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Some preseason thoughts

Nov 14, 2021
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Maybe I'm being naive, or I'm reading the wrong tea leaves, but I don't see how we can leave Amari out of the equation, if only because we are VERY likely to need her to start at center next year. Even if we pull a European rabbit out of the 2023 hat, this will still be someone with no experience in our system. I don't see us building another title run without Amari getting major minutes next year. To me, this means Amari must get PT this year behind Dorka, maybe as much as 20 mins/g.

Or are we thinking Geno will find another transfer like Dorka for next year? Who exactly would that be, given that he doesn't like picking up players who haven't fulfilled their obligations to their original team? Prince? Ayoka Lee? Boston [lol]? None of these make any sense to me.

And for those of us transfixed by Geno's silence on Amari, this may merely mean he's getting ready to leapfrog her in the rotation and doesn't want to freak anyone out. I know, wishful thinking on my part, but silence is the hardest sign to read.

UConn doesn't do "rebuilding" years. We're always reaching for the brass ring. I think that means Amari plays this year to get ready for next year.
Ameri, DeBerry to me is a ?????. Geno, typically has things to say about players, especially those really needed and on the team 2 years. Geno's philosophy has been (my interpretation) Freshmen get lots of attention, Sophs less, Juniors even less, Seniors are leaders and need little or no attention. Ameri is in the 3rd year? Has she gotten it yet? We don't hear that.
I am not agreeing or disagreeing because like you I know Uconn needs her size, but size alone, without determination, work ethic, rarely succeeds. I have no knowledge of how or where Ameri stands in Geno's scheme--but I'm not as much of a believer as you are. I hope you are correct.
Don't waste too much time on Centers with little or no loyalty to their team--they (in my memory) never get Geno's attention. He is the most loyal person in WCBB.
Your rebuilding and brass ring sentences, say it all. Ameri ???
Aug 27, 2022
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I was going to post the article last night, but chose not to. Auriemma is not pulling punches. If any player on U Conn needs motivation as he would say , they are on the wrong team. He is tempering expectations and giving fans a dose of reality. When he stated " maybe we will get lucky" or "someone else will make a mistake" is about as truthful a statement that he could make.
Nov 14, 2021
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I will dump this here. A general pre season (After Paige injury but before Ice injury) article with a few quotes that might surprise

"That doesn't mean if we get lucky we can't, but if you ask me, are we good enough to win it? No," the coach said. "If Paige was playing I would tell you we are going to win it, but without her, no, we are not going to win it. But if we get lucky and somebody screws up, you never know."

It's a big statement, but Auriemma said that it should be taken with a grain of salt in November.
"It's a long season," he added. "Whatever anybody predicts today, means absolutely nothing when it comes to March."

and this sad quote about Ice's progress

Auriemma said Brady has a very mature game for a freshman. She plays at a good pace and never feels rushed. She can also make open shots, but the main question Auriemma has is how quickly she will get her conditioning level up to the college level, although she's already made "tremendous" progress.
Geno has stated several times in his career that getting to the NC is work, talent, the teams you draw, and LUCK. Sometimes his talent hasn't been exceptional but work, determination, and LUCK has produced an NC. Once, I didn't believe, but time has shown: Geno WINS and data shows that with FF's and NC beyond belief.
The loss of Paige and ICE are terrible for us, for Geno, and for Paige and Ice. Look at those new on board--Lou, Ines, Ayana, could make a difference. That is why I reserve critiquing players until they play top talented teams.
Predictions are Predictions---which mean's they are guesses with or without knowledge.
Nov 14, 2021
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I think you are right that Geno doesn't like to seek out disgruntled players from other programs, hence the completed their obligations preference. He also rarely needs to pursue that approach. If we have two good developments, he won't need to consider that route this time either.

If Amari shows enough this year, and we obtained El Alfy to provide depth and compete with Amari for the starting C spot, he won't need to pursue an emergency C type in the portal. If one of those happens, we could probably cover the lack of a second center with Ice playing backup minutes there. Then we would still have a need for another C, but not a desperate one.

If Amari looks like a bust and we miss out on El Alfy, then picking up whatever we can get at C in the portal becomes a critical need IMO. At that point Geno might prefer a one year rental of an experienced player who has fulfilled their obligations, but he probably would have to consider all posle transfers out of necessity.

Geno knew he needed another guard this offseason and got one in Lou that fit his needs and preferences. Then with Paige's injury he needed another, and pursued the only avenue left for him, namely the best foreign player willing to come to the states and make a quick decision on very short notice. Far from ideal, but Ines was probably a necessity at that point.

El Alfy and a productive Amari, great no problem. At the other extreme I could even see Geno looking for two C's in the portal, one to start, and another to be the backup instead of Amari. Obviously her development is pretty important for this year, but even more important looking to what the scenario will be the next one.

This could be an extremely stacked team at positions 1-4 next year. C is the main question mark, and Amari and the lack of a second C is the main reason why. Hopefully one piece comes on board in the next couple of weeks, and the other proves her worth quickly during the season.
You are correct in many of your views above. This team is what it is, right now, with or with DeBerry ( I hope with), or a "transfer'. Transfers take time to acclimate to Geno, his methods, Uconn's chemistry--except for special players (I'm assuming that is Lou) --few fill the needed positions.
At some point Geno may mentally determine (I assume that has happened) the future of Ameri or any on his team. Top Guards who play will evolve over the season, but Caroline, Azzi, Nika are pretty much established.
Dorka, Edwards big and not so big posts, Edwards is the physically oriented inside we need. How good Dorka is as a "back stop" and scoring post is yet to be determined. She can shoot the 3 or out near the circle, I want the 3 ft or closer made the guards will do great out further.
Nov 14, 2021
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If you watch the pressers closely, Geno responds to questions from reporters about specific players, i.e. Azzi, Aubrey, Ice, etc. None of the reporters are asking him about Amari. Maybe it’s not that Geno has amnesia about Amari, but rather that the press has amnesia about Amari.
Or they are quick learners, i.e. learn what NOT to ask. If Ameri were ripe and ready for the big time, I'm sure we'd all be reading that last month. I do hope (the internal optimist deep within me) that DeBerry is at least a back up Post, there is little doubt that job needs filling.
Nov 14, 2021
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Geno has stated, no coyly, or half heartedly, plainly that Ayana is a phy
Agreed. Player health has to be the number one priority this year. We can't afford one more long term injury. Not trying to be a pessimist or a chicken little (and I'm certainly NOT trying to jinx the team), but I'm almost afraid to log into the yard now for fear of reading that another player has gone down. No more injuries please!!!

I agree with Tonyc. UConn has enough talent to have very successful season. If UConn advances and survives to that 3rd weekend, their success from that point forward will largely depend on their ability to limit the other team's ability to score. I think who plays the best defense will determine the winner (out rebound them and limit our turnovers to 9 or less) It's been said by various posters repeatedly, our BIGS must come through and play BIG........ALL of them. If Dorka and Amari can EFFECTIVLY handle the post duties between themselves all season, we're good.

During media day this week, Aubrey Griffin indicated she was back to 100% and feels good with no lingering after affects. So I'm no longer questioning her. We heard it from HER mouth, and that's good enough for me. I know what we're going to get from her. She's been going "full tilt" in practice. She'll be ready.

Amari and Ayanna are still unknowns until we see them on the court. It won't happen, but I sure would like to know how they both fared in the scrimmage against UMass last Saturday. That would give us some indication of what to expect. Their performance against #3 (preseason) Texas (who should be a "sweet 16" team this year) will be the "litmus test." Any and all doubts will be removed AFTER that game.

During the 2 week period (Nov 14-27) UConn will play Texas, NC St. Duke, and Oregon or Iowa. Plenty of top tier competition to evaluate our team. There should be no mystery going into the Notre Dame game on Sun Dec 4. Geno will known what and who he has. The excitement is really starting to build. A week from tomorrow, the fun begins. :) Get your popcorn ready.
Geno has stated flatly, not coyly, that Ayanna is a physical talent that requires Basketball teachings, i.e to learn Uconn's methods, at a minimum, or more exposure (as you stated back a week or so ago, to Div 1 BB. You stated: Posts (pick your adjective: sometimes, often, occasionally, spend a life bigger than the competition and size mattered too much to learn the fundamentals required.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Geno has stated, no coyly, or half heartedly, plainly that Ayana is a phy

Geno has stated flatly, not coyly, that Ayanna is a physical talent that requires Basketball teachings, i.e to learn Uconn's methods, at a minimum, or more exposure (as you stated back a week or so ago, to Div 1 BB. You stated: Posts (pick your adjective: sometimes, often, occasionally, spend a life bigger than the competition and size mattered too much to learn the fundamentals required.
Ayanna can be a game changer IF she reaches or exceeds her potential this season and beyond. You, me and UConn Nation expects her to. Ayanna is perceived by many to be a raw talent that just needs a little polish, unlike Paige who came in read to go day one. Geno and staff WILL provide that polish and buffing. The Ayanna you see now at the beginning of the season IS NOT the Ayanna you'll see in March.
I'll bet my turban on that!! ;)


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Or they are quick learners, i.e. learn what NOT to ask. If Ameri were ripe and ready for the big time, I'm sure we'd all be reading that last month. I do hope (the internal optimist deep within me) that DeBerry is at least a back up Post, there is little doubt that job needs filling.
It needed filling BEFORE Ice went down, but especially now.


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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Ayanna can be a game changer IF she reaches or exceeds her potential this season and beyond. You, me and UConn Nation expects her to. Ayanna is perceived by many to be a raw talent that just needs a little polish, unlike Paige who came in read to go day one. Geno and staff WILL provide that polish and buffing. The Ayanna you see now at the beginning of the season IS NOT the Ayanna you'll see in March.
I'll bet my turban on that!! ;)
I think Ayanna can look a lot like Aliyah as a freshman. Defense at all positions, rebounding and toughness. That is what she should focus on. Offensive polish will come with time.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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I think Ayanna can look a lot like Aliyah as a freshman. Defense at all positions, rebounding and toughness. That is what she should focus on. Offensive polish will come with time.
Her offense will come when 3 things happen.

1. She realizes that she can play at this level against all comers, and gets over/through the “awe” phase most freshmen go through when they transition from high school to college. i.e., guarding a high-profile opponent that you’ve seen/watched on TV the last 2-3 years.

2. She learns the system well enough to just play, and not think or worry about what she’s supposed to do or where she’s supposed to be (on various defensive sets).

3. The game slows down for her. This should happen sometime between the 10th and 20th game of the season. :) We’ll know when all 3 of these things manifest themselves when she has her breakout game.


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Geno hasnt said much about the healthy and condition of anybody. We heard we have a good shooting team and no mention of who are the good shooters. We think Azzi Caroline and Lou. What about everybody else? I heard Griff is shooting the ball really well and we've heard Amari has a great shot but we havent heard much from Geno. I will not be a Sundays game due to my daughter Jack and Jill party. Shes getting married next September. I couldnt be happier. Ok back to UConn. We dont know much about anything and Im sure on Sunday we will have a better idea. We need Yanna and Amari to be ready because lets face it we are not as deep as we thought we were.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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You are correct in many of your views above. This team is what it is, right now, with or with DeBerry ( I hope with), or a "transfer'. Transfers take time to acclimate to Geno, his methods, Uconn's chemistry--except for special players (I'm assuming that is Lou) --few fill the needed positions.
At some point Geno may mentally determine (I assume that has happened) the future of Ameri or any on his team. Top Guards who play will evolve over the season, but Caroline, Azzi, Nika are pretty much established.
Dorka, Edwards big and not so big posts, Edwards is the physically oriented inside we need. How good Dorka is as a "back stop" and scoring post is yet to be determined. She can shoot the 3 or out near the circle, I want the 3 ft or closer made the guards will do great out further.
Lots of comments and takes from posters have mentioned Amari. But not much from the coaches, Geno or her teammates. As a fan, two days before their exhibition game, I’d like to know specifically what is Amari not doing that the coaches and Geno want or expect her to do?

No doubt Geno, Jamelle (her position coach), and her teammates have all had multiple conversations with her regarding her commitment and dedication to the program. To work hard in practice and the weight room. To be ready mentally and physically for the season.

If someone knows exactly what her deficiencies are, please do tell. Where is she? The jury is still out. I have not read one comment singing her praises about her new and improved persona, or her demeanor in practice and in scrimmages.
Last edited:


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Ameri, DeBerry to me is a ?????. Geno, typically has things to say about players, especially those really needed and on the team 2 years. Geno's philosophy has been (my interpretation) Freshmen get lots of attention, Sophs less, Juniors even less, Seniors are leaders and need little or no attention. Ameri is in the 3rd year? Has she gotten it yet? We don't hear that.
I am not agreeing or disagreeing because like you I know Uconn needs her size, but size alone, without determination, work ethic, rarely succeeds. I have no knowledge of how or where Ameri stands in Geno's scheme--but I'm not as much of a believer as you are. I hope you are correct.
Don't waste too much time on Centers with little or no loyalty to their team--they (in my memory) never get Geno's attention. He is the most loyal person in WCBB.
Your rebuilding and brass ring sentences, say it all. Ameri ???
Amari is a sophomore.
Aug 27, 2022
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Fudd, Ducharme, Senechal, Griffin are his shooters. Has made that statement many times in the last 2 weeks. In todays interview, he elaborated on Aubrey once again. Also through in ,when she and Ayanna are on the court at the same time it is something to see.


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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Lots of comments and takes from posters have mentioned Amari. But not much from the coaches, Geno or her teammates. As a fan, two days before their exhibition game, I’d like to know specifically what is Amari not doing that the coaches and Geno want or expect her to do?

No doubt Geno, Jamelle (her position coach), and her teammates have all had multiple conversations with her regarding her commitment and dedication to the program. To work hard in practice and the weight room. To be ready mentally and physically for the season.

If someone knows exactly what her deficiencies are, please do tell. Where is she? The jury is still out. I have not read one comment singing her praises about her new and improved persona, or her demeanor in practice and in scrimmages.
No Amari mention again with 20+ minute Geno Presser. :oops:


Who put the Bop in the Bop Shoo Bop?
Oct 5, 2015
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I just read a headline on my phone that said Ducharme is injured and not available for the beginning the season. Has anyone heard anything about this? It was behind a pay wall.
Apr 24, 2022
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I just read a headline on my phone that said Ducharme is injured and not available for the beginning the season. Has anyone heard anything about this? It was behind a pay wall.
Geno says she has a sore neck and may not be available against Kutztown. It doesn’t sound serious… but you never know.
Aug 27, 2022
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eebmg, watched and listened to every syllable. It's no longer amnesia, he probably was hypnotized to forget her name. This is no longer about the young lady's talent, real or imagined, but something else may be at play. 10 healthy players, 2 legitimate centers and not a word about the backup. He would talk more about the player who transferred to U.Mass last year who was 3rd string, than he has about her this preseason. Not one interviewer has confronted him about her, but then again, have never heard him being asked any in depth questions so that should not be a surprise.
Apr 24, 2022
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Thinking about lineup questions, I watched the Stanford exhibition game against Vanguard U, a team with no one over 6 feet tall. It was an uninteresting blowout.

It looks like Tara is going to start Jones Jump Brink Iriafen and have a platoon at pg of Emma-Nnopu and Lepolo. This isn't surprising. I was curious to see how Betts would be used, and she looked pretty good on the floor. Better than I expected. With the rotation of bigs at Tara's disposal, it looks like foul trouble will not be a problem this year. Like last year, the only question mark will be at pg. But they are a HUGE team.


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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We have point guards and some other teams dont. IMO your point guard is your teams engine. The point guard makes the team go, is the leader on the floor. If you aint got a good point guard you wont have a great team. Now there are variables however point guard by committee doesnt always work. This UConn team is said to have great shooters. I expect them to carry the team and our bigs to rebound the heck out of the ball. There are gonna be some surprises with this team. They want to win it all and theyve got the talent to do it. Foul trouble and injuries are two things they must avoid to do it.

Bald Husky

four score
Jan 17, 2021
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Geno says she has a sore neck and may not be available against Kutztown. It doesn’t sound serious… but you never know.
Its amazing to me that we don't have more neck and back issues with the way they train. The jerks with the bar bell just cries out pulled muscle, or worse. I pray that Carolines injury is just a stiff neck and nothing more. We need everyone available.
Mar 18, 2021
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Despite losing 3 players drafted by the WNBA- I truly believe that top to bottom this team is superior to last years edition.
Guard play will be fine and the front line will be capable of bringing a dimension to the game that UCONN hasn’t had in a long time, if ever .
Overpowering play from the 4-5 spots with capable substitutes that will not miss a beat.
May take several weeks to sync up.
Scoring won’t be a problem.
Defense WILL be there.
Eye on the prize come March.


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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Its amazing to me that we don't have more neck and back issues with the way they train. The jerks with the bar bell just cries out pulled muscle, or worse. I pray that Carolines injury is just a stiff neck and nothing more. We need everyone available.
Back in the Dark Ages I spent a lot of years doing power cleans, dead lifts, clean & jerks, as well as instructing other athletes how to do them properly. Improper technique can certainly lead to injuries, primarily to the back, knees and shoulders. Neck strains from lifting are generally rare and easily fixable with proper technique that essentially requires that an athlete look straight ahead and lock their head and neck prior to the lift.

Having said that, it’s probably more likely that Caroline’s neck strain occurred getting banged around in practice or sleeping with her head awkwardly on a pillow.

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