This next piece isn't technically a song, but it is from a soundtrack, and it definitely is about a mode of transportation that isn't planes, trains or automobiles. This mucic cut is on my permanent playlist, and it gives me a boost whenever it comes up. The visual has been edited, but the music has not. (The sound quality of this video is better than the one with the original video).
I was fortunate to be able to watch this movie in IMAX 3D when it came out, but it's still good in hi-def surround, so if you get a chance, rent it or buy it, but watch it. One of my favorite movies of all time, a testament to life and the human experience, and a pure masterpiece of cinematographic excellence. The first 29 minutes of this movie does not have a single cut, and is all one continuous shot. When the movie was over, I felt like I had been holding my breath for 90 minutes.
Anyway, the re-entry scene from the movie "Gravity". Enjoy.