and a good program. But nobody would trade wins from before the shot clock existed for modern championships. They know this and even tell themselves this, at night, when its very quiet in the Leatherstocking region.
Aug 27, 2011
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That UConn team in 2003 is still shaking their heads that Syracuse won that tournament. Unfortunate that UConn lost to Texas.
We beat SU both times we played them in '03! 75 - 61 and 80-67 in the BET.
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Aug 31, 2011
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I believe it may be enlightening to consider the life experience of a Cuse fan.

Just to start, many Cuse fans never even went to the school, so right off the bat, the intellectual level, critical thinking, and executive functioning are low.

Many Cuse fans grew up in an era where Cuse was actually somewhat dominant in the Big East. They also have a nice little average of 1 FF per decade. It was during this time, the mid 70s through the 80s and into the 90s, that I posit a self-perceived paradigm was formed; a kind of folklore, if you will, of Cuse's dominance. Attitudes and stories are passed down to younger fans, and Cuse's dominance became a kind of legend.

Next, we have to consider the town of Syracuse itself. The people who grew up there can't have much to live for other than Cuse basketball. It's a completely understandable attachment when the next most exciting thing that occurs during your year is the new record lake effect blizzard that rolls through or whatever. Basketball is, far and away, their only real hope of receiving any semblance of town recognition or gaining of any town pride. So, when you combine this folklore with a relatively under-educated fanbase who is also highly attached to the subject of legend, strong emotional ties are made. People start identifying with the folklore itself, as it is a significant part of their year. The dissonance that results from a salty taste of UConn in the mouth causes a similar emotional reaction as a devout Christian is shown the logical and empirical arguments against their beliefs. Their self-esteem must be in some way affected by the outcomes of basketball games played out by teenagers in order elicit such hatred. They respond with nonsensical and non-starter arguments that come from their deeply learned legend, not unlike a Christian reverting back to something they heard in Sunday school when their folklore is challenged. Kind of like the way some Christians treat their faiths, when you attack the Cuse folklore, to them, you are attacking the person themself.

Now, this kind of dissonance with the folklore of Cuse dominance has been thrown and pressed in to the faces of Cuse fans for two decades now, and they've been able to do nothing but take it and cry. We now eclipse them in every stat except, as both fan bases have come to know through ad nauseam repetition, Big East regular season wins. It would be interesting if Cuse never rented Melo for a championship, as I am not sure how this folklore would have lasted without the reinforcement of 2003, albeit now being over 10 years old. Regardless, you see this clinging to the past: Helms Championships and regular season wins. Just recycling the same defeated arguments, completely unaware that said arguments mean nothing to anyone other than themselves.

I think with this in mind, we can understand why Cuse just can't stand UConn. We have been and continue to be the symbol of their sinking to irrelevancy. While we have a shining beacon of the future in KO, they must be shaking in their boots over the eventual departure of the ol' gold digger. The longer we stick around and beat them, the longer they will have to deal with the challenge that Cuse is not dominant anymore. We all know that this is the reason Cuse (and BC) is actively blocking UConn from the ACC. This is their way of plugging their ears and going LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU. How'd that work out for BC? I'm not sure how much better they expect to fare in the ACC. Maybe losing to Duke and UNC is somehow more acceptable to them because Duke and UNC have been better than Cuse for longer than we have.
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Aug 27, 2011
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I was in Rochester for a wedding this past summer and decided to check out Syracuse and that was a mistake. They do have a Dinosaur BBQ so they have that going for them at least.
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Aug 27, 2011
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And- as Boat said- they left the BE with a "bad taste of UCONN in their mouth". Love that line.


Can you say UConn? I knew you could!
Aug 26, 2011
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Let's face it, this is all that matters and I don't see Syracuse on the list.

Didn't they win those two Sy Sperling championships in 1888?

BTW, neither wikipedia or ESPN even mention them.
Nov 14, 2013
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I can't wait until Boeheim retires. They will be bottom of the ACC every year.
Aug 26, 2011
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I know we all hate Syracuse and want to beat them...but I don't really understand why everyon thinks they'll fall off the face of the earth. They'll take a step back a bit, because Boeheim is a HOF coach, but they're an attractive school with history, so they'll be someone who can go there and keep success up.

One feasible reason they would fall off would be lack of consistent access to the NYC metro area...which is fair, but we already clean their clock there in recruiting, so I don't think it will be as dire.


Who wouldn't want to be me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Weirdly, when I think about it, the very first college player I can remember seeing on tv is...Roosevelt Bouie (sp).


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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tzznandrew said:
I know we all hate Syracuse and want to beat them...but I don't really understand why everyon thinks they'll fall off the face of the earth. They'll take a step back a bit, because Boeheim is a HOF coach, but they're an attractive school with history, so they'll be someone who can go there and keep success up. One feasible reason they would fall off would be lack of consistent access to the NYC metro area...which is fair, but we already clean their clock there in recruiting, so I don't think it will be as dire.
Maybe because they already promised the job to a piece of dry white toast who has no chance of succeeding after boewhine, and they know it,
Jun 11, 2013
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I know we all hate Syracuse and want to beat them...but I don't really understand why everyon thinks they'll fall off the face of the earth. They'll take a step back a bit, because Boeheim is a HOF coach, but they're an attractive school with history, so they'll be someone who can go there and keep success up.

One feasible reason they would fall off would be lack of consistent access to the NYC metro area...which is fair, but we already clean their clock there in recruiting, so I don't think it will be as dire.

Any talk of irrelevancy of either program is just foolish. Its not even speculation. A new coach will have X amount of years to win or be replaced. NC didn't whither and die before Roy Williams. UConn football wont die because of PP. Cuse will be fine. It's fun to play back and forth spewing of hatred but they are an elite program. They fall back on conference affiliation and total wins and we fall back on recent success and 3 rings. I certainly like our situation better and believe they would also choose what we have but they have too much pride, like we do.


Stairway to Seven
Jan 5, 2012
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There is a little more concern for Syracuse potentially falling back to earth than other winning programs. Boeheim has been there forever -- all the success is tied to him (like it was with our coach). So there's a chance losing him will be a serious blow.
On paper you would have thought Maryland was a top job after Williams left, but they ended up with their eighth choice Mark Whathisname. Wouldn't be surprising if something similar happened in Syracuse.
Aug 27, 2011
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I was in Rochester for a wedding this past summer and decided to check out Syracuse and that was a mistake. They do have a Dinosaur BBQ so they have that going for them at least.

They have a Dinosaur BBQ in Rochester too. You should have stayed there.


Aug 26, 2011
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It's going to be interesting when the picker retires. His chosen successor has as much head coaching experience as Ollie did. Ollie has shown well his first 1.3 years, but even the most faithful were a bit unsure of his in game coaching would pass the muster right away.

The pickers replacement has a similar question mark above his head. Can he coach in game? Some are masters and others just fail miserably. Of course the picker is probably just average overall anyway, partially due to his insistence on only playing zone.

He is pretty well established as a recruiter, though it's one thing to say "come play for HOF nose-picker" and another to say "come play for me." That is the second question. Will recruits react the same way?

The third question is, will he stick with the zone. It minimizes having to do in-game coaching and keeps continuity (and is boring as sin to watch).

If he sticks with the zone, he should be fine. It makes coaching a lot simpler and recruiting a bit easier (continuity).

Final question, who will be the pedophile on his staff?
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Can you say UConn? I knew you could!
Aug 26, 2011
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[quote=" pass the mustard right away.[/quote]

Will pass muster if he passes the mustard?


Aug 26, 2011
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[quote=" pass the mustard right away.

Will pass muster if he passes the mustard?[/quote]

You try typing that many paragraphs on a cracked screen of an iPad, without autocorrect getting something wrong. I'm getting it replaced this weekend.
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