And the reasons are...
-Price. It's generally more expensive, a lot more so for students.
-In November, people *might* show up for Idaho. In March? Not so much.
-It's always in Storrs. In Hartford, you'd stand a better chance of getting 7,000 or so.
-The proliferation of ESPN3. If the women's tourney interests you, you can watch more games, and more competitive games, if you stay home.
-The BET, Storrs, and Bridgeport somewhat cannabalize one another. Not everyone prioritizes WBB so much that they'll attend all three. And of the three, Storrs has the least interesting matchups and is the most remote.
-Expectations are lower for this team. In 2009, I was part of throng of 9,000+ who watched UConn dismantle Vermont. But that was an undefeated team, the overwhelming favorite to win it all, and the first championship team Uconn had fielded in a while. And the regionals were in Trenton. But bottom line, people felt like they were watching something special and historic. Watching a very good but not great team obliterate a completely overmatched opponent is less of a draw.