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South Carolina vs Louisville

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Stake in my pocket, Vlad to see you
Jan 21, 2016
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Just cannot get my head around AW's need to roll up the shorts and non-sleeves of her uni.
I see so many young ladies rolling up their shorts. Ultimately teams are going to have to give these women the option of wearing shorter shorts.

As for the game, Louisville got their collective butts handed to them. They didn't defend the post entry well, often being caught between fronting or playing behind the player. UConn showed that in order to beat a bigger team (bigger than SC) you commit to one or the other, execute, and let your inner toughness define your play. Front and prevent the entry. Play behind and move that player off their mark. Rotate help over to the post and hustle to the arc. Lack of size wasn't necessarily the cause of Walz's team losing. They lost because they didn't execute their defensive scheme, lost focus on their offensive scheme, and were out hustled constantly on both ends. Walz played the early season Frese route by scheduling 6 cupcakes before facing the #3 team. A young team needs to be tested early and often so that for the rest of the season they listen to the coach when even during 20 point victories he points out your shortcomings. Yes, I've criticized Walz for stockpiling guards, and as a coach you need to drill a small team relentlessly on defense and tame that inner delusion of Michael Jordan all of these young players have. Now they play 3 toughies in a row without a softy in between. Terrible scheduling.

Antonelli picked Louisville for her FF. Nuts! Over Maryland, OSU and The UConn. Nuts. Twice she said UConn "only" has 5 teams that could challenge them this year. Name another team that has that number. Certainly not Louisville.
Sep 14, 2011
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I agree with others that SC looked outstanding. The offense really flows this year, which is a scary thought. We will have our hands full in February when we play them. If we can play consistently well for the whole game and take care of the basketball I like our chances. But right now I would have to consider SC the best team in the country.
Feb 18, 2016
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South Carolina is very impressive. Clearly, their guard play is immensely better this year than last. Louisville disappeared in the second half. But as the commentators pointed out, Louisville can be streaky. They were AWOL the first part of last season, then came on strong. Durr is great.

South Carolina can crush people this year. Eye-opening.


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Ive learned that announcers picking winners is wishful thinking. UConn will be there just because they have Geno and defense. As good a SC looked today and they looked balanced inside and out LVille didnt look good at all. Durr and Hines Allen didnt play well. LVilles defense didnt look good at all. SC looks like a FF team right now. LVille doesnt. When I watched todays game I thought of how UConn played D against Baylor. UConn did a really good job against Baylors bigs and I looked for LVille to do that against SC. Not even close. So LVille has alot of work to do especially defensively. So Tuesday nite we got Chatty. Hope to see some Boneyarders there. Coming off a long holiday it will be interesting to see how UConn comes out.


Crowing rooster
Jan 27, 2014
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I just checked into my hotel after the game. It was probably the best I've seen the Gamecocks play, but the crowd was thoroughly disappointing. A UCONN fan was sitting next to me. I thought we would have a lot more fans there after we had about a thousand at the men's game vs. Syracuse in Brooklyn yesterday. We play at Texas next, so I hope we play as well.
Apr 1, 2013
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I see so many young ladies rolling up their shorts. Ultimately teams are going to have to give these women the option of wearing shorter shorts.

As for the game, Louisville got their collective butts handed to them. They didn't defend the post entry well, often being caught between fronting or playing behind the player. UConn showed that in order to beat a bigger team (bigger than SC) you commit to one or the other, execute, and let your inner toughness define your play. Front and prevent the entry. Play behind and move that player off their mark. Rotate help over to the post and hustle to the arc. Lack of size wasn't necessarily the cause of Walz's team losing. They lost because they didn't execute their defensive scheme, lost focus on their offensive scheme, and were out hustled constantly on both ends. Walz played the early season Frese route by scheduling 6 cupcakes before facing the #3 team. A young team needs to be tested early and often so that for the rest of the season they listen to the coach when even during 20 point victories he points out your shortcomings. Yes, I've criticized Walz for stockpiling guards, and as a coach you need to drill a small team relentlessly on defense and tame that inner delusion of Michael Jordan all of these young players have. Now they play 3 toughies in a row without a softy in between. Terrible scheduling.

Antonelli picked Louisville for her FF. Nuts! Over Maryland, OSU and The UConn. Nuts. Twice she said UConn "only" has 5 teams that could challenge them this year. Name another team that has that number. Certainly not Louisville.

I was very confused with Debbie's point of "just 5 teams." While she did mention to some extent "the teams better get to UCONN this year" she did also go on to say terrific things about Geno and overall UCONN.

Secondly, Debbie was the one last year that predicted USF would take down UCONN once last year. I thought that was a nomination of the loooney comment of the decade. I realize some UCONN fans are scared of their own shadow - but USF never had a chance last year to beat UCONN. So last year one of the best ever teams she predicted would lose to USF- yet this year she only expects top ten has a chance to beat them? DePaul played our team well last year. I'm not saying DePaul can beat us juts that her comments are confusing.

Third - she brought up "they better take care of/beat UCONN this year." I think she was implying next year UCONN would be a beast. But . . . -- how is that relevant "what they better do this year" vs "if they can actually do it?"

Fourth- years ago Debbie did a game in which UCONN was playing a team in San Diego and she said that where she sees the future of the game if having 5 players handle the ball and spread the offense so the offense would be able to dribble drive penetrate and kick or take it to the hole - that would be the future. This UCONN team is like that. I would love to have someone play that back ot her and ask her what she thinks of that in terms of this UCONN team.

Fifth- I don't hold it against her she didn't pick UCONN this year -- so far-- she said this is November. Though I'm not a fan of Baylor as many. Other than Jones, I don't like their perimeter play. Cox would have to be a huge impact either on the inside or from the perimeter. But Debbie just gave an opinion. I don't believe UConn is a lock by any means for the final four. I can understand certainly not picking UCONN this year without any malice. If anyone picked them not to go to the final four the last few years - then there would be malice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 13, 2013
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SC has a very good, balanced club BUT. Once I stopped laughing I had to Google Antonelli to see if she was in some way related to J.Walz. She wanted me to believe that while getting blown out by SC, Louisville is going to get to the FF ahead of UConn. She tried to justify it with some mumbo jumbo about Walz' concepts on body positioning. This after watching his team run the same offense they always have, dribble and pass around the perimeter, launch a 3 and hope for a long rebound. And when asked by the cheerleader she was with about leaving out UConn, I didn't hear a direct answer other than Auriemma is building for next year. So with the pool they have to draw from I'm sure she's considered one of their top analysts. Terrible. Oh, and did Durr play in the 2nd half?


Destroyer of Baked Goods
Sep 22, 2014
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SC has a very good, balanced club BUT. Once I stopped laughing I had to Google Antonelli to see if she was in some way related to J.Walz. She wanted me to believe that while getting blown out by SC, Louisville is going to get to the FF ahead of UConn. She tried to justify it with some mumbo jumbo about Walz' concepts on body positioning. This after watching his team run the same offense they always have, dribble and pass around the perimeter, launch a 3 and hope for a long rebound. And when asked by the cheerleader she was with about leaving out UConn, I didn't hear a direct answer other than Auriemma is building for next year. So with the pool they have to draw from I'm sure she's considered one of their top analysts. Terrible. Oh, and did Durr play in the 2nd half?
You gotta give a her a break. Think of it this way... with Carolyn Peck back coaching they now need someone new to say stuff that makes sense to no one. I for one think it's great. The best thing about Antonelli is that when she is wrong her twitter account goes dead silent.... It is rather glorious actually.


Et In Hoc Signo Vinces
Nov 13, 2013
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Admitted, that I arrived late to the game and my recliner, but what I saw were two bad teams, one looking satisfactory only due to a comparison with the other. UL did nothing right. SC was sloppy and disorganized. Neither team got close enough to each other to be doing anything like "guarding." Unguarded shots were the rule, not the exception. SC was certainly more athletic, and seemed a little more poised. But I am not wowzered by either squad.


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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I cannot imagine a worse location/day to have a big game where you want people driving to it. Springfield is down to a single lane in both directions on 91. It is the highest traffic day of the year - last place I am heading is Springfield.
Oct 21, 2016
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Admitted, that I arrived late to the game and my recliner, but what I saw were two bad teams, one looking satisfactory only due to a comparison with the other. UL did nothing right. SC was sloppy and disorganized. Neither team got close enough to each other to be doing anything like "guarding." Unguarded shots were the rule, not the exception. SC was certainly more athletic, and seemed a little more poised. But I am not wowzered by either squad.
I agree first half we looked a little off but in that stretch where we pulled away showed a flash of our potential was when I knew this team is for real. when this team gels together they are going to be good. Good win either way, I'm looing forward to playing Texas they are very physical like us so it should be a good game.


Sky Soldier
Aug 24, 2011
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I cannot imagine a worse location/day to have a big game where you want people driving to it. Springfield is down to a single lane in both directions on 91. It is the highest traffic day of the year - last place I am heading is Springfield.

Almost seems like the NCAA turned to Dan Shaughnessy and Doug Gottlieb to organize and promote the event.:rolleyes:
Jan 5, 2016
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Admitted, that I arrived late to the game and my recliner, but what I saw were two bad teams, one looking satisfactory only due to a comparison with the other. UL did nothing right. SC was sloppy and disorganized. Neither team got close enough to each other to be doing anything like "guarding." Unguarded shots were the rule, not the exception. SC was certainly more athletic, and seemed a little more poised. But I am not wowzered by either squad.
Agreed. I'm watching the end of it now (had taped it) and throughout all I saw was bad ball movement by both teams. Of course, USC has terrific inside players, but the team (continues to) lack finesse. By no means am I suggesting that UConn is a sure bet against them, because USC matches its strength against UConn's one weakness (this year!). But I have to admit, watching A'ja Wilson & admiring what an absolutely terrific ballplayer she is, I kept thinking how much better even, how much more fluid even, how much more intelligent even a player she would be had she gone to UConn. And I'll be thinking that even if/when she wins POY and is the #1 draft choice. And she'd say (or at least think) the same if, 4 years from now, Geno would coach her in the Olympics (but he won't because he isn't coaching it anymore; just sayin').
Mar 29, 2016
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I flipped back and forth between the Giant game and SC/Lville game.. As talented as SC is they don't seem to have the same tempo of the UCONN team. There are times when they trotted back down the court. I noticed this when they lost in playoffs last year... How can you turn up that tempo when you lazy dazy running down the court in the other games??? IMOP


Aug 26, 2011
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Interesting to read all the comments about SC play today, especially when I see this comment by LaChina:

Screen Shot 2016-11-27 at 3.45.35 PM.png

What say you, oh experts?
Nov 13, 2013
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Interesting to read all the comments about SC play today, especially when I see this comment by LaChina:

View attachment 17208

What say you, oh experts?
I would say that I couldn't care less what some TV talking head says. You can put anyone on TV and give them a twitter account. It doesn't mean they know any more about basketball than any of us.
Nov 27, 2012
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I must have missed the Cardinals good portion of the game. When I turned the game on they were down by about 3 and about 10 or 12 minutes later they were down by around 20. They looked bad and S.C. looked great. UCONN will have their hands full with S.C.


Carolina Sandlapper
Apr 12, 2015
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I just checked into my hotel after the game. It was probably the best I've seen the Gamecocks play, but the crowd was thoroughly disappointing. A UCONN fan was sitting next to me. I thought we would have a lot more fans there after we had about a thousand at the men's game vs. Syracuse in Brooklyn yesterday. We play at Texas next, so I hope we play as well.

I thought a lot more of the Boston and NYC gamecocks would come down. We have a sizeable alumni presence in both areas, especially NYC.. and with the men's game being yesterday, which I also attended.

I live outside Hartford, barely an hour from Springfield so I was lucky... had a great time. I hope we play up here more now that I'm based in the New England..

Are you going to the Seton Hall game next month at MSG?
Aug 26, 2011
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Admitted, that I arrived late to the game and my recliner, but what I saw were two bad teams, one looking satisfactory only due to a comparison with the other. UL did nothing right. SC was sloppy and disorganized. Neither team got close enough to each other to be doing anything like "guarding." Unguarded shots were the rule, not the exception. SC was certainly more athletic, and seemed a little more poised. But I am not wowzered by either squad.

I agree, plus Louisville's shooting was terrible- (23-60)38% for 2's and 6-18)33% for 3's.

USC was better on 2's (27-60) 45%, but, worse on 3's (5-17) 29%.

The big difference was on the foul line--7-10 for Louisville and 24-31 for USC.

Louisville couldn't score underneath, but, most of the time they had open shots outside the foul line, especially the 3s, but just missed them.

USC also got 7 more offensive rebounds and 10 more defensive rebounds.

The Louisville front line could not score against Baylor.

Baylor and USC play very similar game plans offensively and defensively, except that the USC players are more talented individually.

Louisville stuck with USC until they stopped making their shots. If they had shot well, they would have been in it to the end, and if they had shot very well, they could have won it.
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